Chapter 589 Do you have the face to live in this world?
This scene appeared, no one thought of it.

The soldiers of Longyin and Longying who were eating and drinking there before became quiet and turned to look at Tang Zhong.

The whole place was quiet.

Zhao Qiang and the others didn't expect this scene to happen at all. Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to them at all when he did this.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Qiang looked at Tang Zhong and asked.

"I said this is our Longwu territory, do you have any objections?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

For him, since he is the chief instructor of Longwu now, he has the responsibility to protect any interests of Longwu, and no one can bully Longwu.

Because Longwu is his.

But at this moment, outside the cafeteria, Gu Jin took Long Wu's remaining seven people to the door, and happened to see the scene in front of him.

"Instructor Tang, here we come." Gu Jin said.

When Tang Zhong saw seven people, he pointed to the table in front of him and said, "Sit."

"What?" Gu Jin was stunned.

No one from Longwu has ever entered this place.

At this moment, when Tang Zhong said it, the seven people still hesitated, but when they saw Tang Zhong's firm eyes, they walked in and sat next to Tang Zhong, not daring to say a word.

After sitting down, Tang Zhong said directly: "Eat!"

"Ah?" Gu Jin and the others were stunned.

It's been a long time since I came to Longwu. To be honest, Longyin and Longying have activities, and they never had the opportunity to participate. They haven't eaten meat for a long time. Looking at the food on the table, they swallowed their saliva one by one.

"You don't need to wait any longer, just eat as you want!" Tang Zhong continued.

"Then let's eat!" Gu Jin said, grabbed the chopsticks and ate, anyway, the chief instructor was there, so they didn't care about anything, they ate first and then talked.

When Zhao Qiang around saw this scene, his face suddenly turned ugly. He has been hidden in Long for so many years, and he is No.1 in the three units. This guy just came to be the chief instructor, and he dared to provoke him like this. Tang Zhong said: "Teacher Tang, it's not good to do this after all, we Longyin people have already taken their seats!"

"And then?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"No, then, this place belongs to us Long Yin, and if you Long Yin want to take it, I'm afraid it's not appropriate!" Zhao Qiang said.

"Oh!" Tang nodded emphatically.

"So, let your people leave, this is not where they should come!" Zhao Qiang said.

"You mean, your people should come?" Tang Zhong said.

"Of course, we Longyin people were not like the favored sons of heaven at that moment. How can we be compared to such trash as Longwu? Moreover, our Longyin people have already come here." Zhao Qiang said.

"Really?" Tang Zhong smiled.

Looking at it, Zhao Qiang couldn't help trembling, as if he was being targeted by a wild beast.

Several members of Longyin heard Zhao Qiang's words, and immediately followed up: "Mr. Tang, by doing this, you are breaking the rules of the three groups of Longying, Longyin and Longwu!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong got up slowly and came directly to the members of Longyin, saying: "Is it the rules? You should go to the hospital to heal your face!"

When several people heard this, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, not understanding why Tang Zhong would say that suddenly.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong was seen sweeping away with a slap.

Clap clap clap!

Crisp applause came out.

I saw those members of Longyin being blown away abruptly, falling to the ground one by one, howling and covering their faces.

No one expected this scene.

Tang Zhong dared to hit someone.

"You... what are you doing?" Zhao Qiang shouted loudly.

"Didn't you say that this place is full? Can't our Longwu people come? Now, the faces of Long Yin and the others have been injured. Shouldn't they go and have a look? Isn't that place empty?" Tang Zhong smiled on the road.

Regardless of how the chief instructor of Longwu treated the members of Longwu before, but in Tang Zhong's hands, he will be the chief instructor for a day, so the members of Longwu cannot be treated unequally!

"You..." Zhao Qiang's complexion suddenly turned ugly.

Those who beat him openly are simply hitting him in the face.

Zhao Qiang forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart. He also knew that their actions were beyond the bounds. After all, this was Tang Zhong's welcome party, but now he could only hold back for the time being. Whatever is what, the chief instructor didn't even dare to fart, and now this person is so out of line, it really exceeded their expectations, it seems that he is not a good person.

So Zhao Qiang said to the Long Yin soldiers who were covering their faces: "Since your faces are injured, you should retreat first!"

"Yes!" The disciple Long Yin who was beaten couldn't help replying, and then retreated quickly.

Only then did Zhao Qiang shout in the audience: "Now, the welcome meeting will continue!"

Everyone started eating and drinking again.

But Long Yin's people are no longer as cheerful as before.

On the other hand, the people in Longwu eat more happily than the other.

They have never participated in such a ceremony before, but this time they actually participated with Chief Instructor Tang, and they were completely moved by Tang Zhong in their hearts. Even if Tang Zhong beat him hard, they would bear it. In the future, no matter what happens, They all chose to follow Tang Zhong.

Three rounds of wine.

The so-called welcome party did not have any welcome words for Tang Zhong.

Finally everything was packed, and everyone started to pack up, as if there was going to be a meeting.

Seeing this, Gu Jin's expression changed slightly: "That's terrible!"

"What kind of bad method?" Tang Zhong said after hearing it.

"I heard that every time this is the time when the chief instructor holds a meeting, a competition is held to test the cultivation achievements of the members of the major troops!" Gu Jin said.

"It means a competition!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes!" Gu Jin said.

"What number is Long Wu every time?" Tang Zhong asked.

"The bottom one..." Gu Jin said with some embarrassment.

"This... will not happen in the future!" Tang Zhong smiled.

But at this moment, Zhao Qiang and Chen Huo were ready, and they sat around a table with Tang Zhong.

At this moment, Zhao Qiang is the most proud, because the result of the competition, Long Yin is the strongest among the three troops, it has been eight months in a row, and then he looked at Tang Zhong, very proud, Tang Zhong beat him Man, he couldn't bear that tone.

So he said: "Now, let's take this opportunity to get together and discuss how to compete. How about this, let's not compete this time and just present the awards. Anyway, Long Yin has always been the first and Long Ying is the second. , and Long Wu is the last!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Qiang looked at Tang Zhong, he wanted to humiliate Tang Zhong, Long Wu was only this little guy, and he was beaten away by Tang Zhong, so he had to humiliate him.

Chen Huo, the boss of Longying, didn't care, and said: "Yes, after all, we really won't refuse this second child of ten thousand years!"

Hearing Chen Huo's words, Zhao Qiang didn't even ask Tang Zhong's opinion and said directly: "Well, let's present the award now!"

In his opinion, Tang Zhong has no choice. You know, there are only seven people in Longwu, and seven people are nothing compared to him. What Zhao Qiang wants is to let Tang Zhong recognize his situation and know what he is. Status, knowing how powerful Long Yin is, let Tang Zhong know how much he weighs, and what he should and should not do in the future.

Just when everyone thought that Tang Zhong would just shut up and choose not to compare, Tang Zhong spoke up.

"Why not compare?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Zhao Qiang sneered, and immediately said: "Because your Longwu is always the last one, so there is no need to compare, now you understand, do you need me to make it clearer? You thirty or so people can't get it." Good grades, let alone the current seven people? I think it's better to find the chief and wipe out the place of Longwu, such a rubbish organization can no longer be as famous as our Longyin Longying!"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong laughed calmly: "Now you keep saying that our Long Wu is the last one, but if I, Long Wu, win the first place in the competition in the future, do you still have the face to live in this world? "

(Wrestled in the morning, stepped on a pit, my ankle was swollen, I couldn't sit for a long time, I just woke up from sleep, so I came to update)
(End of this chapter)

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