Chapter 579 So what if it's invisible!
"I'll show you what real shooting is!" Tang Zhong exhaled.

"Real shooting, the whole world, I have never heard of anyone shooting better than me, what are you, and I'm going to be invisible now, what can you do to me?" Dead shot grinned ferociously at this moment.

And now there is no one to see, and the whole person is completely invisible.

At this time, the other people saw that the death shot had completely disappeared, and they all had abnormally ugly faces. They couldn't believe that this scene was real.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

"This is totally against science!"

"Then... that person named Tang Zhong, isn't it going to be bad, such a person is no longer human!"

Luo Shui also became anxious, she didn't expect Tang Zhong to be so strong, it was completely beyond his expectation, but now that Deadshot is completely invisible, no matter how strong Tang Zhong is, he can't stand up to such Deadshot.

"Tang Zhong, come here!" Luo Shui shouted towards Tang Zhong.

As long as Tang Zhong was next to them, there would be no problems. Even if they were afraid of death, they would still protect Tang Zhong's comfort, and the organization had repeatedly told them to protect the good people.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to Luoshui at all, and didn't care about Shishe, but walked slowly to the side of West Lake.

Everyone was stunned, unable to understand what Tang Zhong was thinking, the other party said they were going to kill him, but now they still have time to spare, the other party is an invisible person.

"You... Tang Zhong!" Luo Shui gritted her teeth angrily, she thought that Tang Zhong would be so ignorant.

"What should we do, Sister Luo!" said the policeman next to him.

"In the past, protect Tang Zhong!" Luo Shui said.

A large group of policemen are ready to go.

At this time, the invisible dead shot looked at Tang Zhong, and laughed wildly: "Before you die, take a look at this scenery, and, what exactly did you get in Hidden Sword Valley, hand it over to me now!" !"

"Okay, I'll let you see it now!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at the sky filled with water in the West Lake, then stretched out his finger, and a huge suction appeared.

I saw that the water above the West Lake began to surge, and a vortex was formed in the center.

Moreover, the speed of the vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and the gully formed is getting bigger and bigger!

" is this possible?" Everyone who saw this scene couldn't help but panic.

A person's fingers can reach such a level, this... This is more frightening than invisibility!
Luo Shui widened his pupils, unable to believe that everything in front of him was real.

"My God!" Su Mingya covered her mouth again.

Even Shi She's face was extremely frightened, gloomy and uncertain.

But Tang Zhong looked at the vortex in front of him, stretched out his finger, and saw that the water in the vortex turned into a water column, slowly flew up, and condensed towards Tang Zhong's finger.

At first, in front of the finger, there was just a small water ball spinning rapidly.

Then it got bigger and bigger, and turned into a bigger water polo, spinning at a more violent speed.

At this time, the voice of Death Shoot came: "Tang Zhong, even if you are powerful, so what, I am already invisible, do you want to hit me with just a water polo? This is a dream!"

Indeed, there was nothing in front of Tang Zhong, and he couldn't see anything at all, which meant that Deadshot had become invisible.

"Really?" Tang Zhong laughed.

And the water polo in his palm is getting bigger and bigger.

This is a blood explosion, and a blood explosion is a blood coagulation explosion, but Tang Zhong discovered that water can also be condensed into a ball.

But now Tang Zhong succeeded, the water polo turned, causing a strong wind, blowing Tang Zhong's hair.

"Yeah, you just want to hit me with a water polo, come on, I'm waiting for you here!" Dead shot laughed wildly, at this moment, he had already taken out a dagger.

Deathshot kills invisibly, always holding a dagger, cutting the opponent's throat to death.

"Who said I was going to hit you with your water polo!" Tang Zhong sneered.

Then a burst of blood burst out from Tang Zhong's palm.

At this moment, the power of the blood explosion surged out.

In an instant, I saw that the water polo started to turn red, like a swollen leather ball.

It exploded with a bang.

Seeing this scene, Sishe's face became more and more ugly. He could see how powerful the blood cells in Tang Zhong's palm were. If he hadn't been invisible now, he really didn't know what to do?
"I know you are strong, but what can you do? I'm hiding, you can't hit me at all!"

"Who said that!" Tang Zhong sneered at this moment.

In an instant, the water polo exploded and turned into thousands of small water droplets.

But every drop of water carries violent power, densely intertwined.

Tang Zhong swung out with a backhand palm, and saw thousands of water droplets bursting out.

It's like a big net, flashing forward quickly.

"I know you are invisible, but so what?" Tang Zhong said coldly: "Remember, this is called shooting!"

The dense water droplets flew out like bullets.

Shi She's face, which was still smiling, was completely frozen at this moment. Looking at the red water droplets bursting in front of him, he had nowhere to hide.

Although he is invisible, if others want to hit him, they must aim at him. The water droplets released by the opponent do not need to aim at all, but he has no way to escape.

"This...impossible!" Deadshot had nowhere to go.

The bloody water droplets directly penetrated Dead Shoot's body.

Although he was invisible, he was still hit.

The whole body is full of dense holes.

The blood drops are full of blood power, and each drop is like a bullet.

But at this moment, the death shot was hit, the ability of invisibility appeared, and the look in the pupils was like ashes.

The people around didn't know what happened, but when they saw this scene, they were shocked instantly: " is it possible?"

Luo Shui looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, and then looked at Tang Zhong: "Is this person really the one the organization wants them to protect?"

Su Mingya covered her mouth again.

The raindrops shot just now really shocked everyone.

It was completely out of the scope of science, and the abolished blood dripped into Deathshot's body, the blood power dissipated, and all the water droplets poured down like a torrential rain.

At this moment, Deathshot looked at the person in front of him in horror: "You... who are you?"

"I...named Tang Tiansha!" Tang Zhong said.

" are Tang Tiansha, the overlord of the Middle East..." Death Shee said in horror.

"it's me!"

"I didn't die unjustly!" Shi She sighed.

Tang Zhong, Tang Tiansha, what he didn't expect, if it was Tang Tiansha, the overlord of the Middle East.

"Whoever enters China must die!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Immediately pointing out, in an instant, the blood sword came out, and immediately flashed forward, in an instant, the sword cut through Shi She's body, and then Tang Zhong retracted the sword.

Seeing that Shi She's whole body was like a puddle of mud, his body was cut in half, and he fell to the ground with a bang. Before he died, he didn't rest in peace.

(Something happened at home today. Everyone in my group knows that it is gone today, but don’t worry!)
(End of this chapter)

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