Chapter 814 If you say kill, kill! (three more)
Among the dragon group.

In Peng Yuan's office.

Old General Peng Yuan sat on the desk, looked at the documents brought in front of him, opened them and flipped through them bit by bit.

It's more of a photo.

It can be seen that in these photos there is a person in a black robe, who has been photographed by electronic eyes since he entered the capital.

After looking carefully for many times, his face was unusually gloomy, and finally he put a series of photos on the table.

On the other side of the desk, he was making a long bow, with the same brows furrowed.

"See clearly?" Zhang Changgong asked.

"See clearly!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

"Is it those people?" Zhang Changgong asked.

"It should be!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

After the Tang family was destroyed, the Long Group has been investigating the matter of the Tang family being destroyed, and it is bound to give Tang Zhong an explanation, but no matter how they search, they can only find some photos.

And the person in the photo is wearing a black robe, so he can't see his face clearly, and he can't see what his figure is like.

We can only determine what the other party is like based on the descriptions given by the two survivors, Li Linglong and Monkey, and we also got the other party's surname, surname Hu!

In the end, the dragon group was compared with the strong men in the world, but no strong man was able to match up. According to Li Linglong's description, that person could release beams of light with his fingers.

This allowed Old General Peng Yuan to contact a person, Hu Ge, the God of Killing!
If he can release beams of light with his fingers, he must be a capable person, and his surname is Hu, so there is only one person.

The person I met in World War II was known as the God of Killing on the battlefield, but old general Peng Yuan remembered that person had already died?How is it possible to be alive now?
"Are you sure it's Hu Ge?" Zhang Changgong asked again with certainty.

As for the name Hu Ge, Zhang Changgong had heard it when he was a child. He was still a very young soldier during the Second World War. At that time, he remembered that Hu Ge was over 50 years old!
"Yes, I have had close contact with him. If there is no accident, his figure is just like this!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

"But, didn't FBL say that Hu Ge had passed away?" Zhang Changgong said.

"I don't know!" Peng Yuan waved his hand.

"If you're sure it's Hu Ge, have you ever thought about how to tell Tang Zhong about this?" Zhang Changgong said.

"This..." Old General Peng Yuan sighed.

He can now confirm that the other party is Hu Ge from the photos and surveillance, and if it is Hu Ge, then the Tang family's destruction may have to end, because the other party is Hu Ge!
"We must give Tang Zhong an explanation, he died of a very important person to him!" Zhang Changgong said.

"But... there is no way at all. It is impossible to follow the martial arts procedure and the legal procedure. In terms of the legal procedure, he was a hero in World War I and World War II. Although I don't know why he is still alive, but if you really want to deal with him, FBL On the one hand, it must be protected. The capable people there will never let us understand Hu Ge, and it is useless to follow the martial arts program. Hu Ge was a ss-level powerhouse a long time ago. Really It is very difficult to defeat!" General Peng Yuan said.

He knows Hugo best.

If you want to touch Hu Ge, you are going against the whole M Lijian.

It's like if someone wants to use Zhang Longbow of the dragon group, it is against the entire dragon group!
"But... how will Tang Zhong explain it!" Zhang Changgong said.

"To be honest...some things are irresistible!" General Peng Yuan said.

And at this time.

Suddenly there was a shout outside the door.

The two of them froze for a moment, and hurried out the door. Did someone come to the dragon group to make trouble?

When I opened the door, I saw a large group of people outside.

Meanwhile someone was being beaten.

I saw a large group of people surrounding one person.

That person is Tang Zhong.

In front of Tang Zhong, there was another person squatting. That person was wearing glasses and looked menacing. It was Wang Qing, the secretary of General Peng Yuan.

"You...why do you beat someone?" Wang Qing asked, getting up from the ground.

"What do you think?" Tang Zhong looked at Wang Qing with a smile, and that smile seemed to be harmless to humans and animals.

Wang Qing got up from the ground, and said to the members of the dragon group next to him: "Dear colleagues, have you seen that this person came directly to beat me as soon as he entered the dragon group. Do you think this person is sick? ?”

"Is it because your home has been destroyed, you are in a bad mood, and you have a nervous breakdown here?"

"A person like this deserves to have his family destroyed!"

Wang Qing cursed.

As for why Tang Zhong came to beat him, he didn't know, but now his heart is empty, because when he saw Tang Zhong came to the dragon group just now, as an inner ghost, he reported the news to Hu Ge!
He has always been arranged next to old general Peng Yuan as the ghost.

So he knows a lot about the dragon group. Before Tang Zhong went to Kunlun and Mount Tai, he leaked it to Adam. After Adam died, he was under Hu Ge's control. Where is Tang Zhong's home? leaked.

Without him, it would be impossible for Hu Ge to quickly find out where the Tang family is.

No matter how frightened Hu Ge was, he was afraid that Tang Zhong would discover something, but he pretended to be calm, so he didn't believe that Tang Zhong could find anything.

The people around didn't understand why Tang Zhong beat people when he came in, but after hearing what Wang Qing said, he also felt that what Wang Qing said was a bit too much. After all, Tang Zhong had just been wiped out of the Tang family.

At this time, Zhang Changgong and old general Peng Yuan came out.

Wang Qing also saw the two of them, so he ran over immediately and began to complain: "Old general, this general Tang just entered the dragon group and beat people indiscriminately. This is really disorganized and undisciplined. I am yours!" Man, you must decide for me, I know Admiral Tang is very sad to lose his family, but he is sad, and he can't hurt other people!"

Old General Peng Yuan signaled Wang Qing to shut up, and then looked at Tang Zhong: "Nephew Tang, what... what happened?"

Tang Zhong smiled lightly, looked at Peng Yuan and said, "Old General, I'll explain to you later!"

Instead, he stared at Wang Qing.

Wang Qing was stared numb: "What do you think I am doing? The old generals are here, what do you want to do?"

"Of course you killed you!" Tang Zhong smiled.

In an instant, holding Tang Dao, he stood up with a single sword.

No one expected that this scene would happen, and at the same time, Wang Qing's head was cut off with one knife.

The head rolled directly to the ground, the expression on the face was still the same as before, and now it was frozen on it, and the broken part of the head on the body continuously gushed out blood, and finally fell to the ground with a bang .

At this moment, the whole audience screamed, the woman had already covered her mouth, and the men were trembling with fright, they did not expect that Tang Zhong would kill someone suddenly.

Even old generals Zhang Changgong and Peng Yuan were dumbfounded.

"Why did you kill him?"

I saw Tang Zhong put Tang Dao away, with that faint smile on his face, and said: "Because he is an inner ghost!"

"What? The ghost?" Everyone in the audience was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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