Chapter 825 Thunder in the Palm! (three more)
"I will definitely kill you!" Tang Zhong roared.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's whole body was full of blood power,

That was the performance after burning blood power. Tang Zhong's eyes were completely red, his hair was also constantly floating, and the veins on his forehead were bursting out, filled with blood.

Now this is Tang Zhong's only way.

Hu Ge is very strong, at least the Tang Zhong just now is not his opponent.

But not necessarily now.

Hu Ge looked at Tang Zhong, and after discovering the other party's performance, he immediately sneered: "Is this burning blood power? I have to say that after burning blood power, it still looks a bit like that, but, just by now You, how much blood power can you burn?"

Burning blood power is an extremely wasteful thing.

The continuous burning of blood power is tantamount to losing.

But if you want to restore it again, it will be very ugly.

"If I can kill you, no matter how much blood I burn, I'm willing!" Tang Zhong roared.

At this time, his skin turned black, as if there were flames covering his body, and his whole body seemed to be engulfed.

Go up again with a Tang knife in hand.

He didn't believe it, it couldn't beat Hu Ge.

Seeing Tang Zhong coming up, Hu Ge said coldly: "I'll tell you, no matter how much you burn your blood, it will be of no use in front of us, it will be useless at all!"

Hu Ge swooped up: "As I said just now, that's an appetizer, now I'll show you the power of the gods!"

In an instant, Hugo's skin began to change color, it was no longer the color of flesh, but the color of steel.

It looks like the body is like steel!
Then he swung Tang Dao towards Tang Zhong.

Constantly slashing.

The sound of ding ding ding sounded.

He directly resisted Tang Dao with his fist.

Tang Dao's powerful attacks were blocked by Hu Ge.

At the same time, Hu Ge's face was not very good-looking, you know, it was Tang Dao.

The fluctuations generated by the battle continued to dissipate.

Jiger in the distance frowned when he saw this scene. The ability released by this person named Tang Zhong is really strong. If this person is killed and the "life" plan is carried out, then this person will be If he used it, it would definitely be very cool, just like the Chinese man before.

But now he has to kill this guy, he looked at the time on his wrist, the modern weapons are about to start running now.

At this moment, ten kilometers away from the small town of Wall, one after another combat truck was driven by the driver.

If you look carefully, you will find that these trucks are equipped with missiles.

Not only that, in the air, fighter jets also flew over one after another, carrying bombs under the planes.

They belonged to the FBL formation, and this time Jiger was preparing to kill Tang Zhong.

With the help of modern weapons, Tang Zhong was killed.

Now the weapons are getting closer and closer.

And at the same time.

Among the international airports in Florida.

General Peng Yuan led his people out of the airport.

It was the private jet of old general Peng Yuan, and it brought about half of the top executives of the dragon group, Zhang Longbow, Meng Wuxiang, Suzaku, Baihu, they were all in it.

This time, in order to save Tang Zhong, the old general Peng Yuan didn't care about anything, as long as he could protect Tang Zhong to stay alive.

He didn't take care of M Lijian's side, so he flew here directly.

It is now parked at M Lijian's airport.

From a distance, you can see the old general Peng Yuan in Chinese military uniforms walking forward.

Everyone around is watching them.

Arrived at the exit.

None of the personnel at the airport in country M dared to die.

As for where Tang Zhong is, they also know, because they brought China's top engineers on the plane, and they have already deciphered where Tang Zhong's mobile phone is, in a small town where the rent is paid.

"Let's go, now everyone will follow me to the small town of Wall!" Zhang Changgong ordered directly.

No one dared to disobey the order. They also wanted to save Tang Zhong. After leaving the airport in full view, they went directly to the small town of Wall.

Here in Florida, there is a Chinese embassy, ​​and soon the embassy sent someone to drive Old General Peng Yuan there.

However, old general Peng Yuan directly refused to go to the embassy, ​​but went directly to the small town of Wall, and he would not let it go until he saw Tang Zhong alive.

None of you can say no, because everyone knows why the old general has the current reaction, perhaps, it has something to do with an incident a long time ago.

And at this moment, in the small town of Wall.

Tang Zhong has already burned his blood power, but every attack can be blocked by Hu Ge. Such a Hu Ge is really superhuman!

But Tang Zhong still didn't believe in evil, and swung the Tang knife in his hand.

After swinging a hundred knives, there was still no way to hurt Hu Ge, but Hu Ge was not easy. Every time he collided with Tang Chong Tang Dao, the blood was rolling, as if it could gushes out of his chest at any time Same, that feeling is quite uncomfortable.

Hu Ge also found a big problem, because after burning blood for so long, Tang Zhong is still alive and well, there must be something wrong.

"You were able to kill Adam. It seems that you must have had some kind of adventure. It seems that I really underestimated you, but now you have to die, and now I will let you see what is called a god!" Hu Ge said.

He was really angry. He didn't want to continue fighting with Tang Zhong. He prepared to say that he was afraid. From the beginning, he thought it would be easy to defeat Tang Zhong, but what he didn't expect was that Tang Zhong would fight him to this point. And block him.

Hu Ge is a god of killing, he was a man with a vicious reputation in World War I and World War II, what he hates the most is this scene.

"I'll kill you!" Hugo roared.

He stood where he was, roared wildly, and saw the light flickering on his body.

"I'll let you know who you should mess with and who you shouldn't!"

As soon as he finished speaking, many strange lines appeared on Hu Ge's body.

Jiger, who was standing in the distance, frowned: "This Hugo... is really worrying. I have to use that trick. Fortunately, there is no one here, otherwise it would be really bad!"

Hu Ge was still roaring. At this time, he stood in place, looked at Tang Zhong, then stretched out his hand, and said cruelly: "Open your eyes, let me see clearly, Lei Lai..."

As soon as the words fell, in the palm of his hand, there was actually a blue thunderbolt lightning, and it was getting bigger and bigger!

The two hands had already turned into thunder hands. Although it was daytime, the light of thunder and lightning still illuminated Hu Ge's face in an unusually ferocious manner.

"Scared, let's see how you hide!"

At this moment, Hu Ge slapped Tang Zhong with a palm, and in an instant, two bolts of lightning intertwined in his palm, piercing towards Tang Zhong.

(End of this chapter)

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