Chapter 583 Prepare for push-ups!
The base in front was empty, the other bases were all trained there, but the Longwu base was empty.

How is this going?

Tang Zhong got out of the car and looked around.

On the training ground, there are a lot of equipment, some of which are almost rusted due to being exposed to the sun outside. Not only that, the targets on the shooting range in the distance don’t have a single hole in them, which shows that they haven’t been shooting for a long time.

Not only that, but now there is no one outside.

"Where are people?" Tang Zhong murmured.

"People may not be there. In fact, there is something I think I must tell you, that is, the three troops of Longyin, Longying and Longwu have already decided to withdraw Longwu. There are too few people, and, already There is no need to exist anymore, many instructors came before, but they were of no avail, so just do your best!" Li Linglong said.

"It's okay!" Tang nodded, and immediately walked forward.

I saw a lot of people gathered together in a room in front of me, as if they were drinking.

"Three six nine..."

Two people in camouflage uniforms were drinking and guessing fists.

"You lose, drink!"

I saw that the loser directly picked up the wine glass, drank it down in one gulp, and then hiccupped for a long time.

The other onlookers were just watching, and no one stopped it.

During training time, he actually drank!
Tang Zhong frowned instantly.

Slowly walked into the small house.

He bypassed the people around him and sat directly on the wine table.

At this time, all the soldier kings with drunk faces saw Tang Zhong next to him, and they didn't know how the other party got in.

"You... who are you?"

No one has ever visited Longwu's place, and almost everyone present was shocked.

"I'm here to drink!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

"Fart, what are you drinking, we're Long Wu here, tell me who you are?" Someone shouted at Tang Zhong.

"Coincidentally, I belong to Longwu too!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Then he grabbed the bottle and started drinking.

"Fart, we are also from Longwu, why have we never seen you before!"

"Yes, that's right!"

"Who are you?" The people around not only shouted at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong grabbed the wine glass, drank it down, and said, "I am Tang Zhong, Longwu's chief instructor!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present looked at me and I looked at you.

"You are Tang Zhong, the chief instructor who came to our Longwu?" the person who spoke before said humanely.

"It's me!" Tang Zhong said.

"You? A brat, you say you are Tang Zhong?" The people around couldn't help laughing.

They all knew that Longwu had a chief instructor named Tang Zhong, but no one thought that this person would be so young?

What can such a person teach them?

Can't teach anything!

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but continued to drink, then looked at the person who spoke, and said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Chen Dagang, the captain of Longwu!" said the person who spoke before.

"Chen Dagang, get ready for push-ups!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

very quiet.

When the man named Chen Dagang heard this, his face suddenly changed, and then he laughed loudly: "You asked me to do push-ups, so I will do push-ups? Who do you think you are? Don't say whether you are Tang Heavy, even if you really are, what can you do? A brat, you just want us soldier kings to listen to you, you are still far behind!"

"Get ready for push-ups!" Tang Zhong continued.

He drank another glass of wine.

Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance, the people around were stunned.

At this moment, Chen Dagang felt embarrassment on his face. He was slapped in the face by Tang Zhong's words, and there were so many people around him watching him.
More than 40 of them had discussed that when this Tang Zhong came, he must give this Tang Zhong a serious blow, but now, after Tang Zhong came, they didn't give him face like this.

"You...what are you? Let me tell you, Tang Zhong, I don't accept you as our chief instructor. What qualifications do you have for a brat?" Chen Dagang said.

This is his voice, and it is also the voice of those around him.

"Want to watch it?" Tang Zhong was drinking slowly, but now he had changed from drinking happily before, to pursing his mouth and looking at Chen Dagang.

Chen Dagang was a little frightened, as if standing in front of him was a beast.

"Think about it, come on, little brat, I really don't know how you replaced General Meng Wuxiang Meng as the chief instructor of Longwu!" Chen Dagang said.

Just finished speaking, at this moment.

Chen Dagang himself did not expect that what greeted him was a wine bottle.

Tang Zhong suddenly stood up, picked up the wine bottle, and threw the bottle towards Chen Dagang's head.

It hit Chen Dagang directly, and there was a bang, and the wine bottle burst open.

Chen Gang's head was bleeding, and the wine in it was spilled.

Seeing this scene, the people around were truly stunned. No one expected that such a result would happen.

Because in Longwu, no, even Longying and Longyin, the first accident happened, someone hit someone with a bottle here.

I saw that Tang Zhong was not moved at all, at this moment, holding another wine glass in his hand, he began to drink happily.

"That's how I became the chief instructor of Longwu, have you seen it?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The people around were shocked again.

Chen Dagang roared directly: " hit dare to hit me, this is Longwu..."

"Oh!" Tang Zhong grabbed the bottle again, pointed it at Chen Dagang's head, and dropped it down.

Facing the top of Chen Dagang's head.

Chen Dagang screamed and slapped, lying on the ground like a turtle.

"See now!" Tang Zhong said.

People around looked at Tang Zhong as if they were crazy.

Li Linglong was also at the side. Seeing this scene, he covered his face: "Fuck me, this guy is about to be fired... No one has ever used such a crude fighting method!"

Chen Dagang lay on the ground and began to curse: "Tang, you are such an adult, aren't you afraid of being fired? Let me tell you, my father is Chen Gang, and I want you to be laid off, just a matter of words."

"Oh!" Tang Zhong stepped on Chen Dagang's back at this moment.

Chen Dagang screamed again.

At this time, the people around were really speechless.

I have been in Longwu for so many years, and I have been the king of soldiers for so many years, but I have never seen such an instructor, who beat people directly when he first came.

Tang Zhong looked at the people around him and said, "Now, prepare for push-ups?"

(It was updated yesterday, it was too late at night, so I forgot to update it, and upload it now)

(End of this chapter)

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