Chapter 810 Go to Kunlun Mountain! (six more)

Tang Zhong has never been so helpless like today!

Looking at Jiang Weiwei who fell on the ground, he was extremely depressed.

In the past, he imagined what it would be like to live with Wei Wei countless times, and how he would envy others, but now, Wei Wei has left.

Regardless of whether Tang Zhong believed it was true, Wei Wei was lying there quietly, motionless.

"Wei Wei!" Tang Zhong couldn't bear it anymore.

The whole person rushed over.

It's all men who don't shed tears, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

Today's Tang Zhong, at this time, looked at Jiang Weiwei's body, his heart was trembling, and his throat was constantly choking.

That's right, Jiang Weiwei has already fallen into a deep sleep.

"Wei Wei, get up!"

"Wake up soon, I'm waiting for you here, can you stop sleeping!"

However, no matter how Tang Zhong shouted, Jiang Weiwei just couldn't wake up, her whole body was like frozen ice, and her skin was about to turn blue.

There were many policemen and firefighters around to clean up the scene. Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance, they all stopped them and said, "Sir, you can't be resurrected after death, don't be sad!"

But he was stopped by Zhang Changgong next to him, and motioned for Tang Zhong to do just that.

At this moment, Tang Zhong knelt in front of Jiang Weiwei, speaking incoherently: "Didn't you agree to live in seclusion with me in the mountains? But where are you now?"

"Can you not leave me?"

Many female police officers around were crying with distress at this moment. Now Tang Zhong is just a poor child, watching his beloved woman lying quietly in front of him, but he can't do anything. They can all see that feeling.

"People are dead!" Zhang Changgong couldn't stand it anymore, because the people who broke into Huaxia this time were very unusual, so he had to deal with this matter himself, but seeing Tang Zhong like this, he really couldn't accept it.

"No, she's not dead, I want to save her!" Tang Zhong said, and then stretched out his arms to embrace Jiang Weiwei's body,

"It can't be saved!" Zhang Changgong said, never thought that Tang Zhong would be so persistent.

Hugging Jiang Weiwei, Tang Zhong's eyes were extremely indifferent. He looked back at Zhang Changgong and said, "There is a way, Kunlun Hanging Coffin, I'm going to find Kunlun Hanging Coffin!"

After speaking, Tang Zhong took Jiang Weiwei away.

Looking at Tang Zhong's leaving back, Zhang Changgong didn't stop him, but just sighed slightly, Kunlun Hanging Coffin, those are just legends.

Kunlun Hanging Coffin, once seen by Tang Zhong in the travel notes in Kunlun.

A coffin suspended over Kunshan.

According to the records in that book, the Kunlun Hanging Coffin can make people live forever. Since someone has seen that coffin before, Tang Zhong will fight for it.

There is only one way now.

Along the way to Kunlun, I took a helicopter and soon arrived at Kunlun Mountain.

Tang Zhong waved Jiang Weiwei off the plane and went straight to the Kunlun Hall.

"Master Kunlun!"

The surrounding Kunlun disciples saw that it was Tang Zhong, and all chose to give way.

In the hall.

Tang Zhong met Master Kunlun.

"Master, I'm going to find the Kunlun Hanging Coffin!" Tang Zhong said directly.

Master Kunlun already knew Tang Zhong's thoughts, and had already heard Zhang Changgong say: "But the Kunlun Hanging Coffin does not necessarily exist, that book was written by someone many years ago, and after that, no one has seen it again." Pass!"

"But, there is only one way!" Tang Zhong said seriously.

At this moment, he looks very calm, he must be calm, if he is not calm, then Wei Wei will really be finished.

Master Kunlun, who understood Tang Zhong's character, did not continue to stop him: "You solved Kunlun's difficulties that day, and I have nothing to help you. Now I have a luminous pearl, which can protect the body from rot. Let that girl take it! "

Immediately, a red bead appeared in Master Kunlun's hand!

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong bowed directly to the ground.

After receiving the beads, she took them directly for Wei Wei, and then directly carried them to Kunlun on her back.

According to the records in the handbook, the Kunlun Hanging Coffin is in Kunlun Mountain, so you have to enter Kunlun Mountain.

Looking at the snow-capped mountains, Tang Zhong was bare-chested, and with the help of ropes, he carried Wei Wei behind his back, and then he was on the snow. He had to find the Kunlun Hanging Coffin so that Wei Wei would not die. It is possible to live forever, this is Tang Zhong's last chance.

In the distance, among Kunlun.

Master Kunlun and Xiang Kunlun stood together, and the two of them looked at Tang Zhong's leaving back.

Venerable Kunlun sighed, "Tang Zhong loves that girl very much!"

"Master, how did you see this?" Xiang Kunlun didn't understand.

"Based on his decision just now, I gave him a night pearl. As the number one in the black list, he is a strong man in the world, but he didn't hesitate at all, and directly knelt down on the ground to express his gratitude to me. A man is so willing, can't you see it?" Master Kunlun said.

"But, master, isn't a woman a demon of cultivation? With a woman in front, it will hinder the cultivation!" Xiang Kunlun said.

"No, people have all kinds of emotions and desires. If you say something like this, it can only be said that you haven't met a woman you like yet!" Master Kunlun said.

When Xiang Kunlun heard this, he became anxious immediately: "Master, didn't you say that woman is very important to Tang Zhong, but now that woman is going to die, do you think the benefactor will be heartbroken?"

"No, that woman, her life seems a little special!" Master Kunlun said.

"Really, it would be great if the person my benefactor likes doesn't die!" Xiang Kunlun said excitedly.

And at this moment, above the white snow.

Tang Zhong kept moving forward.

Along the way, he simply ignored the severe cold around him.

"Wei Wei, just wait, I will find those coffins for you right away, and then revive you!" Tang Zhong said, turning his head to look at the sleeping Jiang Wei Wei.

He knew very well that this girl was no longer here, otherwise at this time, the other party would definitely reply to him.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong clenched his fists.

The white snow in front could no longer hinder Tang Zhong's progress.

White snow raged in the air, as if it was going to crush Tang Zhong down.

But Tang Zhong survived.

The further up the Kunlun Mountains, the more unbearable the harsh environment.

Tang Zhong could only burn his blood power and wrap Jiang Weiwei around him. As long as Wei Wei is fine, they will be safe together.

And he was shivering from the cold, it didn't matter.

This is what he owes Wei Wei!
But the Kunlun Mountains in front of him made him see no hope.

"Kunlun Hanging Coffin, where are you? I want to see you!" Tang Zhong couldn't stop shouting in his heart, but there was nothing in front of him.

Tang Zhong moved forward with his back on his back, but suddenly, his foot became unsteady, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

The two were completely caught in the snow.

(End of this chapter)

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