Chapter 824 Burning blood power! (two more)
"Boy, you are dead!" Hu Ge's voice was heard at this moment.

The blow just now did not kill Hu Ge!

Tang Zhong frowned.

Because he not only felt Hugo's breath of life, but also felt that Hugo's blood power had become stronger than before.

This is not a good thing for him!

At this moment, from the smoke and dust, I saw Hu Ge coming out, but now Hu Ge has taken off the black robe on his body, revealing his real face.

It was an old and strong old man.

The hair is completely gray.

Tang Zhong just glanced at it, and his brows frowned, Hu Ge was too unbelievable.

Because as long as it is a human being, he has life. According to the scope of science, a person can only live a hundred years at most, which is already beyond normal.

And once a person reaches the age of 50, his body has already started to shrink, but now Hu Ge, who has participated in two time wars, should be in his 90s, but his body has not shrunk in any way. The body of the whole person seems to be in the prime of life, which is really unbelievable.

Thinking of Adam's changes before, and General M Lijian's transformation into a lizard man, Tang Zhong figured everything out. There must be some ulterior research in M ​​Lijian.

At this moment, Hu Ge slowly walked out of it, his eyes flashing ferociously.

"Boy, I will kill you!"

"Seeing me like this, don't you look stupid?"

Hu Ge laughed wildly, as if he didn't take Tang Zhong seriously at all.

Immediately, it rushed towards Tang Zhong, the speed was like a cheetah, hitting Tang Zhong at once.

Tang Zhong was completely unprepared, and his fist directly hit Tang Zhong's chest, and his whole body was sent flying. He quickly adjusted his body in the air, and his whole body rubbed against the ground for a few meters before stopping. down.

Although he stopped, the blood in his body was still rolling. Tang Zhong took a few breaths to calm himself down.

The current Hugo doesn't know what ability he has used, but he has become really powerful.

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at Hu Ge, his pupils instantly enlarged.

He actually found that Hu Ge was still changing. His previously gray hair was now all black. What was even more frightening was that Hu Ge had no chest hair before, but now it was black.

As if it just grew out.

This... This is just like a relapsed child.

What kind of research is this?

At this moment, Hu Ge saw Tang Zhong's shocked appearance, and said with a smile: "Are you dumbfounded, do you feel that I am like a god, remember, some people are not something you can mess with at will!"

"So, you came here to seek death!" Hu Gebing sneered.

Tang Zhong clenched his teeth: "What kind of god are you!"

In an instant, Tang Zhong slashed at Hu Ge with the Tang Dao in his hand.

At this time, Tang Dao has completely transformed!
More than 20 meters long!

Right on Hugo!Hu Ge saw it, with a sneer on his face: "Are you still thinking about killing me? But this is a dream, and soon I will make it impossible for you to even dream.

Hu Ge started to move, clenched his fists, his veins bulged, and his arms became extremely thick: "Then I'll show you the power of a god!"

"Fist to the sky!"

The moment Hu Ge swung his fist, his blood power also burst out at the same time, and in an instant, the blood power condensed into a bigger fist, which met the huge Tang Dao.

In an instant.

With a bang, the two hit each other, and the air trembled, as if hot water was boiling.

Soaring, extremely terrifying.

In an instant, Tang Zhong was shocked back, holding a huge Tang saber on the ground, rubbing it for a long time before stopping.

And Hu Ge seemed to be fine, standing there with a cold smile: "Have you seen the power of the gods? I can tell you, all of this is just an appetizer."

As soon as the words fell, Hu Ge at this time, his appearance is still changing.

Originally, he looked about 50 or 20 years old, but now Hu Ge has turned into a boy who looks about [-] years old.

This is too unbelievable.

"Are you still surprised?" Hu Ge sneered: "Unfortunately, you won't have the chance to be surprised soon, and you will die soon, and the death will be very ugly.!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong's eyes were wide open. He never thought that such a scene would appear. What kind of thing is it that makes this guy possess such power.

Rejuvenation, what the hell is this?
And Giger, who was watching the battle between the two from a distance, showed a sinister smile on his face. He didn't expect that the successful product of the "Life" project would be so powerful. The first place in the black list is nothing at all.

If it is true that all those dead fighters can prolong their lives and become stronger, I believe that in the near future, the entire M Lijian will definitely be able to unify the entire world.

This "life" plan was carried out by him in private, so he couldn't let others know about it, but now seeing Hu Ge's appearance, Giger is confident to promote this plan.

At this time, Hu Ge looked at Tang Zhong ferociously, and said, "What's the matter, are you afraid? Start trembling when you are afraid, haha."


Tang Zhong can't, but the current Hu Ge is really troublesome, he doesn't believe in evil, no matter what, he must kill the other party, if he can't kill him, he will be sorry for Wei Wei at all, he doesn't have many chances, only this one time.

In fact, this time he came from Huaxia, he was here to kill Hu Ge, no matter how capable Hu Ge is.

With Tang Dao in his hand, he rushed forward again, and Fen Tianzhan made the whole Tang Dao seem to be on fire.

Go to Hugo.

"Still thinking about killing me, it's really a dream." Hu Ge said coldly.

Immediately he raised his feet, and then crushed the ground suddenly, the huge blood force rolled on the ground, wherever it went, the ground split open, as if magma burst out of the ground.

"Death." There was a loud shout.

I saw that Tang Zhong who had been slashed by the explosive force abruptly was shocked back.

Tang Zhong fell to the ground with an extremely ugly face. The opponent is very strong, so it must be some strange method. Other martial arts can't have any effect on the opponent. Although the Burning Sky Slash is powerful, Tang Zhong has only learned a little. It's just that it can't exert a very powerful force.

But he had to kill Hu Ge, he had to, but he had used up all his hole cards, and he had no choice.

No, he absolutely can't let Wei Wei die without knowing why.

Tang Zhong's eyes began to be occupied by anger.

Suddenly, his pupils brightened up, and there was a way.

Before Adam fought with him, he started to burn his blood power and strengthened his own strength. He also wanted to burn his own blood power without hesitating any price. This was the only way.

The beginning is now.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes, got up from the ground, and burned his blood.

Seeing Tang Zhong's actions, Hu Ge immediately sneered: "Why, do you still want to resist? But do you have this chance?"

Tang Zhong ignored him, his blood power began to burn, and an invisible momentum surged from Tang Zhong's body.

"Today, no matter what, I will kill you, even at the cost of my life."

(End of this chapter)

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