Chapter 821 Ambush! (one more)
Tang Zhong soon got the news.

Just after destroying a branch, he got the news that Hu Ge promised him.

"Can't sit still?" Standing on a tall building.

Tang Zhong lazily looked ahead, there was a lot of traffic, and there were pedestrians coming and going.

Finally got to meet Hugo.

Tang Zhong carried Tang Dao behind his back, this time, no matter what happened, he would kill Hu Ge.

"Wei Wei, just wait, I will definitely avenge you!"

Immediately walked to the side of the building and jumped directly, just like Spiderman.

From this upstairs, jump to another upstairs.

For Tang Zhong now, it is completely easy to do this.

He came to challenge Hugo, and Hugo agreed to his appointment, and the place was in a deserted village in northern Florida.

Now Tang Zhong is rushing to that deserted village again.

The so-called soldier never tires of deceit, Tang Zhong understands some things, now Hu Ge asked him to go to this deserted village, he definitely has no good intentions, there may be some kind of ambush.

Tang Zhong knew all of this, but what about it?
After passing through the metropolis, Tang Zhong soon arrived in the suburbs.

There are many farms in the suburbs here.

M Lijian is a temperate country, so there are many farms!
Tang Zhong carried Tang Dao on his back and walked forward step by step.

Finally arrived at the agreed barren village.

From a distance, the dilapidated village looks like a small town where western cowboys live.

It's just that from a distance, it has been deserted for a long time.

Garbage is everywhere.

At this time, a road sign appeared on the side of the road, with more rust on it.

"The small town of Wall!"

Looks like it should be here!
The speed under Tang Zhong's feet began to slow down.

There are abandoned taverns on both sides of the road, and almost all the buildings were built in the 80s.

You can see a lot of saddles at the door.

The surroundings are quiet, only the wind mixed with dust is rolling in it.

Tang Zhong saw everything in his eyes!

The quieter it is, the more it means something is wrong.

From the end of this street to the center, there is no one.

But the wind is getting stronger.

Hu Ge asked him to come here, so he must be here.

Just when Tang Zhong was concentrating deeply.

From the dilapidated and out-of-shape taverns, someone slowly came out.

About forty people.

All of them were wearing military uniforms, with strong bodies and guns on their waists.

Sure enough someone!

Tang Zhong turned around and glanced at the people around him.

"You are Tang Zhong?" After the surrounding people surrounded Tang Zhong together, a black man came out of them, looked at Tang Zhong and said with a sneer.

"Where is Hu Ge?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"You don't need to know where it is? You just need to know, you are dead!" the black man said coldly,

"Huh?" Tang Zhong stretched his expression abnormally.

In the next second, more people came out from the surrounding taverns, but they all had machine guns in their hands.

And they are all heavy machine guns!

Not only are there people on the ground, but even on the roof, there are people lying on their stomachs, either holding machine guns or sniping!

This time around hundreds of people showed up.

The power of these guns is enough to destroy a car!

Tang Zhong raised his head and looked around. He had already thought that Hu Ge would definitely deal with him, and he knew there was an ambush, so he was not surprised at all, with a smile on his face.

"It seems that in order to ambush me, you spent a lot of money!" Tang Zhong said lazily.

"You killed so many people in our FBL branch, you deserve to die a hundred times already!" the black man gritted his teeth angrily, then raised the machine gun in his hand.

Tang Zhong didn't move at all, but said: "What I want to ask is, is Hu Ge here now?"

It can be seen that the status of the black man in front of him in FBL should not be very low, he should know Hu Ge.

Hu Ge was said to be dead by M Lijian before, but in fact he didn't die, there must be something to do with it.

"Just because you also want to see Mr. Hu Ge, you should die. Don't think that you are amazing because you are the number one in the black list. In front of our modern weapons, no matter how powerful the capable person is, he must die. Under my gun , and killed a lot of ability users!" said the black man.

"It seems... Hu Ge is here!" Tang Zhong smiled.

Because, he heard the words, and Tang Zhong, who had practiced soul transformation, had a very strong perception.

He already felt Hugo's presence, right in the tavern ahead.

But at this moment, in the tavern, Hu Ge, Jiger and others are all there.

They were already there, in the middle of the tavern, watching the pictures on the small TV.

The small town of Wall has already been fully monitored by them. The moment Tang Zhong stepped into the town, he was monitored by them.

Jiger and Hugo sat together.

"I don't think I can kill this guy if I don't make a move!" Hu Ge said.

"Don't worry, send a small team to take action first!" Jiger said, staring at the screen.

Although Hu Ge had asked Ying many times to kill each other, he was stopped by Ji Ge.

Use modern weapons first, and then let Hugo go.

"They will all die!" Hu Ge said calmly, "This Tang Zhong is very powerful!"

"Impossible, as long as that Tang Zhong moves, all our bullets will be released, that guy can't dodge at all!" Jiger shook his head in disbelief.

"No, they can't shoot bullets. This person is the number one in the black list, and he has strength!" Hu Ge said.

Giger didn't speak.

Outside the tavern.

Tang Zhong started to move, he already knew that Hu Ge was here, so it would be easy!

Immediately, he slowly took down Tang Dao from behind.

When the black man saw Tang Zhongzhong draw the knife, he immediately sneered: "Why, do you still want to draw the knife? No matter how fast your knife is, can it be faster than my bullet? Do you want to try it!"

The eyes of the leading black man turned cold.

Immediately shouted: "Everyone, do it!"

For a split second, there was the sound of a trigger being pulled.

The black man pointed at Tang Zhong, pressed the trigger of the pistol, and from the muzzle, a flaming bullet pierced through and flew towards Tang Zhong.

Not only that, those people holding Gatling, as the guns turned, also showed crazy smiles on their faces.

And on the roof, when the bullet hit, they all laughed wildly.

I saw dense bullets, and at this moment, they all shot towards Tang Zhong. If they were hit, they would definitely be riddled with holes.

Seeing this scene, Jiger laughed: "Is this the number one strength in the black list? I don't understand your black list, all I know is that my gun can solve everything!"

Just after saying this, there was a smile on Jiger's face, but it disappeared quickly.

At that moment, Tang Zhong waved the Tang knife in his hand, the speed was completely invisible to the naked eye, there were knife lights everywhere, and then he heard the sound of ding ding ding.

It's all the sound of the bullets flying past being blocked.

Soon, Tang Zhong stopped moving the knife and stopped.

At the same time, bullets were seen raining down from the air, and all of them fell on the ground.

At that moment, the faces of everyone around changed.

(End of this chapter)

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