Chapter 599 Three-star general!
Now there are only 20 people left on the stage, Zhao Qiang wants to see how Long Wu's people still reject them.

Then Zhao Qiang looked at Gu Jin and the others, and said with a smile: "Isn't Long Wu going to be the last to appear? Now it's time for you to appear, come on!"

"That's what the chief instructor said!" Gu Jin said.

"Then let's start!" Zhao Qiang said with a smile: "If you think there are more than 20 people, then I will make 20 people less!"

After speaking, he laughed loudly.

Chen Dagang and other 20 people on the stage also laughed.

They have only one goal now, and that is to beat Long Wu and his gang to pieces.

"Our chief instructor also said that when you only have a hundred people, you will do it, but now you only have more than 20 people. If you have fewer people, it will appear that we, Longwu, are bullying you!" Gu Jin said.

These are Tang Zhong's original words.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst into laughter again: "Haha, it's so funny!"

"It's really the first time I heard that Long Wu is going to bully others, it's really scary!" Chen Dagang roared with laughter.


"It's so scary!"

Zhao Qiang didn't speak, but smiled. It seems that these people from Longwu were really stunned to say such a thing.

"It's right to be afraid, our chief instructor said!" Gu Jin said.

Gu Jin was also quite speechless. From entering here, what he said was actually taught by Tang Zhong. Gu Jin completely followed what Tang Zhong said. He never expected that Tang Zhong would be so accurate and could guess what the other party said. What, now he is really more convinced by Tang Zhong.

And the others, upon hearing this, were already stunned and clenched their fists together.

Chen Dagang yelled directly at Gu Jinbao: "Come on, come up to me quickly, and see if I don't blow your head off!"

Hearing this, Gu Jin was stunned again, because Chief Instructor Tang said that Chen Dagang would definitely stand up first, but he did not expect to stand up first, and Chief Instructor Tang had already said the countermeasure, and immediately Gu Jin moved behind him. Said: "Song Yin, you go!"

"Yes!" Song Yin said respectfully.

Song Yin is not very beautiful, but she is a girl, she walked out slowly.

The whole audience was stunned.

Long Wu sent out a woman.

In an instant, the roar of laughter broke out again.

"This person is the only woman in our Longwu, named Song Yin!" Gu Jin shouted.

Chen Dagang recognized Song Yin at a glance. Long Wu's bottom man before, his smiling eyes were full of tears. He never thought that Long Wu would let a woman stand up against him, which would be a shame to him.

Immediately looking at Song Yin, Chen Dagang frowned, and shouted: "Song Yin, do you know who I am?"

"Chen Dagang!" Song Yin said.

"Knowing that I am Chen Dagang, you should know what to do, right?" Chen Dagang sneered, he was the number one fighter in dragon martial arts back then, and his reputation could scare the opponent to death.

"I will fight for Long Wu, and I will fight to the death with you!" Song Yin said, then clenched his fists.

Chen Dagang's complexion turned ugly for a moment, he didn't expect it to be like this: "You are looking for death!"

"See the real chapter under the fist!" Song Yin said.

At other times, Song Yin and Chen Dagang might not dare to face each other, but now, her instructor is Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong not only taught them strength, but also taught them courage, and taught them many things.

So, she won't back down.

When the people around heard Song Yin's words, they yelled directly at Chen Dagang: "Quick... let that woman see what is called Zhenzhang!"

"Do it!" Zhao Qiang also tried his eyes, it seems that Long Wu and his group really don't cry when they see the coffin.

Then Chen Dagang looked at Song Yin, sneered, squeezed his fists together, and made a crackling sound: "Okay, very good, if I make you cry, don't blame me!"

"That depends on whether you have the ability!" Song Yin said.

In the distance, on the main stage.

Zhao Qiang smiled coldly, suddenly his cell phone rang, saw the number on it, and quickly reached out to answer it.

Hearing the words spoken inside, the eyes of the whole person instantly darkened.

"not good!"

Immediately shouted at the people around: "Stop the competition now and keep your strength!"

Chen Dagang, who was about to make a move, froze for a moment.

Not only him, but also other soldiers turned their heads to look at Zhao Qiang at this moment, wondering what happened?

"Is someone here?" Chen Huo asked.

Some people said that there will be a messenger from M Lijian today, and it seems that it should be that person.

Zhao Qiang nodded.

Then he looked at everyone in a daze and said, "M devils are coming from M Lijian. I heard it's a military exchange, so everyone, save up your strength, don't lose to the devils of country M!"

Although it is said that Zhao Qiang has a grudge against Tang Zhong, he is a bit petty, but he is a soldier after all, and he is a Chinese soldier, and he must not lose to the devils of country M.

When the other soldiers heard this, they immediately lifted their spirits.

No matter who you lose to, you must never lose to four kinds of people, Korean devils, Japanese devils, and Filipino devils, and the most important thing is the devils from country M.

Even the national football team has won against the Goryeo Devils. How can they, real soldiers, lose?
When it comes to international exchanges, no Chinese will be sloppy.

Chen Dagang didn't understand, he really wanted to teach Long Wu's people a lesson, then looked at Zhao Qiang, and said: "Instructor Zhao, Long Wu and these people really deserve a beating!"

"I know, but there are more important things now!" Zhao Qiang said.

In fact, he was not reconciled, but it said above that he must win, and he must win gloriously, and he must not lose, so now he cannot let any Longyin soldiers use their strength.

"Come back!" Gu Jin said.

Seeing this, Song Yin had no choice but to retreat and went among the five Longwu people.

And at this moment, at this moment, a huge camouflage jeep walked in from outside the bases of the three troops.

In the giant jeep, the driver is Chinese, the co-pilot is sitting with a Chinese interpreter, and a person is sitting in the back, and on both sides are M country soldiers in camouflage uniforms. At this moment, chewing gum in their mouths, wearing camouflage, It is black boots. In the middle of the two is a man in black with sunglasses. His face looks like a knife. If you look closely at his shoulder, you will find that there is a title on his shoulder, which is General, and there are three stars on it, that is to say, this person is a three-star general.

In the back, there are still soldiers, and there is an interpreter from country M.

At this moment, the car drove in.

The Huaxia translator said: "General Kefu, this is our Three Dragons Army!"

The last interpreter heard the Huaxia translator speak, and then spoke English to the three-star general, and quickly translated it.

I saw the man named General Kefu raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said in Chinese with curled lips: "Very good, Huaxia Three Dragons, I can finally see it!"

(End of this chapter)

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