Chapter 822 This is how I killed that woman! (two more)
The faces of the people around became ugly, and no one expected such a scene.

Looking at the bullet casings on the ground, and Tang Zhong inside the bullet casings, their expressions were extremely ugly.

It was obvious that the bullet rain passed by just now, how did this guy escape?


The black leader immediately lost his eyebrows, continued to pick up the gun in his hand, and shouted: "Go to hell!"

At this moment, flames erupted from the muzzle of the gun again, and the other Gatlings moved again, but this time, Tang Zhong moved a little faster than them.

The whole person moved like lightning.

In an instant, the Tang knife in his hand waved.

The speed under the feet is faster.

Has completely become welcome.

Shuttle among the crowd.

Whoosh, whoosh, shuttled around, in the middle of the tavern for a while, maybe the next second, on the roof.

Wherever he went, there was no sound.

Soon, Tang Zhong returned to where he was standing before, with a marked smile on his face.

Looking at the people around him, they all stood still in place.

Finally, the next moment, the shout came out.

I saw the person holding the pistol, and the pistol fell to the ground, along with the arms that fell, bloody.

The screams began to come out.

The same was true for the people on the roof, who fell directly from above in pain.

The people who were pointing at Tang Chongyao with guns just now fell to the ground one by one, trembling all over, and the guns in their hands fell to the ground.

This scene appeared, Jiger was watching all the time in the tavern, and suddenly such a scene appeared, his face was abnormally ugly, he was holding a small remote control in his hand, but now because of the force, the remote control was directly pinched It exploded!

"I said it's not his opponent. Only I can deal with this kind of person!" Hu Ge beside him said with a smile.

"Go, don't reveal your identity!" Jiger said coldly: "Kill him as quickly as possible, and absolutely cannot let him live!"

"Don't worry, I will kill him!" At this moment, Hu Ge got up.

And outside, Tang Zhong didn't look at the people who fell on the ground at all, but kept looking in Hu Ge's direction, almost, the people inside should also come out.

In the next second, Hu Ge walked out slowly, still wearing the black robe from before.

Falling into Tang Zhong's eyes, at that moment, Tang Zhong's eyes turned scarlet. This dress, he will never forget it in his life. It can be said that he will never forget it in his whole life.

The person who killed Wei Wei.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly together.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's eyes began to turn scarlet.

Hu Ge in the black robe came out, with a ferocious smile on his face, and after he stopped, he said coldly: "Tang Zhong, are you looking for me, and now I'm here!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"So, what do you want to do to me?" the black robe Hu Ge said coldly.

"I think I will kill you!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"You...don't forget, you killed my grandson, Adam!" Hugo's voice also froze.

"Killing is killing, do I need to explain to you?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The veins on the arms and forehead had completely exploded.

At this moment, he was like a volcano, as if it might erupt at any time.

"Speaking of killing, I don't know how you feel when I kill you Tang family, do you feel very comfortable in your heart?" Hu Ge sneered.

"You... court death, I deserve to kill Adam!" Tang Zhong roared.

Usually, he is the calmest person, but now, he can't calm down at all. What he wants most now is to kill Hu Ge.

In an instant, the blood in his body burst out, he held the Tang knife in his hand, moved his feet, and the whole person flew into the air, and then rushed forward.

The scorching Tang Dao fell in the air, looking straight at Hu Ge!
"Go to hell!"

Seeing that Tang Dao was about to slash on Hu Ge, he sneered: "The guy who doesn't know whether he is dead or alive!"

Immediately, he also moved, and the whole person took a few steps back.

Tang Zhong fell down, just slashed on the ground, forcibly plowed a ditch on the ground, and the dust flew up.

One hit.

Tang Zhong slashed towards Hu Ge again.

I saw a blade cutting towards Hu Ge out of thin air.

Hu Ge flew into the air again.

The blade gushed out directly and landed in the tavern in front of it. They were all made of 80-year-old wood. The blade passed and all collapsed.

The rumbling sound came down.

At this moment Tang Zhong has gone completely crazy, he must kill Hu Ge.

Holding a Tang knife in his hand, he slashed wildly.

Sword lights flickered everywhere.

Cutting on the real thing, there are rumbling sounds everywhere!

But it still can't hurt Hu Ge's hair!
"You are too weak!" Hu Ge stood in the air and said coldly.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but kept slashing wildly. Now that the enemy is in front of him, how can he let it go?

Tang Dao slashed.

It's like the end of the world here.

"It's still too weak!" Hu Ge sneered.

At this moment, he counterattacked, his sleeves swept across, and bombarded with Tang Zhong's Tang Dao.

At the moment of the collision, both of them were shocked back.

"No. [-] on the black list, it really deserves its reputation!" After Hu Ge retreated violently, he stopped, and then said with a cold smile: "But I still have to die!"

Immediately, he started to fight again, and Hu Ge's fists were shining with light.

The fist strength of the whole person was strengthened several times, and he bombarded towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong frowned instantly and dodged suddenly.

With a bang, Hu Ge's fist fell, punching out a big hole in the ground, and the dust flew up.

It has to be said that Hu Ge is very strong.

Hu Ge missed Tang Zhong with one blow, stood up straight, and then looked at Tang Zhong with a sneer: "My skill is not bad, I, Hu Ge, fought in World War I and World War II, and no one has ever been able to escape Where is my fist, Tang Zhong, you are here for revenge, but you are really stupid, to come to M Lijian, here, it will only be your death!"

As soon as the words fell, Hu Ge raised his arm, facing Tang Zhong.

"I killed people from your Tang family. I can see that you are very angry, but what's the use of being angry? I remembered when I killed that woman, tsk tsk, that woman is really righteous, she is willing to do it for you. Go to hell, say something to kill him, and then don't bother you again, you say, how can there be such a stupid person in the world?"

When Tang Zhong heard this, his eyes turned scarlet, that woman must be Wei Wei.

"Why are you angry?" Hu Ge said with a smile: "It seems that that woman is very important to you, haha, what a coincidence, when I killed that woman, it was like this!"

As soon as the words fell, a beam of light was condensed in Hu Ge's hand, and then turned into a laser beam and shot towards Tang Zhong.

(It's a bit late, three glasses of self-punishment!)
(End of this chapter)

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