Chapter 581 Happiness is a matter of two people!
Tang Zhong knew that it must be Li Linglong calling.

Because of the murder before, he turned off his cell phone, and turned it on immediately.

Soon, there was a phone call.

Li Linglong called 10 times, it seems that this guy is in a hurry.

But in the next second, another notification sound came.

Tang Zhong's cell phone was about to collapse, even though his cell phone was specially made.

For the next signature, Tang Zhong just glanced at it and laughed, especially when he saw the number of calls later, he suddenly realized that turning off the phone was the worst choice.

"Weiwei, 15892 calls, 3256 text messages!"

And the content of each text message is different.

"Brother Tang, where are you?"

"Brother Tang, why did you turn off the phone?"

" didn't answer my call!"

Above a thousand items are all concerns.

But then basically the tone started to change.

"Damn Tang Zhong, if you don't answer my phone, I'll make you kneel on the washboard when you come back!"

"Damn Tang Zhong, you still don't answer my phone!"

Of the 3256 text messages, Tang Zhong didn't skim over any of them, he read them all, because between the lines, it revealed the concern of that person.

"Damn Tang Zhong, don't come back, just die outside!"

But the next text message changed the style of painting: "No, brother Tang, I didn't say you were dead, bah bah bah, my mouth..."

Seeing Tang Zhong wanted to laugh very much.

But now he didn't call back right away. The reason why he didn't answer Wei Wei's call was because he was always in danger. If Wei Wei was also in danger because of his own reasons, he absolutely didn't want to see it.

He didn't answer the phone, and when everything was done, he went back to the capital, to the Tang family.

What he wants to give Wei Wei is beautiful love.

Then, he called Li Linglong.

After a while, it will work.

Soon Li Linglong's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, Tang Zhong, you are famous this time, and now everyone is talking about you!" Li Linglong blurted out directly.

"En!" Tang nodded.

"I sent someone to protect you because I couldn't get through to your phone and didn't let you kill people, but you were lucky and killed everything!" Li Linglong said.

"Those people are killers!"

"I know it's a killer, but do you know? The whole world is paying attention to what happened on Hidden Sword Mountain. You are on the cusp of the crisis. Your situation is already very dangerous. You are doing it even more dangerously, it may be said that they only obtained the treasures from Hidden Sword Mountain before, but I am afraid they want to get rid of you, you are really too reckless this time!" Li Linglong said.

"Then let them come!" Tang Zhong said, "I will kill as many as they come!"

"You!" Li Linglong didn't know what to say: "I tell you, you must keep a low profile now. My master has already tried his best to protect you for everything that happened before. I believe you will be fine!"

"En!" Tang nodded.

"By the way, I just want to ask you one thing. What exactly did you get on Hidden Sword Mountain?" Li Linglong asked.

Tang Zhong didn't tell anyone about the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldiers.

"It's nothing, it's all useless!" Tang Zhong said.

"I'm going, you are really sad. Useless things have put you in such a predicament. By the way, I have to tell you something. You have to go to Longwu to report now. I have already suppressed you." I have been the chief instructor for a long time, if you don't go, they will deprive you of the qualification of chief instructor!" Li Linglong said.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong also remembered this.

In the past, the Tang family was prosperous because of the power of their grandfather Tang Zongyao. After his grandfather died, Tang Ran committed crimes for several years with the help of his grandfather. But now, Tang Ran is also dead. There is no longer any reason for others to be afraid, so now Tang is important to become stronger, only in this way can the Tang family's original prestige be restored.

"I will go, don't worry!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, there is one more thing that I have to tell you, you know? During the time you disappeared, your wife has annoyed me many times, can we stop doing this, I won't go to your house, you Don't let me eat dog food like this, I can show affection by myself, I really kneel down, I am completely convinced!" Li Linglong complained.

During this period of time, Li Linglong had been annoyed by Jiang Weiwei countless times, mainly because he didn't know about Tang Zhong at all.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong just smiled, looked at the more than 1 missed calls on the phone, felt relieved, it was time to go home.

After hanging up Li Linglong's call, Tang Zhong decided to call Jiang Weiwei back.

After dialing a familiar number, the bell rang, and a second later, someone answered it.

Before Tang Zhong could speak, a voice came from the other end of the phone: "Let me tell you, Tang Zhong, if you don't go home, you will be finished. I'm not finished with you. I'm so mad!"

"I'll go home in a while!" Tang Zhong said lightly.

In an instant, I heard the voice on the phone weaken: "Ah... come back soon!"

Jiang Weiwei had a tone of life and death just now, but she became obedient in an instant.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

And then nothing more.

A phone call, as long as you know that the other party is still there, that's fine.

No matter who you are, how much money you have, or how strong you are, as long as you have someone waiting for you when you go home, that is the happiest thing.

He can't wait now.

The Tang family is in the capital, and it may have been back countless times, but as long as someone you love is waiting for you, the home is always full of freshness.

Farewell to Luoshui, farewell to Su Mingya, Wei Xiaoqing and others.

Tang Zhong sat on the bus back to the capital, looking forward to it in his heart.

Three hours later, I got off the car in the capital and went straight back to Tang's house.

Tang Zhong walked forward quickly, with a smile on his face.

Along the way, they greeted him.

Finally saw Jiang Weiwei.

She didn't go to work and was at home all the time.

Tang Zhong saw that the kitchen was smoking at a glance, so he was about to open the door and go in.

Opening the door, Jiang Weiwei was cooking on the stove, and black smoke rose from the pot, constantly surging.

Jiang Weiwei was so frightened that she didn't dare to stretch out her hand, she turned around suddenly, she saw Tang Zhong, turned around and ran towards Tang Zhong, and hugged him.

"You're back!"

"Didn't I come back?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Kiss my wife!" Tang Zhong smiled, and then kissed Jiang Weiwei's small mouth.

A look of satisfaction appeared on Jiang Weiwei's pretty face, with her head lowered, a tinge of blush actually appeared.

" are hungry, I'll cook for you!"

Cook?When Tang Zhong heard it, his face turned ugly. He remembered the dark dish before, it was so ugly!

But seeing Jiang Weiwei's appearance, as long as he gritted his teeth, the daughter-in-law did it, and endured it!
After all, happiness is a matter between two people, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to love!
(End of this chapter)

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