Chapter 820 Internal meeting!

When Tang Zhong walked out of the FBL distribution base, Tang Dao was not stained with a little blood.

And the base behind him was already covered in blood.

This should be just a distributed base, and there are about thirty people in it.

He was killed by Tang Zhongtong.

Tang Zhong doesn't kill an innocent person, the people he kills are those kind of hateful and hateful people,
The people at the FBL headquarters absolutely know about Hu Ge's news, but they don't say it now, so he is forced to say it.

The people here are all virtuous, and they are determined to kill Tang Zhong.

Then, Tang Zhong was going to make them tremble.

Soon, news spread that the branch was eliminated.

In the headquarters base of FBL.

In one room, it was a conference room with a huge oval table surrounded by more than thirty people.

Each of these people is wearing a military uniform with stars on their shoulders.

They are all upper echelons of FBL.

Usually he is majestic, but now no one speaks, and his face is extremely gloomy.

In the center is an old man named Jiger, who is the highest executive of the entire FBL.

Surrounded by other members of the FBL organization, stacks of materials were placed in front of them.

If you look at the material carefully, you will find that there is a ruin on it, the ruins of the branch that was killed by Tang Zhongmie, and the scene inside is clearly presented on the material.

"Have you finished reading it all!" Jiger asked.

"The Chinese people are too courageous!" A thick man shouted!
"Such a person must not stay and directly destroy our FBL branch, what a damn!"

Everyone is expressing their opinion.

Then someone asked for a job. It was a man, wearing a military uniform, and stood up: "This person should be in Florida. I request to capture this Chinese man!"

Jiger was very calm and said: "No need, you are not his opponent!"

"Why?" The man was taken aback.

"This man's name is Tang Zhong, and he is number one on the black list... Adam was killed by him. Do you think you can hurt him?" Jiger said looking at the man.

Especially when he saw the number one on the black list and killed Adam, Jiger was a little shocked.

"What?" Hearing this, the man who asked for a job turned ugly: "Could it be a mistake, that man is obviously just a young man!"

"Yeah, it can't be number one on the black list!"

"Could it be a mistake?"

The people around had already seen Tang Zhong's approximate physical appearance on the information, and they couldn't believe it, and now they began to quarrel.

"I didn't believe it at first, but Tang Zhong's name is clearly written on the top post on the black list forum!" Jiger said.

Soon, the whole audience fell silent. Those who were about to invite Ying to deal with Tang Zhong just now turned ugly, and closed their mouths one after another, not daring to say a word.

Then Jiger continued to speak: "Actually, this time everyone was called together not because of this matter, but because of something else!"

When it comes to this other time, everyone around knows that it is that matter.

Ji Ge said: "This time, the man named Tang Zhong came to look for Hu Ge. In detail, you have heard what Hu Ge did in Huaxia not long ago!"

Hugo, the success of that plan!
Everyone around listened attentively.

"Hu Ge's grandson Adam was killed by Tang Zhong in Huaxia, but later Hu Ge went to Huaxia to destroy Tang Zhong's family. This is a very simple vendetta, but I don't know if the dragon group already knows The murderer is Hu Ge, this is the crux of the problem, you know, a long time ago, we have announced that Hu Ge is dead, but now Hu Ge has survived, I am afraid that the dragon group will doubt something, absolutely Don't let the dragon team sniff out that plan!" Jiger said, and after finishing speaking, he looked around.

No one responded, and only then did I realize the importance of the problem.

If other people found out about that plan, it would cause a sensation all over the world, and M Lijian would be punished for it.

So it must not be exposed.

After a short period of silence, Chige continued: "Now the Dragon Group doesn't know about that plan, so there is still a rescue. This man named Tang Zhong, as long as we kill him, everything will be fine!"

The people around nodded thoughtfully.

"However, that person is number one on the black list. We are not opponents at all, and we can't use the products of those plans..." You said.

"The other party is a black list, so can't we kill it? Don't forget, we are one of the countries with the strongest modern weapons!" Jiger said.

"You mean to use modern weapons?" someone said.

"No, isn't there a rule in the world? People with abilities can't participate in battles with modern weapons. Similarly, modern weapons can't attack people with abilities!"

This is a stipulation, a stipulation that the ability user and the person with modern weapons used to do, and the two do not violate each other.

Jiger immediately laughed when he heard the other party's words: "Then Tang Zhong is a capable person, but he killed our FBL people, we can use it!"

"That's great, I don't believe it, that guy is stronger than a cannon, stronger than a laser..."

"Yes, I must shoot that guy with a bazooka!"

All of them were in high spirits.

Seeing this, Jiger continued: "It's said above, Tang Zhong must die..."

"Don't worry, no one can save him!"

And while they were meeting, the entire FBL branch in Florida was being wiped out.

According to the people at the scene, they were directly beheaded without seeing what happened, and the entire branch was directly turned into ruins.

When Jiger and the others got the news, their faces were extremely gloomy, and they immediately ordered Tang Zhong to be arrested, and began to use military orders and launch modern weapons.

But just when they were ready to go.

At the gate of the headquarters, Hu Ge appeared.

The current Hu Ge is still wearing the black robe from before.

When Jiger saw Hu Ge appearing, his face darkened, and he said, "What are you doing here?"

"Of course I came because I heard that someone was going to kill me, so I'm going to come over and see who is going to kill me!" Hu Ge laughed.

"It's not your fault!" Jiger said.

"Then let me solve it!" Hu Ge laughed.

"No, you're already dead, so you can't go out anymore. You've been exposed by the Huaxia Dragon Team. They must not let them find out what's wrong. If the plan is exposed, we will all die." Jiger roared.

As for that plan, it must not be exposed.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen again!" Hu Ge said: "Since you know that it will be a very difficult thing if the dragon group finds out, why didn't you call this person named Tang Zhong directly before the dragon group appeared? Kill then!"

"We will go, don't worry about it!" Jiger said.

"But you killed him? The other party is number one on the black list!" Hu Ge said with a smile, "I heard that people on the black list should be very strong, right?"

When Jiger heard this, his face became gloomy. This is indeed a big problem. Even if they have modern weapons, it is definitely a very difficult task for an undamaged number one on the black list to release and kill him. The problem.

"How about this, I'll kill him, how about you do it before he is about to die?" Hu Ge laughed.

"No, you'll be exposed!" Jiger yelled.

"No, I will go like this, so I won't be recognized!" Hu Ge put on the black robe, and his whole appearance changed.

"This is absolutely not possible!" Jiger said.

"You have to understand that there are plans about me that must not be exposed. You should know the consequences!" Hu Ge said with a smile.

When Jiger heard this, he gritted his teeth. If that guy was really known by other people, it would be a sensation in the world.

"Okay, you can go, but you can't expose yourself, if you knock down that Tang Zhong, leave immediately!" Jiger said.

"Don't worry, with me here, it will be easy!" Hu Ge said grimly.

Immediately remembering that Tang Zhong had repeatedly provoked him, his face darkened.

"Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong, I didn't want to kill you, to let you experience the pain of losing a loved one, but you just came here to seek death, so please don't blame me!"

On the same day, news of Hu Ge reached Tang Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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