Chapter 817 Love of talents!

Get off the plane.

It's the Florida state of M. Lee.

Tang Zhong looked down at the phone, and there was a text message from Suzaku.

Tang Zhong didn't know who Hu Ge was, but someone knew that Suzaku was one of the insiders.

When he left the dragon team, he went to Suzaku specifically once, and he asked Suzaku about Hu Ge's information, as well as FBL's information.

Suzaku knew that Tang Zhong was imprisoned, but she still told him that she knew everything Hu Ge had done, so she gave all the information about Hu Ge.

However, there is little information.

Just say Hugo is in Florida.

As for the rest, there is no more.

In other words, to deal with this Hu Ge, the only way to find him is to find him and kill him.

However, Tang Zhong didn't have much patience anymore. Now that he had arrived in Lijian, he had to find Hu Ge.

And the easiest way to find Hugo is only one!
Walking under a building, Tang Zhong stopped, then raised his head and looked at the upstairs in front of him.

On the top of the building, there is something similar to a satellite. Looking at the letters next to it, it is a TV station.

Finding someone, there's nothing easier than a TV station.

For Tang Zhong, this is the most stupid way, and also the easiest way.

Immediately Tang Zhong walked up.

There was a beautiful brunette at the front desk of the TV station. When she saw Tang Zhong coming in, she said, "Hi, sir, do you need any service?"

"Excuse me, will the news break in your place be seen by the whole state of Florida?" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, sir!" Legal Beauty

"I need to interrupt a piece of news!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's okay to interrupt the news... but I just don't know what the master is going to do!" The beauty looked at Tang Zhong, her heart couldn't help beating wildly, this yellow-skinned man is really not ordinary handsome.

"Look for someone!" Tang Zhong said.

"I'll find someone to arrange it right now, but handsome guy, we have to pay for this!" the brunette beauty said.

"Money is not a problem!" Tang Zhong said. He had a card in his hand. He always had the card that Xia Yuqing gave him back then.

Fee paid.

Tang Zhong was brought into the studio.

The brunette beauty went up to communicate with the director, and Tang Zhong went up to the place where the news was broadcast.

"I need to let the whole Florida see!" Tang Zhong said his request.

The director made an ok gesture!
Then boot directly.

As a result, Tang Zhong's figure appeared on the TVs throughout Florida.

Whether it was on the big screen in the shopping mall or on the TV at home, Tang Zhong's image appeared.


"It's time to start. You just need to clearly state the name of the person you are looking for. Our TV station covers a very wide area. Okay, let's talk about preparations. We have already broadcast the images." The director said.

Tang Zhong ignored him, but looked at the screen in front of him, his gaze became cold.

"Hu Ge..." Tang Zhong said flatly.

Soon, the TV screens in the entire state of Florida looked like Tang Zhong.

Whether it was the people in front of the TV or the people in the shopping mall outside, they all looked at the screen.

"This should be a missing person advertisement, when did the TV station accept this kind of advertisement!"

"It's really bad luck!"

But when they heard the name Hu Ge, everyone couldn't help but think of the name in the history textbook.

More importantly, there are very few people named Hu Ge now.

Because there was once a historical figure named Hu Ge, who said that the name Hu Ge was a murderer, and cowards were not allowed to use it.

"Are there many people named Hugo now?"

"Shouldn't be many! What is that man looking for Hu Ge?"

"I'd really like to see what that Hugo looks like?"

Almost a lot of people have started watching TV.

At the same time, the Huaxia Dragon Group had been sent out to guard at various gates, but no one from Tang Zhong was found.

Soon in the office of General Peng Yuan.

Peng Yuan was already very angry.

There are two possibilities that Tang Zhong has not been found now. The first possibility is that Tang Zhong has not left Huaxia, and the second possibility is that Tang Zhong has already arrived in Huaxia.

Of course, the first possibility is more likely.

After listening to the words of all the people in charge of the gate, the old general Peng Yuan's face became more serious.

"You said that Tang Zhong hasn't been spotted yet?"

"Yes!" The person in charge nodded.

"Continue to investigate!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

But Tang Zhong must not be allowed to leave Huaxia!
But at this time, Zhang Changgong came out and said directly: "I don't think we need to continue searching?"

"Why?" Old General Peng Yuan asked.

"Look at this!" Zhang Changgong held a laptop in his hand and put it on the table.

So all eyes are on it.

At that moment, everyone's faces were ugly.

I only saw on the computer screen, it was Tang Zhong's picture, and everyone could see Tang Zhong's back, it was in English, it looked like it should be a TV station.

In other words, the present Tang Zhong has gone to another place.

Zhang Changgong said with a serious face: "This is the picture that was sent back from Florida just now, that is to say, Tang Zhong is now in M ​​Lijian, and if there is no accident, Tang Zhong is looking for Hu Ge, and he is using the most Stupid way!"

"This looking for death!" Old General Peng Yuan roared.

To challenge Hu Ge face to face like this is a dead end.

"What should we do now?" Zhang Changgong asked.

"He must be stopped!" Old General Peng Yuan shouted.

"But, now he is in M ​​Lijian!" Zhang Changgong said: "Ordinary people in the dragon group can't cross the line!"

There is a law that says that special organizations in major countries cannot cross the border and enter other countries. If they are allowed or not, they are breaking the law.

"Who says you can't cross the border? Adam came to Huaxia, so he was allowed to come over anyway, and how many times people from other organizations have come to Huaxia over the years, what did the dragon group say?" the old general Peng Yuan roared.

Zhang Changgong remained silent, that was the fact.

"Our dragon team can't be bullied casually, and this time I'm going to Florida, I'll go in person!" Old General Peng Yuan said.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked, no one thought that old general Peng Yuan would say such a thing.

"No, absolutely not!" Zhang Changgong refused.

You must know that the old general Peng Yuan is the backbone of the entire dragon group, so nothing can happen.

"Why not? Tang Zhong is in Florida now. He is a genius in our dragon team. How many years does it take for our dragon team to produce such a person? How can I let him go? He is going to die. I will fight with those M devils." Let's fight, damn it, can they only bully us Huaxia, can't we Huaxia fight back? Don't talk about Hu Ge, even if the old guy from FBL shows up, I will still fight him, don't persuade me, let's go!" Peng Old General Yuan shouted.

At this moment, no one is talking.

Because, this is an old man in the dragon group, with a love of talent in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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