Chapter 816 Killing Game! (one more)
I don't know how long it took.

Long group corridor Tang Zhong.

A woman with the appearance of a chef, holding a plate with food in her hand, walked in the eyes of everyone, and her destination was the office of old general Peng Yuan.

She is a cook.

The old general Peng Yuan ordered that when the time came, he would go to the office and deliver some food to someone.

So now here she is.

After skillfully opening the door, I was just about to say that it was time to eat.

But when I opened the door, I found it was empty, it was still the same office.

The female chef was stunned for a moment, obviously the old general said there was someone here, why is it gone now, the old general may have remembered wrongly.

Then she reported all the situation here.

Immediately, a complete commotion was caused among the dragon group.

Old General Peng Yuan and Zhang Changgong were still working before, but they had rushed over by this time.

A large group of people stood in the old general Peng Yuan's office, with extremely ugly faces.

"Where did he go?" Old General Peng Yuan murmured.

The office is closed, that's why they locked Tang Zhong up, but now it seems that there is no trace of damage to the office, so how did this person escape?
"I don't know!" Zhang Changgong shook his head.

"Then where is Tang Zhong now?" Old General Peng Yuan asked.

"Oops!" Zhang Changgong stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, his face extremely ugly.

When General Peng Yuan heard what Zhang Changgong said, he seemed to have guessed something, and immediately picked up the phone.

"Immediately notify the police at all the checkpoints and ask them to always pay attention to one person. That person is Tang Zhong. He must not be allowed to leave Huaxia!"

"Absolutely not, it must be organized. If the opponent resists, stop it with firepower!"

Now that Tang Zhong is gone, there is only one possible place to go, and that is probably M Lijian, and he is looking for Hu Ge.

"This guy, why is it so annoying!" Old General Peng Yuan sighed.

Who is Hu Ge, he is the clearest, the current Tang Zhong is not the other party's opponent at all!
And as the order of the old general Peng Yuan spread, all the gates that could leave China were guarded by heavy soldiers.

But when they didn't know, at this time, they were on the plane to Milijian.

Tang Zhong was sitting by the window, looking at the blue sky, he was in a daze.

This is an international flight, so most of the above are foreigners.

Sitting next to Tang Zhong at this moment is a blonde beauty, wearing casual clothes, holding a book in her hand and constantly flipping through it, but in fact, her eyes are not on the book at all, but on the man next to her body.

It is said that a thinking man can quickly attract a woman's favor, and the current Tang Zhong quickly attracted the favor of this blonde beauty.

The blond beauty wanted to talk to Tang Zhong several times, but Tang Zhong always looked out the window. The beauty had nothing to talk about. Even after the plane was bumped by the airflow just now, the man still looked out the window.

This man who seems to be only 20 years old gives people a feeling of the times beyond his age, a feeling of vicissitudes, and there are many stories behind it.

Women are all the same, whether they have yellow skin or white skin, they are all curious. When they are interested in a man, they really want to know the story behind this man!
But this man didn't give her a chance!
"Hi!" The woman attacked again, and she spoke Chinese. She works in Huaxia Enterprise, so her Chinese is very good.

Hearing the voice, Tang Zhong turned his head slightly, saw the blonde beauty next to him, and said, "En!"

Hearing Tang Zhong's voice, the blond woman hurriedly continued: "My name is Lucy, hello, are you from Huaxia?"

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

"Oh, can you tell me your name?" Lucy asked.

The other party's look of ignoring him made Lucy even more curious, because she was pretty good-looking, and other men she usually met, once she started taking care of him, would definitely rush to talk to her. This man It really makes you curious.

"Tang Tiansha!" Tang Zhong said.

Lucy froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "Chinese culture is extensive and profound. This is the first time I've heard such a name. It's very domineering. By the way, why are you going to M Lijian?"

"I'm going to kill people!" Tang Zhong said.

When Lucy heard this, the smile on her face instantly froze, and the scene was a little awkward. After a long time, she smiled and said: "Killing... Is that a game? We have a lot of killing games in M ​​Lijian, Not bad, it seems that you like playing games!"

"Do you know Hu Ge?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Hugo!" Lucy was stunned when she heard this name. Why did this name sound so familiar? She suddenly remembered that M Lijian's history textbook had this name, and the history of World War I and World War II Hero, during World War II, when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, the country was furious, and Hu Ge joined the war. In just a few years, the Japanese were repelled.

Lucy remembered that there were many descriptions of this Hugo in the textbook. Could it be a person?

But the textbook said that Hu Ge was dead, and he tried it in 1978, so he probably wasn't alone.

As for the name Hu Ge, there are many in M ​​Lijian.

"There are a lot of Hugo, are you looking for relatives?" Lucy asked.

"No, I want to kill him!" Tang Zhong said.

It was murder again, and Lucy was sure from the sharp eyes of the other party that what the other party said was not false.

"Don't... killing people is illegal, you must not do it!" Lucy immediately stopped, she could see that this young man seemed to have encountered some injustice, this Hugo might be his boss, or His friends cheated this person of money, or bullied him, there are many such things.

Lucy thought Tang Zhong had a good story before, but now, this person's mind is really too simple.

I really misunderstood the person.

"No, law...haha, in my eyes, there is no law!" Tang Zhong said.

"M. America's laws are very strong. You are a Chinese, so you may not understand America, but I am a native of America, and I know more than you!" Lucy said.

At this time, the voice of the staff on the plane came from my ear, speaking in English.

"This plane is about to fly to Florida, America. Passengers, please don't forget to bring your profits when you get off the plane. American Airlines wishes you a happy stay in America!"

Lucy has a lot of luggage. She heard the voice and began to pack it, but she did not forget to speak at the same time. She must teach this person that she must not kill people.

"I tell you, some things should be done, and some things must not be done!"

"Killing is against the law!"

"Anyway, there's only so much I should say, everything depends on you!"

After Lucy packed her luggage, she turned to look at Tang Zhong, and immediately covered her mouth, because Tang Zhong, who was sitting in the seat just now, had disappeared at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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