Chapter 598 United!

The game is about to start!
For Zhao Qiang, Tang Zhong is someone who likes to share the merits of his tongue. If you want to know whether it is rubbish, you don't just say it, but you can only know it by comparing your strength.

Anyway, Tang Zhong had already made a bet with him before, and he was not afraid at all that Tang Zhong would resist. If he resisted, that would be fine. Anyway, there are so many people who have heard Tang Zhong make a bet. It depends on whether Tang Zhong has the face to stay here.

"Now, I announce the start of the game!" Zhao Qiang said.

Then in his hand, he took out a box containing a black boxing glove!
"Everyone should be able to see this glove!" Zhao Qiang said.

"This is the glove used by the chief. He arrived here three days ago and said that he would reward No.1 in this assessment. So, you all have to work hard to become the number one!"

In fact, this is what Zhao Qiang told Long Yin's people, and he completely regarded other people as air.

And at this moment, upon hearing Zhao Qiang's words, the eyes of all the soldiers became scorching hot.

If you can get the boxing gloves used by the chief, it would be a great honor.

You know, it belongs to the chief!

"So let's start now!" Zhao Qiang said.

"The rules of fighting competitions, I don't think I need to talk about them anymore!"

"No need!" Everyone shouted in unison.

Everyone wants to have the big chief's gloves.

"Then now, let's start the fighting competition. Long Yin, Long Ying, and Long Wu will be in three groups, and one person will come out of each group!" Zhao Qiang said.

Long Yin and Long Ying came out alone.

However, none of the five Longwu people moved.

"Why don't you Longwu go out?" Zhao Qiang said.

"No, our chief instructor said, let us play last!" At this time, Gu Jin took the lead.

"Hehe, your chief instructor is afraid that you will lose too badly, so you leave the field early and struggle fearlessly, but even if you struggle, you still have to lose!" Zhao Qiang sneered when he heard this.

"No, our chief instructor said, don't do useless work, let you peck each other, and when you finish pecking, we will go out and kill your strongest person!" Gu Jin said.

When the people around heard this, they all froze. What kind of a monster is this Tang Zhong!
Are chickens pecking at each other?Zhao Qiang's complexion became even more ugly, Long Yin dared to say that.

"Very good... very good, a group of idiots who only know how to be beaten, you can come out last, I want to see how Tang Zhong trained you!" Zhao Qiang said.

Then he turned around and gave Long Yin's people a wink, which meant that if he met someone from Long Wu, he must beat him hard until he died.

Long Yin's soldiers quickly understood, and then their eyes became ferocious.

The first competition was fighting.

Fighting is fighting between two.

At this moment, on the ring, both of them are fighting, wearing short sleeves, fisting to the flesh, until they knock each other off the ring.

And basically it lasts within 2 minutes.

Chen Dagang came to the stage. He was knocked down by Tang Zhong yesterday, and he was not injured. Today, he is waiting to let Long Wu and his gang die without a place to bury him. He rushed forward directly, and the whole person jumped up.

He was already very famous among the three troops, and he punched him right in the opponent's face.

The man from Longying defended immediately, just blocking Chen Dagang's fist.

Just at this moment, Chen Dagang kicked out, right at the opponent's stomach.

With a bang, the opponent was kicked and fell to the ground, twitching all over, his face very ugly.

Chen Dagang wins!

The 2000 people from Longyin and the 1000 people from Longying are all competing nervously.

They are relatively familiar with their own abilities. If the disparity in strength is too great, the weaker person may surrender directly when two people come to power.

The competition continued like this.

Looking at Long Yin's soldiers, Zhao Qiang couldn't help nodding his head. It seems that his special training has been effective these days. He carries sandbags every day and runs for several kilometers. This kind of training is really good. Then he glanced at Long Wu and the others, The corners of his mouth raised slightly, he wanted to see the Longwu soldiers who had been beaten all the time, what could they do?

Fighting in pairs, almost 3000 people, more than 2000 were eliminated.

Now there are more than 500 people from the Longyin and Longying troops, and they have successfully advanced.

Seeing that the continuation is about to start.

Zhao Qiang stopped them and told them to stop, then looked at the five Longwu people, and said: "Although your chief instructor said that you are not allowed to take action, but now the fighting has reached this point, I think you Longwu people will fight again. If you don't participate, I'm afraid you can't justify it!"

Usually, people from Longwu can't even make it to the top [-], let alone fight in the last twenty.

"I think Chief Instructor Zhao may have misunderstood one thing, and misunderstood what our Chief Instructor meant. Our Chief Instructor meant this. You Longyin people are rubbish, and you don't want us to take action. If you really If you are in a hurry, then we really have nothing to say, in fact, I can go up and knock all of your people to the ground now!" Gu Jin said.

He had wanted to do it a long time ago, but the chief instructor had already handed over everything for them and asked them to do so.

Zhao Qiang sneered, when did Long Wu's people become so loud?
"Okay...Okay, it's okay, anyway, I'm not in a hurry!" Zhao Qiang said coldly.

A group of people who can only talk and talk, those who believe in Longwu will be speechless immediately!
Then Zhao Qiang glanced at Chen Huo beside him.

"Mr. Chen, how about... let's not compare!"

Chen Huo instantly understood what Zhao Qiang meant.

"it is good!"

No comparison means that two people join forces to deal with Long Wu.

Long Yin and Long Ying are in a group.

Now that trash like Long Wu dared to provoke them, how could the two of them bear it.

Then they gave the five hundred people on the stage winks.

All the soldiers also understood what the chief instructor meant.

At this moment, one after another chose to surrender.

There is no comparison between Long Yin and Long Ying. Long Yin is the number one, and Long Ying also believes that he is the second child of ten thousand years.

Such a result means nothing to them. Those who are not convinced by Long Wu will always be the last one who dares to say such a thing. People from both sides, even if they do nothing this time, they must let Long Wu know what they are. status!
Since the people from Longwu said they will appear last, well, they will make the people from Longwu complete.

I saw that on the stage, many people didn't even fight and chose to surrender directly. The competition of 500 people was completely resolved in two or three minutes.

At this moment, there are only twenty soldiers left on the stage. If you look at them yourself, you will find that those people are the most powerful people among Long Yin and Long Wu, and their fighting skills are absolutely top-notch.

A smile appeared on Zhao Qiang's face. He was very satisfied with the result, and then he looked at the five Longwu people in the distance, and said with a cold smile: "Now, shouldn't your Longwu people take action?"

He wants to see if there is any reason for Longwu's people to refuse!
(End of this chapter)

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