Chapter 572 Undertaker!
And at the moment in the Hangzhou police station.

All the police are busy working.

Including Luoshui.

There are many male policemen nearby.

The organization issued an order to protect Tang Zhong.

So because of this incident, their Hangzhou Police Department also set up a task force.

At this moment, Luo Shui was looking at the computer all the time.

The policeman next to him muttered: "Sister Luo, the organization has come up with an order, let us take that Tang Zhong back now, otherwise something will happen!"

Luo Shui still looked at his computer and ignored it.

"Sister Luo, don't you really get into trouble with that person? It's not good at all. That person is the target we want to protect this time!" A policeman said.

Facing the questions from the people around him, Luo Shui stopped looking at the computer, but said, "That kind of person is someone who is incompetent and pretends to be aggressive, so don't worry about it. When the time comes, he will be scared by those killers. Come back obediently.

And at this moment, a policeman hurried in.

Also part of this task force.

"Sister Luo, something has happened!" The policeman was panting.

"What's the matter? Could it be that something happened to that person named Tang Zhong?" Luo Shui was really anxious this time, she was just playing with that person, if something really happened to that person, everything would be bad.

"No, Sister Luo, it's the killers we paid attention to. They are all dead. Tonight, the brothers on duty got the police, saying that there was a dead person somewhere. All the brothers passed by. It turned out to be the killers we monitored. , They are all dead!" the policeman said.

"What?" Luo Shui couldn't believe it.

The policeman took out a lot of photos and said, "These are all scams on the spot, Sister Luo, take a look!"

Luo Shui immediately took the photo, and then looked at it carefully. Looking at the appearance of the dead people in the photo, she was shocked. These dead killers are the killers they have been chasing, and the appearance of these people is so miserable. This time, I met a strong character.

"By the way, where is the target of protection?" Luo Shui asked.

"That person is gone and we can't find him!" said the policeman.

"What?" Luo Shui became terrified, and quickly got up and said, "Now everyone is going out with me to find the organization to protect. You must not make mistakes, you know!"


All the policemen are mobilized.

Although Luo Shui could not understand Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong was a member of the organization after all, if something happened to him, everything would be bad, and it would be terrible to let such a thing happen.

And at this moment, in Hangzhou.

The killing continues.

Tang Zhong held the spire of Leifeng Tower, the spire was higher than him, and at this moment, the spire was exposed, and it was full of blood.

At this moment, he just came out of a sauna room and killed a man covered in tattoos. The blood almost dyed the entire sauna room red.

That person is called Qinghu, and he ranks ninth on the domestic killer list!

"Finally met a killer list!" Tang Zhong sneered.

"Counting this, there are already 36 killers!" Tang Chong murmured.

Then he took out his mobile phone, his mobile phone was like a small computer, and he could enter the killer intranet forum.

I saw that the quotations on the domestic killer forums have not changed. In other words, no one knows about the death of these killers?
He knew that the price on the killer forum would definitely increase tomorrow, but no matter how much it increased, it would depend on whether anyone dared to accept it.

Looking at the prices on the international forums, the wanted list for him has risen to 5000 million.

Among the 36 killers, there are many killers from abroad. It seems that there are more international news than domestic psychics. It seems that there are many killers. Those killers must act soon.

Then Tang Zhong held the tip of Leifeng Tower and continued to dive forward.

Keep killing the killer.

Wherever he went, there was chaos.

Because he is like a god of death, wherever he goes, souls will be harvested.

In a bar.

Tang Zhong suddenly felt a murderous aura.

The murderous aura that is more surging than before should not be the murderous aura of simple characters.

Immediately holding the spire, Tang Zhong walked in.

The door guards didn't let him in at all, but a spire swept across and directly opened the door of the entire bar.

The guard immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and got up, ready to call the police.

But at this moment, in the bar, under the heavy metal music, the whole bar seems to be lit up, and you can see all kinds of men and women in the dark, either sucking some kind of fans there, or kissing there, can't help but have a lot of gays , friend, and a lot of Lala, two big beauties touching each other's breasts.

This is the bar, after all, it is also the most confusing bar in Hangzhou.

At this moment, Zhang Li is in the bar, drinking with his friends, holding a beautiful woman beside him.

Zhang Li was arrested before, and when he arrived at the police station, all kinds of evidence had been brought out. Tax evasion was serious, and Zhang Li had to make up for it in the shortest possible time, otherwise Zhang Li’s company would be confiscated. I was really unhappy, so I asked someone to come here to get drunk, and then see if there are new female chicks online at the end, so I can have a good night.

Next to him was a fat man: "Brother Li, what's going on, why did you enter the police station!"

Under the sound of music, the voice seemed particularly pale.

Zhang Li drank a bottle of wine happily: "Don't mention it, I met a woman like Su Mingya, and I just got up with me because of the boyfriend of a little girl from the capital, and then I called the police, but the police It's like being stupid, no matter who hit someone, but arrested me, damn it, it's not a thing!"

"Okay, Brother Li, you can't beat the police. You don't say that someone from the capital provoked you, but do you know where that person is? I know Brother Guo from Hangzhou. Do you want him to send you a police officer?" Somebody go to rest for a while, that man from the capital?" said the fat man next to him.

"Do you know Brother Guo?" Zhang Li's eyes lit up, Brother Guo, a legendary figure of the underground forces in Hangzhou.

It can be said that Brother Guo is now the underground overlord of Hangzhou.

"I met you recently, as long as you have the right money and people, Brother Guo will definitely help you!" said the fat man.

"That's great, I'm willing to spend 100 million, I hope Brother Guo can kill that guy!" Zhang Li said.

"Okay, these are small things. I will report to Brother Guo after I go back. You can wait for revenge. A person from the capital dares to come to our city to play wild. He really takes himself seriously!" Fatty said.

Two people are drinking.

"I'm going to pee first!" Zhang Li said, and then got up.

Suddenly, a man in a cloak hurried past them, knocking Zhang Li to the ground just in time.

Within a day, Zhang Li was hit twice for no reason, this time he was knocked down, and he couldn't suppress his anger.

" are looking for death!" He got up from the ground, and then cursed at the man in the cloak.

But the man in the cloak ignored him at all, but nervously looked outside the bar, turned around and was about to leave.

"You still want to leave, dreaming!" Zhang Li went up and tugged at the cloaked man's cloak. This time, if this guy didn't kneel down and apologize, he wouldn't let him go.

But at this moment, the cloaked man turned around, showing a grimace full of tattoos: "If you don't want to die, get out!"


Shocked, Zhang Li backed away with a bang, the opponent's aura was really too strong.

This is definitely a strong character.

But at this moment, the cloaked man turned around and ran away, he felt a murderous aura right beside him.

But at this time, someone slowly walked in from the door: "Mourner, you just want to leave so soon!"

I saw Tang Zhong walking in from the door, holding the spire in his hand, with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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