Chapter 580 The nations are shocked!

The world's number one killer shot to death.

This scene shocked everyone.

Including Su Mingya and Wei Xiaoqing.

Luo Shui had already froze, and she could guarantee that there must be other reasons for the organization to let them protect this person, but it was absolutely impossible to protect him because they were afraid that this person would be in danger.

Tang Zhong didn't even look at Shishe's body, but walked to Luoshui's side: "Officer, help me find a computer!"

"Okay, okay!" Seeing Tang Zhong's tricks, Luoshui couldn't believe that Tang Zhong was still an ordinary person, and hurriedly shouted to the policeman behind him, "Quick... quickly find a computer!"

No matter what Tang important to do, she is now willing to obey.

Because it is next to the ** Tower and nearby is a scenic spot, so the computer came quickly, and it was placed in front of Tang Zhong.

I saw that Tang Zhong directly entered the domestic and international killer forums.

Directly sent a post in red font.

"You can kill me, enter my Huaxia, who gave you the courage!"

The signature is Tang Zhong.

Then a picture was attached, it was the bloody heads of those killers, and the pierced corpse of Death Shooter.

In an instant, this news caused a sensation on the killer forum.

Those killers were always watching the news on the forum. At this moment, when they saw this news, all the killers trembled.

Especially seeing that those heads are all people on the international killer rankings, and they are still so familiar, all the faces are ugly, and some killers are starting to rejoice that they didn't take this task, otherwise he would be the one who died now .

"Oh my god, it's terrible, who the hell is this Tang Zhong?"

"I don't believe it, so many killers were killed by him alone, someone must have helped!"

"He protects Huaxia so much, he must be the official of Huaxia!"

All the killers are talking.

And Tang Zhong's post has been hung on the front page of the post, because this is the first time that a person who is going to be killed posts on the killer forum, which is tantamount to challenging the killers of the whole world. It's a shame at all, but even so, they dare not say a word, because the other party is really too strong.

The post about Tang Zhong being wanted also quietly disappeared in the killer forum. Ordinary killers directly canceled their orders for Tang Zhong. Any killer has already refused to kill Tang Zhong.

Countries all over the world have gradually discovered Tang Zhong.

Moreover, Tang Zhong was designated as a dangerous person, a dangerous person in China.

All countries are launching assassination plans, because Tang Zhong is not eliminated, how strong will China's power be in the future?There will definitely be another powerful country. Moreover, what exactly was obtained from the miraculous photo of Hidden Sword Mountain is all the more curious. If there is no accident, it must have been obtained by Huaxia.

But the biggest threat is Tang Zhong.

The major leaders began to express their views one after another.

"Ba Ge Ya Lu, this Tang Zhong must die!"

"Must die, die!"


At this moment, among the killing organization, an emergency meeting was being held.

All the members arrived, gathered around the huge table.

On the huge projection in front, it was the Intranet of the Killer Forum, and the most conspicuous thing was the red title.

"It's okay to kill me, but who gave you the courage to enter China!"

When the people present saw this sentence, they couldn't help but feel that it was too arrogant.

The bloody hand in a white suit looked at the members in front of him and said, "Why, what do you think, you can say it now!"

But no one spoke.

At least those present were shocked.

"Dark boxing champion, what do you think?" Bloody Hand asked.

The black dark boxer closed his mouth tightly and did not speak.

"What about you, Scarlet Queen!" Bloody Hand continued to ask.

Others asked all over with bloody hands, but got no response, then took out their cigars, lit them, took a puff, and shouted angrily: "A bunch of trash, you really think this Tang Zhong will have such a powerful force, I know Huaxia The strength of those people, I have never heard of Tang Zhong, so it is not his own strength that he killed the group of Shishe. Therefore, we must kill this Tang Zhong, then take away what he got, and serve our killing organization. I believe we will become stronger. At that time, we will not compete with small countries, but with more powerful countries. ,do you know?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes couldn't help burning.

Going up against a bigger international, that's what everyone in the kill group thinks

"I have informed Long Aojue that when we arrive in Huaxia, this man named Tang Zhong must be killed, and he must not be allowed to live!" Xue Shou said.

Everyone's pupils couldn't help burning up.

It is absolutely easy for a person at the peak of martial arts to kill someone.

The strong international reaction pushed Tang Zhong's name directly to the forefront.

It can be said that this time Tang Zhong used the name of Deadshot and a bunch of killers to really make him famous all over the world, although it will only bring harm, and there is no benefit at all.

And at this moment, China's side.

Tang Zhong had already returned the Leifeng Pagoda.

As for what happened next to the Leifeng Pagoda, the people present have been completely controlled. Tang Zhong's methods have been kept secret and must not be leaked, otherwise it will be a huge loss to Huaxia, but control is not slavery , but eating and drinking every day, those people can do whatever they want?
The surrounding area of ​​Leifeng Pagoda was damaged, and soon someone came to build it, and completely renovated the entire Leifeng Pagoda. It was said that it was a renovation, but in fact, it was to remove any traces left by the killer. If there were really spies, recently The Leifeng Pagoda will never be peaceful.

And at this moment, in Su Mingya's coffee shop.

Tang Zhong was drinking coffee comfortably.

In the battle of Leifeng Pagoda, Su Mingya was really shocked. He never thought that Tang Zhong would be so powerful. He didn't know what to say when he saw Tang Zhong, but the barrier between her and Tang Zhong must be eliminated.

So please Wei Xiaoqing to speak well, Tang Zhong didn't want to have any hatred with Su Mingya, so he came here to drink coffee, prepared by Su Mingya himself, and many people who saw it were extremely envious.

Luoshui also came. She had already reported the matter at Leifeng Pagoda to the organization, and now the results have been obtained. She came this time to report to Tang Zhong.

"Mr. Tang, this is the international reaction. Almost all countries seem to be afraid to come to China again!"

"Fart, tell everyone, let them be more vigilant, other countries, that one is a fuel-efficient lamp!" Tang Zhong didn't look at the document in Luoshui's hand.

"Ah!" Luo Shui said, suddenly she thought of something, looked at Tang Zhong and said: "Someone in the organization issued an order to turn on the phone!"

Tang Zhong had already guessed who gave the order.

(There will be four updates from this morning to noon)

(End of this chapter)

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