Chapter 584 Fight!

"Get ready for push-ups!" At this moment, Tang Zhong continued.

"You're dreaming!" Chen Dagang got up from the ground and shouted at Tang Zhong.

"Boy, you are not worthy to be our chief instructor!"

Then he turned his head and said to the others: "Brothers, let's go together and catch this guy!"

"it is good!"

The other Longwu people, upon hearing Chen Dagang's words at this time, were ready to act directly.

Let's move forward together.

Because before, they said together that they must give this Tang Zhong a blow.

What they need is Meng Wu as an instructor, and this Tang Zhong is nothing at all.

And when they saw Tang Zhong, they were even more unconvinced when they realized that the other party was so small. Isn't this delaying their training?The organization has already said that if the next three groups will be worse than if Long Wu's results are still worse than theirs, Long Wu will be disbanded. They have finally reached the point where they are today, how can they be disbanded casually?
Dissatisfaction surged from everyone.

"Let you be our chief instructor, we are really out of luck. A person younger than us is also stuffed here to be the chief instructor. This is really deceiving!"

"Just because of you, a person who doesn't know where he came from, wants to be our chief instructor. This is a shame for our Longwu!"

"Also, you, you actually hit people as soon as you make a move, your behavior is completely Xiao Liumang!"

All the people are not afraid of Tang Zhong's hearing at all, what they want is to force Tang Zhong away.

If Longwu is disbanded, their efforts for so many years will be in vain.

"That's right, that's right, Tang Zhong, you are not worthy to be our chief instructor, we will drive you away!"

"At your age, you also want to teach us that you are definitely the son of some general. Now you want to come to our Longwu for gold plating. Let me tell you, there is no way!"

Li Linglong couldn't stand it anymore.

He knew that these people would definitely target Tang Zhong, but he didn't expect that they would target Tang Zhong so quickly, and what they said was really ugly. He felt that he should stand up and speak for Tang Zhong.

"You are provoking the instructors. Tang Zhong's chief instructor position is arranged by the organization. You are charged with doing so!"

Chen Dagang was the first to take the lead, and said directly, "To provoke the instructor, he must be qualified to be our instructor, otherwise, it's just farting!"

Others also began to echo: "That's right, he is not qualified to be our instructor, why are you talking about provoking the teacher? Is he worthy?"

Seeing this scene, Li Linglong couldn't help frowning. He never thought that the situation would be so difficult. He was about to speak again, but at this moment, Tang Zhong waved him to stop.

Tang Zhong stood up slowly, looked at all the disciples in front of him with a smile, and then said calmly: "If you say that, you are not satisfied with our chief instructor!"

At this moment, as Tang Zhong opened his mouth, the people around him stopped talking, but looked at each other, and the information was conveyed in the eyes, which was basically communication.

"Actually, if you are dissatisfied, you can say it out, I am very open-minded!" Tang Zhong said with a smile, his eyes narrowed into a straight line.

Li Linglong shuddered when he saw Tang Zhong like this. He remembered that he was in this state when Tang Zhong slaughtered the Mo family on Hong Kong Island, but those people were just ordinary people, but now these people are They are all Long Wu's soldiers, it's not okay to kill like this, he has to stop Tang Zhong, what if this guy does something out of the ordinary again?
That would be a picture of blood flowing like a river.

"Don't..." Li Linglong hadn't finished speaking.

Then Chen Dagang took a step ahead, the injury from being smashed by the wine bottle before was much better, after all Tang Zhong didn't use any strong means, he just wanted to scare Chen Dagang before.

"Really? Since you are enlightened, you should get out of Longwu and let General Meng Wuxiang be our chief instructor. Do you think you are stronger than General Meng Wuxiang?"

Hearing this, Li Linglong thought to himself that it was over. Wouldn't talking like this create an unhappiness between his senior brother Meng Wuxiang and Tang Zhong?And with the personality of the senior brother, he is the strongest. If Tang Zhong said something wrong today, then... the consequences are unimaginable.

In his opinion, Tang Zhong is very powerful, but he is far worse than the big brother!

Tang Zhong was still at ease at the moment. He glanced at the roster in his hand, the list of all the owners of Longwu, but then looked through it carefully.

The list of more than 40 people can be found at a glance.

"Chen Dagang, joined Longwu three years ago, and joined as No.1 back then... You are the first in fighting, second in shooting, and first in physique. Your grades are very good!" Tang Zhong finished reading the file with Chen Dagang's photo said with a smile.

"Hehe, since you know how powerful I am, you should weigh how much you weigh, and get out as soon as you can!" Chen Dagang raised his head and said.

Tang Zhong closed the document in his hand, then looked around and said, "Is there anyone else who is not satisfied with me?"

"We're not satisfied either!"

"Yes, we are not satisfied!"

The surrounding Longwu members all started talking at this moment.

They suddenly discovered that this so-called chief instructor is just a persimmon that can be squeezed casually!

"I know that many people are dissatisfied with me, but this is also an organizational decision, isn't it? What kind of talent can be your chief instructor?"

When everyone heard this, their gazes became hot. A chief instructor with such low self-confidence would be driven out very quickly. A group of people gathered together to discuss, and then looked at Chen Dagang in unanimous agreement.

Chen Dagang quickly caught the eyes of others, and immediately looked at Tang Zhong with a sneer: "It is not difficult to be our chief instructor, but at least he is stronger than us, so he is qualified to be our chief instructor. People can't compare, what about the chief instructor, what about teaching, isn't everything farting?"

"Then you say that, do you want to fight with me?" Tang Zhong was still smiling.

Chen Dagang's attitude changed, and he immediately said: "Yes, that's right, if you can beat me, you are qualified to be our chief instructor, if you can't even beat me, you should get out of Longwu as soon as possible, but, you If you can't beat me, don't blame me. I am a person who respects fighting. When I make a move, even if I am weaker than me, even if I am familiar with someone, I will beat them all over the floor and break the ribs of my whole body. Strong, even if he beats me to death, I won't hate him!"

Chen Dagang dared to say such a thing, and he had already planned to kill Tang Zhong. It may be said that Tang Zhong was appointed by the organization, and he could not be cruel, but since he said so, then let him do it casually, anyway, he was beaten by someone The bottle was very upset, but he could feel the strength of the opponent's swing of the bottle, it was really very small, and he could completely beat it with his ability.

"Really? Then I, the chief instructor, have to take a good look at your ability!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding Longwu members couldn't help but want to watch and be curious, because Chen Dagang's fighting is really strong. The previous instructors have suffered under Chen Dagang's hands. This new chief instructor, this time planted!

(Chapter 589 is blocked, so I can't read it!)
(End of this chapter)

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