Chapter 819 Trembling! (four more)
Huaxia has the eyes of the sky, and there are many cameras on the streets of Florida.

After Tang Zhong raised his middle finger.

It was quickly seen by the people on the other side of the camera.

That's the FBL guys.

In front of a large screen, a big man wearing a green military hat saw the raised middle finger, and was trembling with anger.

"This damn Chinese!"

In these western countries, raising the middle finger means contempt.

"Damn Dongfang Boy, how dare you look down on us!"

"The person that guy hit was from the organization, and the higher-ups should have arranged to follow him. Now we have the qualifications to arrest this guy. Immediately notify the members to arrest this oriental man named Tang Zhong!" Another person next to him said.

Soon, from the FBL.

Vehicles drove out one after another, and began to search on the streets of Florida Street, preparing to arrest Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong walked to the street with a smile still on his face. Every time he passed by a camera, he didn't dodge or dodge, and directly raised his middle finger when he got below.

Unlike when Hu Ge entered Huaxia, he directly destroyed the camera.

What Tang Zhong needs is very simple, that is to let Hu Ge appear.

The person checking the monitor saw Tang Zhong raised his middle finger, and was so angry that his whole body was about to tremble, and then he was able to control the FBL vehicle and arrest Tang Zhong.

Finally, on a street in Florida.

Several police cars surrounded Tang Zhong.

Buzzing boom.

A policeman got out of the car and pointed a gun at Tang Zhong: "Raise your hand, if you resist, we will shoot!"

Under the eyes of everyone, Tang Zhong still smiled, he didn't move, but raised his hand.

What he needs now is where is Hugo?
The police quickly went up, arrested Tang Zhong, and brought the police with him.

These people are actually members of the FBL, members of a small area in Florida!
Leading Tang Zhong through the high-rise buildings, and turned several big circles, finally arrived at an underground organization.

Tang Zhong's eyes were wrapped in black cloth, and he didn't know what happened.

When the black cloth strip is opened.

Tang Zhong had already left an interrogation room.

under dim lighting.

He was handcuffed, and sitting next to him were several FBL members, all of whom were blond-haired foreigners.


"Tang Tiansha!"

"Damn it, that's a pretty good name. Tell me, what are you doing here with M Lijian?" the FBL member who asked the question shouted.

"Killer, where is Hu Ge?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Murder! You Huaxia are indeed a lowly nation. Come to our M Lijian to kill people. You have committed a crime. We will arrest you now!" the person who asked the question shouted.

"The question I'm asking is, where is Hugo now?" The smile on Tang Zhong's face was gone, replaced by coldness.

"What Hu Ge is not Hu Ge, you are now suspected of murder, we will imprison you..." the person who asked the question shouted.

Then he came up with an electric baton, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, you'd better be honest with me, or I will definitely make you very memorable!"

The electric baton was stretched out, and the electric light flickered on it, and it stabbed at Tang Zhong.

"The people above have explained that the main thing is to catch you and deal with you quickly, so, go to hell!"

The man thought that Tang Zhong would be directly electrocuted to death after being hit by the electric baton.

But what he never expected was that now, with his electric baton going up, the other party was fine at all.

"How is this possible? This is one hundred thousand volts!" The person who shocked Tang Zhong was terrified, and then strengthened the electric baton again, and stabbed towards Tang Zhong.

What kind of electric baton, for Tang Zhong, has no power at all. Because of his strong blood, his body has been hardened to a certain extent, this kind of electric baton can't hurt him at all.

At this moment, Tang Zhong lowered his head, with a sneer on his face: "I said, I just want to know where Hu Ge is, but now, I've changed my mind!"

At this moment, the corners of Tang Zhong's mouth raised slightly.

What he said made the person holding the electric baton tremble in fright, but when he thought that the other party was in handcuffs, he immediately became unafraid: "Changed your mind? What do you want to change? Look at yourself without pissing." What is it, come to our M Lijian to run wild!"

But before he could speak, he suddenly stopped moving, and a sharp pain came out, and when he lowered his head, his eyes widened.

He saw Tang Zhong's hands that were handcuffed in front of him, and he didn't know when he had broken free, and he was holding a black long knife in the opponent's hand.

And already slashed over, this person felt as if his upper body and lower body were separated.

In the next second, the entire body was severed from the waist by the lazy waist, and then fell into a pool of blood.

Tang Zhong was judged by two people. One person died in such a way that the other person was terrified. His pupils trembled and his legs were weak. When he turned around, he saw a young man holding a long knife. He knelt down on the ground with a plop, and he no longer had the previous vicious intent.

Because of the lighting, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, but at this moment, he saw the other person smiled, and that smile made him despair.

What greeted him was a knife, from the head to the place, he was directly cut open, and directly separated.

At this moment, Tang Zhong still has a smile on his face. His patience is limited. I have already said that I want to see Hu Ge, but Hu Ge has not shown up for a long time. Then, don’t blame him, and immediately looked ahead The iron gate of the courtroom was slashed through.

With a bang, the door was cut and collapsed.

Outside is a small branch of the FBL, like a white-collar office, where most of the members chat with each other, as an intelligence agency, that's what they do every day.

Suddenly, a loud noise shocked everyone!They all stood up one after another, turned their heads and looked at the interrogation room. They also knew the people in the interrogation room. Those were the people who had been specially notified by the superiors to kill them. What happened in the interrogation room now?
From inside, Tang Zhong came out slowly with a Tang saber.

The faces of the people from the FBL branch turned ugly, and they quickly pulled out their pistols from the drawer.

"Stop...stop for us!"

"Bold, too bold, this is the FBL branch, you dare to come and make trouble, you really don't know how to live or die!"

One of the boxes seemed to be the leader, and he issued an order directly: "The above said, this person must be killed, let us kill him, so everyone shot together and killed him!"

Tang Zhong looked at them with a smile, and said, "What else did the above say?"

The leader immediately laughed and said: "Kill you secretly, then throw your body in the wild, so that people in Huaxia will not find out, and said that killing you is a great achievement. I didn't expect that this great achievement would actually come to me. This kind of feeling , really refreshing!"

"Great work..." Tang Zhong laughed.

It seems that FBL didn't take him seriously at all, so let them take him seriously!
The Tang knife in Tang Zhong's hand directly cut it out.

I saw the knife shadow directly turning into a straight line, shuttling through the entire office.

Straight through the throats of those who pointed guns at Tang Zhong.

I saw their throats appear, small wounds, followed by blood gushing out, and their bodies fell to the ground one by one.

And Tang Zhong didn't even look at it.

"Since FBL doesn't take what I said seriously, then I will make us tremble!"

(End of this chapter)

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