Chapter 815 I know they are powerful! (four more)

"Because he is an inner ghost!" Tang Zhong said.

Everyone around was stunned.

But soon they felt that there was no proof for Tang Zhong to say this, and it would be too hasty to say that others are ghosts.

"But, it's an insider, so there's no proof?" Old General Peng Yuan was a little angry at this moment.

Because the current Tang Zhong is really too bold.

"I have evidence!" Tang Zhong groped directly from Wang Qing who was lying on the ground, and quickly took out a mobile phone.

I saw the phone screen was still on.

That's the SMS interface.

Above is a sent message.

"Tang Zhong has arrived in the dragon group!"

The number sent to is a very strange-looking number.

At this time, everyone also saw the content of the message.

Especially Peng Yuan's face was the most ugly.

"This was posted just now!" Tang Zhong said, "So I don't want to explain anything else!"

He looked calm and smiling, but he gave off an indescribable aura.

From the moment he entered the dragon group, he was looking for the ghost. From the beginning of Adam's incident, he felt the existence of the ghost. Others didn't react at all when they saw Tang Zhong, but Wang Qing looked at him again. When it came to him, he was a little flustered and ran away secretly. Tang Zhong looked for the ghost again, which was too obvious for Wang Qing.

Old General Peng Yuan was also stunned. If the text message was true, then there was something wrong with Wang Qing, and he immediately ordered: "Send someone to check this phone immediately!"

There are fixed instruments in the dragon group.

Soon someone took away Wang Qing's mobile phone, and Wang Qing's body was also taken away.

If Wang Qing is really the ghost, then killing him is killing him, but if it is not the ghost, Tang Zhong will be finished.

Peng Yuan understands Tang Zhong's feelings, it is very uncomfortable to lose the feeling of the woman he loves the most.

But soon, the inspectors came over. They were all top hackers in the country. They quickly found out the problem in the other party's phone. Wang Qing was the real ghost.

No one thought of this.

Everyone in the dragon group was completely dumbfounded.

There is actually an inner ghost next to the old general Peng Yuan.

This is simply incredible.

"Old general, I need to ask you a question!" Tang Zhong looked at old general Peng Yuan and asked.

"Go to the office!" Peng Yuan said, he knew what Tang Zhong wanted to ask without guessing.

in the office.

Tang Zhong still looked so indifferent, sitting by the desk, and read all the photos Peng Yuan gave him.

"Is it this person?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yes!" Peng Yuan said.

"Who is he?" Tang Zhong put down the photo and looked at Peng Yuan with a smile.

"I can't tell you that!" Peng Yuan said.

He couldn't tell Tang Zhong because he was afraid that Tang Zhong would do something wrong.

Because the other party was Hu Ge, he was afraid that Tang Zhong would find out who it was and fight him desperately.

The opponent is Hu Ge, and if you fight him desperately, there is only one dead end.

"It's okay, old general, just tell me!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

Seeing this smile, Peng Yuan didn't know what to say.

Then Tang Zhong turned around and looked at Zhang Changgong next to him, and said, "Grandpa Zhang, who is this person?"

Zhang Changgong didn't know what to say.

"Tang Zhong, are you really okay?" Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong and asked.

"What can I do, I'm normal!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Peng Yuan didn't believe it, but now Tang Zhong looked like a normal person.

"I can tell you who this person is, but the premise is that you must be calm!" Peng Yuan said.

He felt that it would be too miserable for Tang Zhong not to tell Tang Zhong the truth.

Tang Zhong has the right to know all the truth, and it seems that Tang Zhong is fine now!

"I will!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

No one can see through what lies beneath this peaceful heart.

Peng Yuan still decided to tell.

He picked up a photo in a black robe and said, "This man... his name is Hu Ge!"

"What kind of person is that?" Tang Zhong asked with a smile.

"..." Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief, he couldn't see what Tang Zhong was thinking: "You should know Adam, he is Adam's grandfather!"

"I know Adam, I killed him!" Tang Zhong said.

"This Hu Ge's motive is very simple. He came here to avenge Adam. If you killed his grandson, all of you are here to destroy your Tang family!" Peng Yuan said.

"His grandson should be killed!" Tang Zhong said indifferently: "I want to know what is the origin of this Hu Ge?"

"Hu Ge... the meritorious person in World War I and World War II once had a name called Rentu, he killed many Japanese soldiers and Japanese soldiers on the battlefield, and he is a powerful SS-level ability user , M Lijian had already announced that this person was dead, but he didn't expect him to be alive!" Peng Yuan said.

"Is this person very strong?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It's very strong. It was very strong back then. There was no black list back then, so I don't know his ranking... and he has lived for a long time, and his blood power is very strong!" Peng Yuan introduced.

Tang Zhong didn't speak.

Seeing that Tang Zhong didn't respond, Peng Yuan thought Tang Zhong was thinking, and hurriedly said: "Little Tang, we know that you are sad because your family has been destroyed, but what we mean by this is to let you understand...the other party is really strong, we I also want to avenge you, but there is no evidence that Hu Ge is the murderer, so there is no way to proceed with this matter!"

"This kind of thing is fundamentally irresistible. Opposing Hu Ge is opposing FBL!"

"The dragon group is the dragon group, I am willing to stand up for you, but the above will not allow it!"

"Furthermore, Hu Ge is a strong man in the world, and M Lijian is a powerful country in the world. If you fight against Hu Ge, you are against M Lijian. The chance of winning is really too small!"

Peng Yuan kept expressing his apologies.

He was explaining Hu Ge's identity, and then asked Tang Zhong to do what he could, knowing what to do and what not to do, and now he was afraid that Tang Zhong would do something wrong.

"En!" Tang Zhong nodded calmly.

"These things are all my own, and I know how to do them!"

"I know FBL is strong, I know M Lijian is strong, and I know Hugo is strong!"

When Peng Yuan heard this, he immediately felt relieved: "It's good to know that you are strong, so don't act rashly, let that Hu Ge find you, he will definitely kill you with his own hands, you just stay in the Dragon Group and Huaxia , we will definitely protect you. When you are strong enough to compete with Hu Ge, it is not too late for you to take revenge. You have to understand that taking revenge now is the next choice. Well, there are some things, you Think for yourself!"

Both Peng Yuan and Zhang Changgong were about to leave, leaving Tang Zhong here alone.

As long as Tang Zhong figured everything out.

When the two walked out, they closed the door of the conference room.

"Isn't that bad!" Zhang Changgong asked.

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's for his own good. Although Tang Zhong is very calm now, it's impossible to guarantee that something will happen to him. Lock him up here and make him think about something!" Peng Yuan said.

"All right!"

The two left.

Tang Zhong, who was in the middle of the room, still had a bright smile on his face: "I know they are very powerful, but so what?"

Soon, the smile on his face was replaced by a icy coldness, and there was a monstrous anger in his pupils.

It is absolutely impossible for him to let go of the person who hurt Wei Wei, whoever he is?Even the Heavenly King Lao Tzu must die!

"Hugo... you are dead!"

Grasping Hu Ge's photo, Tang Zhong's palm burned with flames, which instantly ignited the photo.

(End of this chapter)

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