Chapter 813 Go Kill! (two more)
Tang Zhong stood in the middle of the snow with a Tang Dao in his hand, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he killed so many bears with just one slash.

This Burning Heaven Slash is really powerful!
You must know that the skin of those bears is like steel, if there is no Fen Tianzhan, Tang Dao can really cut through the bodies of those bears.

"Finally mastered Fen Tianzhan!" Tang Zhong put away the Tang Saber and stood up from the ground.

Now it's time to leave here, he must find the person who killed Wei Wei, and then kill him.

Whoever it is, he will kill.

Then I looked at the Kunlun Mountains in the distance.

"Wait for me!"

He turned around suddenly and went down the mountain.

As they walked, Tang Zhong's eyes filled with tears, next time, he will still come to Kunlun Mountain, but at that time, he will take Wei Wei down the mountain together!
for sure!
Tang Zhong clenched his fist.

Nothing can block his way forward.

But at this moment, in the Kunlun Palace, Xiang Kunlun stood above and below the Kunlun, pacing back and forth. Ever since Tang Zhong went up the mountain, Master Kunlun sent him here to wait for Tang Zhong.

But after waiting for five days, there is still no movement from Tang Zhong.

Xiang Kunlun became anxious. He had been to Kunlun Mountain before, and he knew the conditions above. After retreating, he knew that Tang Zhong was going to Kunlun Mountain this time, it must be very cold there, and it had been five days now.

He was afraid that something would happen to Tang Zhong.

From afar, Master Kunlun slowly approached.

As soon as Xiang Kunlun saw the person, he immediately said, "Master, you are here!"

"Did Tang Zhong come down?" Xiang Kunlun asked after glancing at Kunlun Mountain.

"Not yet!" Xiang Kunlun said, frowning slightly: "Master, could something happen to Tang Zhong up there, it's very cold there!"

"No, just wait quietly!" Master Kunlun said.


Master Kunlun just saw that Tang Zhong had come down, but he was just about to turn around and leave.

In the distance, a figure with a naked upper body slowly approached.

Xiang Kunlun looked back, his eyes suddenly brightened: "Tang...Tang Zhong!"

Master Kunlun heard the voice, turned his head quickly, and saw the person in the distance.

"came back!"

In the distance, Tang Zhong approached. He had already come down from the mountain. Along the way, he looked back at Kunlun Mountain countless times, but after looking at it many times, he had to leave after all.

Go all the way to the side of Xiang Kunlun and Master Kunlun.

"Who are you?" Tang Zhong laughed, looking calm and calm.

Master Kunlun and Xiang Kunlun stared at Tang Zhong. You know, Tang Zhong had that expression when he entered Kunlun Mountain before, but now, it seems that he has changed completely.

" found the Kunlun Hanging Coffin?" Kunlun Master asked.

"En!" Tang nodded emphatically.

"You...really saw it?" Kunlun master stared wide-eyed and said, the Kunlun hanging coffin is a legend. He has been in Kunlun for so long, and he has never seen it before. He didn't expect this guy to come, but he saw it It's too unfair between people, but now he is really happy for Tang Zhong.

"Then what are you going to do now?" Master Kunlun continued to ask.

"Kill!" Tang Zhong looked very calm, smiling faintly there.

Master Kunlun and Xiang Kunlun were completely stunned when they heard this, and they didn't know what to say.

Tang Zhong smiled and ignored them again, he wanted to go down the mountain.

Soon Master Kunlun and Xiang Kunlun were left behind.

The two looked at Tang Zhong together.

Xiang Kunlun said first: "Master, what do you think is the relationship between that woman in the mountain and him?"

"I don't know, but I saw determination from him just now!" Master Kunlun said.

"What determination?" Xiang Kunlun didn't understand.

"Invincible determination!" Master Kunlun said with a smile, stroking his beard with his hand.

And Tang Zhong went all the way down the mountain without looking back!
Because once he looks back, it's like seeing Wei Wei!
At the same time, eight full days had passed since the Tang Dynasty's turmoil in the capital.

The Tang family was destroyed, and the whole capital was about to become a sensation.

This matter has also become something that the people of the capital are talking about.

But no one knows what happened?
At this moment, at the door of the ruins of the Tang family.

Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue returned to the front of the house, looking at the scene in disbelief, no one thought that it would be the current result.

The two of them just went out for a trip, and when they came back, their home disappeared.

"What the hell happened here?" Tang Xinglou asked in horror.

Desperately rushing in from the police isolation zone, seeing the familiar home turned into what it is now, his face was extremely ugly.

Tang Xinglou was in front, and Jiang Shuiyue followed behind.

The dead bodies had been taken away by the police, but there were traces of death all over the ground.

"Can anyone tell me what's going on here?"

But no one answered at all.

Both of them looked terrified.

They know that there is no one here now, and looking at the traces underground, that is to say, all the people have been killed.

Just when the two were in a hurry.

"Mom and Dad!"

A call came out.

Tang Xinglou heard the sound, turned around suddenly, and saw Tang Zhong walking in at the door.

At this moment, Tang Zhong had already come down from Kunlun Mountain, and was about to go home to have a look, but he did not expect to run into his parents here.

"Little Zhong... are you okay!" Tang Xinglou shouted immediately when he saw Tang Zhong.

"Son!" Jiang Shuiyue cried.

They always thought that among the dead, there was also their own son, but seeing that their son was still alive, their hearts were filled with joy.

Hugging Tang Zhong, he burst into tears.

Tang Zhong smiled calmly: "Dad, don't cry, it's okay!"

"Our family...what's the matter?" Tang Xinglou asked anxiously.

"It's okay, Mom and Dad, I'll just deal with it!" Tang Zhong laughed.

" can't!" Tang Xinglou said.

Suddenly, Tang Xinglou seemed to think of something: "The news I heard is that everyone is dead... No, what about Wei Wei?"

When this name was mentioned, Tang Zhong's face flickered, and he quickly recovered his previous calm: "It's okay, Wei Wei is asleep!"

"Asleep?" Tang Xinglou's eyes widened.

"Yes, she is asleep, she is waiting for her prince to wake her up!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue knew what happened when they heard Tang Zhong's words, Wei Wei might be gone, they didn't know what to say, because their son should be more sad than them.

"Then...then what do you want to do now?"

"Find the enemy, and then kill him!" Tang Zhong smiled, and at the same time, in his hand, it was a photo. In the photo, there was a person in black robe. Tang Zhong squeezed the photo directly while speaking. into a ball.

(End of this chapter)

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