Chapter 588 I, Long Wu, want this place!
"Okay!" Tang Zhong replied when he heard Li Linglong's words.

Any welcome meeting is secondary to him.

If you have come to Longwu, what you want is the real Longwu, those black sheep should have been kicked out long ago.

Since there is a welcome party, just go.

Soon, Li Linglong took Tang Zhong to the office of Chief Instructor Longwu.

Then Li Linglong left.

Tang Zhong put the wicker next to him, and began to close his eyes and meditate.

It was finally night.

Someone came in and invited Tang Zhong to attend the welcome party.

Of course Tang Zhong agreed.

Since he is the chief instructor of Longwu, he must establish a good relationship with other colleagues.

So it was the place where the party was held with the people who were with him.

The two walked out slowly.

Along the way, the young-looking soldier hesitated to speak several times.

Tang Zhong saw the other party's problem, and immediately said: "What can you tell me directly? Since you choose to stay in Longwu, you choose to follow me. I said that I am an enlightened person!"

When the soldier heard Tang Zhong's words, he turned around and looked at Tang Zhong. His immature face didn't look very old, he was only in his 20s. Compared with other people, Longwu soldiers in their 20s were absolutely He is a genius, but in Tang Zhong's eyes, no kind of person can be considered a genius.

When the soldier heard Tang Zhong's words, he looked even more embarrassed and said: "Tang Chief Instructor, my name is Gu Jin. I am very glad that you can become our Chief Instructor. In fact, I am convinced of you in my heart!"

"I know, but I'm afraid this is not the point you want to say!" Tang Zhong said.

Gu Jin heard Tang Zhong's words, stared at Tang Zhong for a while, and then nodded: "Yes!"

"President Tang, I hope you can hold back no matter what happens for a while!"

Tang Zhong frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

"We'll know when we get to the front in a while!" Gu Jin said with embarrassment.

"Okay!" Tang nodded and stopped asking.

It can be seen that Gu Jin is a good person.

Then, under Gu Jin's leadership, the two arrived at the cafeteria of the base.

In the cafeteria of the base at this moment, you can see that a party is going on happily in the front.

People in camouflage uniforms are chatting happily.

"Instructor Tang, go in!" Gu Jin suddenly stopped and said.

"Why don't you go in?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

"I...we from Longwu are not qualified to enter such an occasion!" Gu Jin said.

Hearing this, Tang Zhong frowned instantly: "Why do you say that?"

"There is no seat for us at such a party!" Gu Jin said with a wry smile.

"Where's the seat?" Tang Zhong asked.

"There are too many people in Longyin and Longying, and the cafeteria can just accommodate their people, so we have no place to sit, so we have never participated in such an event!" Gu Jin said.

"What did the former chief instructor say about this kind of thing?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Our former chief instructor didn't care about this kind of thing at all, he only cared about his own participation, so instructor Tang, you should go first!" Gu Jin said.

"Go and gather the brothers!" Tang Zhong didn't ask anything else, but said directly.

"All gathered here?"

"Yes, it's here!"

Before Gu Jin asked anything else.

Tang Zhong already wanted to leave.

Seeing Tang Zhong's leaving back, Gu Jin was stunned, why gathered all the people here?But he respected Tang Zhong, even though he was beaten up by Tang Zhong today, he immediately turned around and called for someone.

At this moment, Tang Zhong walked into the cafeteria.

I can feel the fragrance blowing on my face.

People who could see Long Yin and Long Ying gathered around the table, eating vegetables and meat bit by bit.

The meals of the three armies are quite good.

Because the training they have to undertake every day is very stressful, so they must replenish the energy they need for the day through eating.

Tang Zhong glanced away, and saw their Longwu's territory, and they didn't even have a Longwu's dining table, which is too hateful.

And at this time, among Long Yin's group of people, Zhao Qiang from before stood up.

From Longying's side, there is a strong man who also came out at this moment. He is the chief instructor of Longying, and his name is Chen Huo.

When the two saw Tang Zhong, they walked over and applauded to signal the audience to stop.

Soon, the joyous atmosphere around stopped.

On behalf of Long Yin, Zhao Qiang walked forward slowly and said, "Welcome, Long Wuxin's chief instructor, I am Long Yin's chief instructor Zhao Qiang!"

Chen Huo, too, came out with a smile on his face, and said, "I am the Chief Instructor of Longying, Chen Huo!"

Tang Zhong glanced at the two people in front of him, but he didn't extend his hand at all.

"This is my welcome party?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"Yes!" Zhao Qiang was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Then, why are there no people from Longwu here?" Tang Zhong said.

"This... there are too few people in Longwu, so you can skip it. Besides, the cafeteria is so big!" Zhao Qiang said, and then smiled: "Okay, instructor Tang, today is a good day for you to be promoted , let’s celebrate you now, your place is right there!”

Immediately pointed to a corner in the distance.

In the corner, there is a table with meals laid out.

For Zhao Qiang and Chen Huo, they have never paid attention to Long Wu, so whenever there is something good here, they will directly pass Long Wu over.

Besides, as for the welcome party, there is no need to hold it at all. For Zhao Qiang and the others, they just want to give their own people extra meals.

Why not take advantage of this opportunity and have a good meal. As for Tang Zhong, a symbolic welcome is enough, and there is no need to pay attention to it at all.

"My welcome party, without our Longwu people, I'm afraid it's against the rules!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Since he is now the chief instructor of Longwu, all the people in Longwu are his soldiers. It is impossible for him to let his soldiers receive any damage, let alone let his soldiers even welcome him. He couldn't even attend the welcome party. If it got out, it would make people laugh out loud.

When Zhao Qiang and Chen Huo heard this, the expressions on their faces disappeared, replaced by icy coldness. They had already heard about Tang Zhong's methods, and they dismantled Long Wu as soon as they arrived. Those who are incompetent, they want to give Tang Zhong some face when Tang Zhong comes for the first time, but they didn't expect the other party to be so shameless, and this person doesn't know what his situation is?It's just a chief instructor of Longwu, just like the ordinary soldiers of Longyin, it's really out of face to let him come in to attend the welcome meeting today, but now the other party actually doesn't give face.

"Then what did Chief Instructor Chen want to say?" Zhao Qiang said coldly.

"I want my people to attend my welcome party!" Tang Zhong said.

Long Yin and Long Ying have been domineering so many times, do they really take Long Wu seriously?
Hearing this, Zhao Qiang laughed: "Brother Tang, you can take a look, there is no place for you Longwu to stay around, and they are all full, so let's forget it, come on, let's take a seat, don't delay others Let's eat, okay?"

That being said, Zhao Qiang has already expressed his attitude, and he believes that the other party should be able to understand.

"Is it full?" Tang Chong asked coldly.

"Yes, you can see it!" Zhao Qiang said.

Tang Zhong didn't continue talking, but walked slowly to the side of Long Yin's people, and walked to a round table surrounded by Long Yin soldiers who were eating and drinking. Lifted it up, moved to another place from the center of the group of people, then turned to look at Zhao Qiang, said: "Now, it's not full, this place, my Longwu people want it!"

(End of this chapter)

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