Chapter 811 Waiting for Me Weiwei! (seven more)

The two were completely caught in the snow.

Tang Zhong was the first to fall inside, the snow drenched his face, he stuck to the ground, and lifted Jiang Weiwei vigorously.

I was afraid that Jiang Weiwei would get wet, but fortunately, nothing happened.

Only then did Tang Zhong let out a long sigh of relief, then got up from the ground, and then continued to walk forward with Jiang Weiwei on his back.

He wants to find the Kunlun Hanging Coffin, that coffin can live forever, so that Jiang Weiwei can be completely saved.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong laughed.

At this moment, a voice slowly sounded, it was the voice of ten Yanlong soldiers.

He has been in Tang Zhong's body, observing Tang Zhong, it does not understand one thing, a woman died, Tang Zhong will become what he is now.

"Boy... this woman, do you really want to save her?"

"Think!" Tang Zhong didn't stop, but continued to stop.

"Do you know her condition? In fact, the fatal injury is not because of her being killed, but because of her own body, her life is dying!" said Shidao Yanlongbing.

"Her health is not good. I will change her body. If her life is not good, then I will change her life. In short, as long as she can wake up, I am willing to do everything for her!" Tang Zhong said.

Now she just wants Jiang Weiwei to live.

"That's difficult... and she is already dead. Even if you find the Kunlun Hanging Coffin, you can't change the fact that she is dead. The hanging coffin can only keep her body intact forever, and it has no real effect!" Ten Dao Yan Long Bing said.

"That's fine, anyway, everything has to be done slowly!" Tang Zhong said, "Do you know about the Kunlun Hanging Coffin?"

"You know, you know!" Shidao Yanlongbing said: "But, even if you can find the hanging coffin, with your current ability, you can't save him. If you want to save a person, and this kind of A person with a bad fate will have to put in a lot of effort, are you really willing?"

Hearing this, Tang Zhong became excited, and then turned to look at Shi Dao Yanlong Bing: "If a person dies, he can be saved!"

Shidaoyan Longbing didn't expect Tang Zhong to have such a reaction at all, so he nodded immediately: "It can be saved!"

"Whatever I want to do, no matter what I do, I'm willing to do it, as long as Wei Wei can come back to life!" Tang Zhong's eyes were burning.

Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance, Shi Daoyan Longbing really couldn't understand this guy: "It's very difficult for you now to save someone!"

"Then what should I do?" Tang Zhong knew that there must be a reason for Shi Daoyan Longbing's words.

"First of all, you have to find those eight stones, so that you are qualified to know something!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

Tang Zhong had heard about the eight stones from Shi Dao Yanlong Bing before.

"I will definitely find it and save Wei Wei's life!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly.

"I am very optimistic about you!" Shi Daoyan Longbing looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile.

For such a person who values ​​love and righteousness, his future achievements should not be very bad.

"Let me help you!" Shi Dao Yanlong Bing said.

"Help me, how can you help me?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

"Aren't you looking for the Kunlun Hanging Coffin? I can find it!" Shidao Yanlongbing said.

"Really? If you can find him, I will definitely thank you very much!" Tang Zhong said quickly.

"But don't be too happy too early. I can find the hanging coffin, but I have to pay the price. After all, treasures are attracted to each other. If I can attract the hanging coffin, maybe I will fall into a deep sleep because of it. Next If you encounter any difficulties, I will not be able to help you!" Shidao Yanlong Bing said.

"Thank you!" Tang Zhong respectfully said.

I saw Shidaoyan dragon soldiers flying out of Tang Zhong's body. When he entered Tang Zhong's body before, he was just a phantom, and now it is the same. As soon as the golden rod with two carved dragons appeared, it turned quickly.

Swipe, swipe, and fly directly into the air.

The golden brilliance released from above spread out in all directions.

The original snow-capped Kunlun Mountains were suddenly illuminated.

"I'm not sure that you can take care of yourself, kid. Let me teach you a sword technique!"

The voice came from the Ten Dao Yanlong Art of War, and at this moment, a ray of light shot out from the top of the Ten Dao Yanlong Soldiers, directly entering the center of Tang Zhong's eyebrows.

Suddenly, a saber technique flashed between Tang Zhong's eyebrows.

"This is Fen Tian Zhan, I have already taught it to you, you study it seriously!"

"En!" Tang nodded his head.

He will never forget the great kindness and virtue of the Ten Daoyan Dragon Soldier today.

He knew that something must have happened to Shi Daoyan's Dragon Bing before, but now Shi Daoyan's Dragon Bing didn't say anything, but no matter what happened in the future, Tang Zhong would definitely help Shi Daoyan's Dragon Bing.

According to what Shidaoyan Longbing said, the Kunlun Hanging Coffin is also a treasure, a treasure hidden in the Kunlun Mountains.

And treasures can attract each other!
The Ten Paths of Flame Dragon Soldiers helped him attract the Hanging Coffin at the cost of deep sleep, and he will never forget this kindness.

And as the surrounding golden light was released, a hurricane suddenly surged.

At this moment, white snow swirls in the sky.

I saw several blue dots coming out from a very far away, flying towards this side.

And as the point gets closer.

He saw that there were five coffins, which were bound by chains. They came quickly, and they were the Kunlun Hanging Coffins.

"It's really here!" Tang Zhong murmured, his eyes were already shining.

Five coffins are placed in the air as a whole!

"This is the Kunlun Hanging Coffin..." At this moment, the golden ten-dao Yanlong Bing floating in the air said.

"This coffin can guarantee that your woman's body will not change for thousands of years, but your woman is indeed dead. It is not impossible to bring her back to life. When you find the eight stones, I will tell you How are you going to save it? Alright, I’m really tired, remember, you must practice Fen Tian Zhan well, nothing will happen to you, I’m optimistic about you, don’t let me down!”

The voice of Shi Daoyan Dragon Soldier fell, and then directly turned into a ray of light, which directly penetrated into Tang Zhong's body.

"Don't worry, I will!" Tang Zhong said to himself.

Looking at the coffin in the air, the most important thing Tang Zhong should do now is to put Jiang Weiwei in the coffin.

Others can see that Jiang Weiwei is dead, but how can he not see it, but he has never dared to admit it.

With Jiang Weiwei on his back, he opened the coffin board of the huge hanging coffin.

Then put her in.

Inside the coffin, there was a white aura. Jiang Weiwei was sleeping in it, looking unusually well-behaved. There was no change in appearance, but there was no movement in the whole person.

"Wei Wei. Go to sleep at ease, Brother Tang will definitely save you!" Looking at Jiang Wei Wei in the coffin, Tang Zhong laughed.

Reaching out to touch Jiang Weiwei's face repeatedly, that feeling really made him miss it very much.

"Wei Wei, just sleep here and wait, when Brother Tang wakes you up, I'll take you to the mountains and forests to live in seclusion, anywhere you want!"

Just stared blankly for a long time.

Even though he still wants to keep watching like this!

But everything must be given up.

Reaching out his hand to close the coffin door, he had to be ruthless, and stretched out his hand to push the coffin out.

Kunlun Hanging Coffin will only be useful in Kunlun.

Seeing the coffin slowly floating away, taking Jiang Weiwei further and further away, Tang Zhong's eyes were dull.

"Wei Wei, wait for me, I will definitely save you, definitely!"

(I'm afraid I can't update it anymore. I wrote so much at once, and the inspiration can't keep up.)
(End of this chapter)

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