Chapter 600 None of you are qualified!
As the jeep was driven in, almost everyone's eyes fell on the car.

"People are coming!" Zhao Qiang and the others began to look solemnly.

I heard from the people above that the person who came this time was not a simple person, he seemed to be a seal.

M Lijian has many powerful troops, among them, there is only one SEAL, the full name is SEAL Commando.

So Zhao Qiang is very important now.

Because Long Yin is the strongest among the three dragon troops, if they are even weaker, then they must bear the blame.

With the jeep stopped.

The door is opened.

I saw the Huaxia translator in front get off the car first, and said, "General Kefu, this is our Sanlong army!"

Immediately, I saw the soldier from country M in the car get down from the car, glanced around, spit the chewing gum in his mouth directly on the ground, then stretched out his foot, crushed it vigorously, and then stood aside, greeting the people in the car.

I saw General Koff got out of the car, wearing sunglasses, and glanced at the surrounding people present.

The people in the car also got down together, and stood behind Kefu, all of them hunched over.

Seeing Long Yin's soldiers, there was a look of disdain on their faces.

This scene was watched by Zhao Qiang and others, and they could naturally feel the disdain released by the other party. They clenched their fists and really wanted to fight these serious illnesses in country M. Such contemptuous eyes looked down on anyone.

But knowing the other party's identity is special, so I held back.

At this time, Huaxia Translator stood up, walked towards Zhao Qiang, and said, "General Zhao, this person is General Kefu, from M Lijian!"

Zhao Qiang is Long Yin's chief instructor and a general.

At this moment, Zhao Qiang was stunned when he heard what the translator said. General Kefu, how could he not be familiar with this name.

General Koff, the general of M Lijian's SEAL team, is now the chief instructor.

M Lijian's SEAL team can be so powerful, and General Koff has a lot of credit for it.

This time, he really never expected that the messenger who came was him.

The Three Dragons Army has the same name as the SEALs in the world, but that was only in the past, when Zhao Qiang's previous chief instructor was there, Long Yin was a stronger army!

This time it is really difficult. According to the above, it seems that this time the SEALs came to communicate with their three dragons, and there will inevitably be fighting, which may be a bit difficult.

After all, Zhao Qiang could tell at a glance the power emanating from the five soldiers from country M, which was not easy.

But now is not the time to think about this, so he immediately walked forward, reached in front of General Kefu, stretched out his hand, and said with a smile: "Chief Instructor of Huaxia Longyin, Zhao Qiang!"

M Lijian next to him immediately translated to General Kefu.

General Kefu looked at Zhao Qiang: "Kefu..."

But for Zhao Qiang, he didn't even raise his hand.

This made Zhao Qiang a little embarrassed.

But remembering that the other party was General Kefu, he endured everything, even if he was upset, he could only smile.

Seeing that their chief instructor was so much weaker than the other party, Long Yin's people couldn't bear it any longer.

General Kefu was still smiling, and while talking, he was turning the wrench in his hand, saying: "I am here this time to look for Long Wu, you all get out of the way!"

"Only Long Wu is the strongest in the Three Dragons of China. I'm not interested in you. Let Long Wu's chief instructor come out to meet me!"

Zhao Qiang was even more embarrassed, but because of international face, he said: "Returning to General Kefu, the Three Dragons Army you know is just the Long Wu of ten years ago, and the current Long Wu is the weakest army among the Three Dragons. Out of five people, our Long Yin is the strongest right now!"

Indeed, ten years ago among the three dragon troops, Long Wu was indeed the strongest, and Long Yin was not ranked at all, but later, Long Wu weakened.

General Kefu took off his sunglasses when he heard this, and frowned slightly: "What? Where's Zhang Longbow?"

"General Zhang has already retreated into the background!" Zhao Qiang said.

Zhang Changgong was the chief instructor of Longwu ten years ago, and later joined the dragon group, and it is impossible for the dragon group organization to say it on this occasion.

General Kefu suddenly laughed: "No wonder Longwu will be weak. If Zhang Longbow is not here, then this time will really be for nothing."

He came here for Longwu, and wanted to know the current overall level of the Huaxia army. He only had to look at the people brought out by Zhang Changgong to know. Is Huaxia serious?

"General, you came all the way from M Lijian, and it's exactly the same for us, Longyin, to receive you!" Zhao Qiang said.

"Isn't Long Yin one of Song Tianlong's troops? You are not qualified!" General Kefu said.

Song Tianlong was Long Yin's previous chief instructor. In the ears of all Long Yin soldiers, he was a fairy-like figure, but now he is called a little guy by others.

As soon as these words came out, Long Yin's soldiers clenched their fists one by one, how could they bear to look down on them so much.

I saw General Koff put on his sunglasses again.

"This time, I came to your Three Dragons Army to carry out international military exchanges!"

"It's very simple, the military exchange is to fight with you once!"

"It's our blessing to be able to compete with the SEALs!" Zhao Qiang said.

The opponent is really strong, he dare not neglect or provoke him.

The above-mentioned requirements for this time must not humiliate the prestige of Huaxia, after all, this is our home field of Huaxia.

"But, you guys are really too weak!" General Kefu said, "I never thought that Huaxia's Three Dragons would become such a waste camp!"

Immediately, the whole audience boiled up. Everyone is from Huaxia, and they hate others to say that Huaxia is not good.

Several people with explosive tempers yelled directly at General Koff: "You dog, Japanese countryman, what are you talking about?"

"Say I'm useless, dare you fight me!" Chen Dagang roared.

The whole moment was chaotic.

Zhao Qiang hurriedly comforted his soldiers, but the other party was General Kefu, so they must not be provoked.

And when these talents arrive, it is definitely not good to do so, and it is really impossible for the higher-ups to do business.

"Be quiet!" Zhao Qiang roared.

Only then did the people around quiet down.

Then Zhao Qiang looked at General Kefu and said with a smile: "You guys have come from afar, why don't you come to our place and have a meal before talking about it!"

"No need, we are pressed for time, this time, we will leave after the fight!" Kefu said coldly, not giving Zhao Qiang any face at all.

Zhao Qiang's face turned ugly.

Then General Kefu glanced at the arena, and said: "I see, you should be competing, it just so happens that this arena can be used by us, and then we can compete!"

In fact, Zhao Qiang wanted to reject the other party, but the other party had already said such a thing. If he refused, it would be too bad and would damage the country's prestige.

But at this time, seeing Zhao Qiang was still thinking, and seeing General Kefu, he sneered: "Our time is really tight, don't you Chinese people act vigorously and resolutely? Are you afraid when you think about it now?"

(End of this chapter)

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