Chapter 590 Three catties of shit!
As soon as these words came out, all the people present were stunned, they did not expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing.

When Zhao Qiang heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he raised his head and laughed.

Not only him, but everyone else laughed too.

For everyone, this sentence is undoubtedly a joke!
When Long Wu had the most people, they didn't dare to surpass Long Yin and the others. Now there are only seven people, so they dare to say such a thing.

And most of them knew each other, and it could be seen that the remaining seven people were weak people in Longwu.

Zhao Qiang laughed loudly, looked at Tang Zhong, and said, "Let me say Chief Instructor Tang, are you sure what you just said?"

"What do you think?" Tang Zhong said.

"It seems that Chief Instructor Tang is very confident in your Long Wu, just relying on your Long Wu's trash?" Zhao Qiangbing sneered.

Tang Zhong bullied him before, and he couldn't bear this tone. This time, he must frustrate Tang Zhong and let Tang Zhong know how powerful Zhao Qiang is.

"It's not self-confidence, but because everyone in Longwu is a genius!" Tang Zhong said.

As soon as the voice fell, it caused a roar of laughter again.

At this moment, almost everyone laughed.

Gu Jin and the others were stunned when they heard Tang Zhong say such words. They knew their status, and they were the weakest people in Longwu. How could they be geniuses? ?

And at this time, among the crowd, the previous Chen Dagang came out. After he left Longwu, he directly joined Longyin, so he also participated in today's welcome meeting. Originally, he wanted to be in the crowd and not care about anything. But when he suddenly heard Tang Zhong talking about geniuses, he couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward and said: "But as far as I know, Gu Jin and the others are out-and-out trash!"

Then Chen Dagang looked at Gu Jin and said with a smile: "Come on, Gu Jin, tell everyone, are you a genius?"

Gu Jin's face turned red, he is a genius, he is simply a mediocrity, at least compared to the people here, he is a mediocrity.


"Great genius, come on, tell me!" Chen Dagang continued to challenge.

Gu Jin didn't know what to say.

Immediately, the audience roared with laughter, this is the genius in Tang Zhong's eyes, it is really a great genius.

"Chief Instructor!" Gu Jin said with a trembling voice, "I have let you down, we are really not geniuses!"

"Who says no, I say you are, you are, now I just need you to shout out that you are geniuses!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Shout out?

Gu Jin was stunned.

"Call!" Tang Zhong said.

"I...we are geniuses!" Gu Jin's voice trembled.

The voices of the seven people are very small.

"Is this your voice? What's the difference between a mosquito humming? Be louder!" Tang Zhong shouted.

"I...we are geniuses!" Gu Jin's voice became slightly louder.

"Speak up, haven't you eaten yet?" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

Upon hearing this, Gu Jin and the others took a deep breath, raised their chests and shouted: "We are geniuses!"

"Louder!" Tang Zhong roared.

"I...we are geniuses... geniuses!" Gu Jin and the others shouted loudly. At this moment, their faces were all flushed.

Everyone around was smiling at first, but now, everyone's expression froze.

Then Tang Zhong looked at Zhao Qiang and said, "Have you heard, they are all geniuses!"

Zhao Qiang's complexion was extremely ugly. I have to say that the seven people just now did look like tigers, wolves and lions. When they heard Tang Zhong's words, they shouted directly: "Genius, you don't just say it out. You just rely on your own strength. How about this? Let's compare!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said.

"Have courage, I just like people like Chief Instructor Tang!" Zhao Qiang smiled: "I don't think so, there is still one week, it is the time for our three troops to compete. After one week, let's compare, from fighting, In the shooting competition, as long as you, the seven geniuses, win one, then you Long Wu will win, how about it?"

In his opinion, the remaining seven people are simply rubbish and should not be taken seriously at all.

"Good!" Tang Zhong said.

"Very well, then it's decided. However, it's too boring to compare like this. Why don't Chief Instructor Tang bet with me and add a little bit of luck!"

"it is good!"

"Okay, my Long Yin has won. Instructor Tang, how about you staying in Guoben for three hours, with the four words "I am a genius" on your chest?" Zhao Qiang said.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

At this time, when Gu Jin heard this, his face suddenly turned ugly. How could he agree to this? Doesn't this mean that Chief Instructor Tang will lose?With their abilities, how can they compare with Longyin's people?
"Chief instructor, absolutely no comparison!" Gu Jin said hastily.

The soldiers in Longyin in the distance would not let go of this opportunity, fearing that Tang Zhong who Gu Jin said would change his mind, he hurriedly shouted: "Why not? It’s hard to chase, and you absolutely can’t go back on your word!”

"You guys!" Gu Jin was in a hurry, absolutely incomparable. They knew that the chief instructor was new, so they might not know how powerful Long Yin and the others were, and they also knew that Long Yin and the others were talking like this to force the chief instructor to agree. up.

Zhao Qiang looked at Tang Zhong and said, "President Tang, since you said such a thing, don't go back on your word!"

"I haven't regretted it. If Long Wu's people lose, I can go for it. However, what if your Long Yin people lose?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It is impossible for us to lose, so there is no need to think about it at all, but since you have to think about it, I can only say, if you win, you can do whatever you want!" Zhao Qiang sneered.

It was impossible for him to lose, and it was absolutely impossible for him to win against Long Yin just by relying on Long Wu's trash.

"The chief instructor doesn't want it, absolutely can't agree to compete with them, we are much stronger than us, we are not their opponents at all!" Gu Jin and the others shouted, they didn't want to see Tang Chongguo run away.

When Tang Zhong heard what Gu Jin and the others said, he immediately laughed and said, "Don't worry, I said before that you are geniuses, even if you are mediocre, but you are geniuses when you meet me. Why should you be afraid of them? ?”

Genius... trash!
Gu Jin and the others don't know what to say!

When Zhao Qiang and Long Yin heard this, they couldn't help laughing. This is so funny. Are these people from Longwu considered geniuses?They also said that Long Yin's people are trash, if they are trash, then people like Long Wu are not even bullshit.

At this moment, Tang Zhong turned around to look at Zhao Qiang, and said with a smile, "Since you want me to tell you what to do, it's very simple. If you Long Yin lose, how about eating three catties of shit?"

(End of this chapter)

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