Chapter 826 Resurrected from the Dead! (four more)
The two bolts of lightning intertwined together, forming a thick thunderbolt, rushing towards Tang Zhong.

The thunder and lightning made Hu Ge's face look extremely ferocious.

"Die, this time, let me see how you hide!"

The moment Lei Mang shot out, the powerful counter-shock force from above forced Hu Ge back a few steps, but he didn't feel any discomfort after being pushed back, and instead had a crazier expression on his face.

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at Lei Mang, who was shooting in front of him, and his brows were tightly furrowed. This attack was really strong, and he had to dodge it. If he didn't dodge it, he might be blasted to pieces.

He saw two thunder lights intertwined together, turning into two ferocious thunder pythons, devouring towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong wanted to hide, but he couldn't dodge, the two thunder pythons had come over.

"Not good!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Because of this Thunder Python, he has no way to avoid it, only to fight against it.

Tang Zhong rallied his strength and burned his blood, and the Tang knife in his hand suddenly fell down.

An unprecedented crisis enveloped his heart!
He has a feeling that if he doesn't use all his strength, he will really die here!

Then a blade abruptly landed on the Thunder Python.

The blade was bitten by Lei Python's mouth.

At the moment when they faced each other, the sky-shattering voice rose up, and Lei Mang turned crazily, forcefully pushing Tang Zhong out, and the power of Lei Mang had not weakened a bit.

The thunder and lightning collided with the sword in Tang Zhong's hand, making continuous collision sounds and crackling sounds.

Tang Zhong tightly grasped the Tang Dao in his hand, not relaxing at all, even though he was forced back by Lei Mang's strength.

His hand hurts, he endures it, his legs are weak, he endures it.

He just can't pay, Wei Wei is still waiting for him in the hanging coffin, maybe watching him slaying his enemies in the sky, absolutely can't let this guy live.

but now……

"I don't know how to live or die!" Hu Ge sneered when he saw Tang Zhong's appearance.

He is an ss level ability user.

This time he had completely released his own strength, and he did not believe that this person was immortal.

Thunder Python crushed infinitely.

Tang Zhong held the Tang Dao, his body seemed to be crushed into pieces by the powerful force in front of him, that feeling was really uncomfortable.

"I...I can't die!" Tang Zhong clenched his teeth and looked at Lei Mang in front of him, his whole face was ugly.

The shoes kept rubbing against the ground, and now they are completely gone.

"No... I can't die!"

Tang Zhong's voice reached Hu Ge's ears, and he laughed ferociously: "I really want to see how you live? This feeling is really good!"

The power of Thunder Python is strong after all.

After retreating more than [-] meters, Tang Zhong finally couldn't stand it anymore. The road he retreated just now has already turned into ruins!

At this moment, Lei Python completely swallowed Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong couldn't hold it anymore, the Tang Dao in his hand slammed, and flew out of his hand. After spinning a few times in the air, the point of the knife pierced the ground.

At the same time, Lei Mang devoured Tang Zhong.

Lei Guang immediately surrounded him.

Tang Zhong couldn't move at all. At that moment, severe pain came, and he couldn't see the whiteness in front of him. Now, he has no way to escape.

"Is this going to die?" Tang Zhong murmured.

He didn't expect that after burning his blood, he still couldn't beat Hu Ge, which he never thought of.

"It's a pity, am I going to die too?"

"I'm dead, will Wei Wei not be able to survive?"

"Lie in the hanging coffin forever, be a Sleeping Beauty!"

"But I'm ruthless..." Tang Chong gritted his teeth angrily.

But everything has been useless.

Even if he didn't die, he couldn't survive.

At this time.

The Thunder Python had already devoured it, and directly penetrated Tang Zhong's body.

There were wounds all over his body, and bright red blood flowed out slowly.

All the thunder and lightning entered Tang Zhong's body.

The whole person was completely numb, and finally fell to the ground.

"Am... am I going to die in the end?"

"I don't want to die!"

Tang Zhong shouted.

But what should come has come.

Falling to the ground, Tang Zhong looked up at the sky, wanting to open his eyelids, but there was no chance at all.

Soon, there was no life left.

But at this time, inside Tang Zhong's clothes, there were three stones, shining brightly,

One was obtained from the Great Wall, the other was from the Yellow River, and the other was snatched from Adam.

They shone with light, but when they were stained with Tang Zhong's blood, they began to melt, turned into liquid, and flowed into Tang Zhong's body.

A faint white light flickered, but it quickly disappeared again.

The vitality that was about to die in Tang Zhong's body began to recover slowly in the next second.

Those stones merged with Tang Zhong unexpectedly.

But at this moment, when Hu Ge in the distance watched Tang Zhong fall down, he smiled coldly on his face.


"At this level, you still want to challenge me, Hu Ge, what kind of thing!"

And in the tavern.

Jiger also sneered, he has been watching this battle all the time, but it seems that those modern weapons should be returned, there is no point in coming again, because Tang Zhong is dead!
At this time, Jiger also came out of the tavern.

Seeing this, Hu Ge stepped forward and said, "I said let me come, and I will definitely be able to kill him!"

"You are the most powerful organism in the "Life" project. I didn't expect you to be so powerful. You did a good job!" Jiger said with a smile: "Okay, now you will quickly change back to your previous appearance, don't It was discovered by others, and when I report the "Life" plan to the higher-ups, as long as the upper-level review is completed, you, as a successful product, can fully show up!"

"I said, my name is Hu Ge, you call my name." Hu Ge said coldly.

"Okay, call you Hu Ge!" Jiger said, and then he looked at Tang Zhong in the distance and said: "As for that Huaxia man, just bury him!"

But at this moment, Tang Zhong, who fell on the ground, was completely confused in his mind.

He didn't even know where he was.

"Am I going to die?"

"No, what is this place?"

In the chaotic void, Tang Zhong shuttled around.

Remembering that he was hit by Hu Ge before, I am afraid that he is already dead, and this is the underworld.

If Wei Wei can't be revived, she should be able to see Wei Wei here!

Tang Zhong couldn't help sighing, he didn't expect to see Wei Wei so soon.

Suddenly, in front of Chaos, a bright light directly penetrated, extremely dazzling.

The light shot out from nowhere, at this moment, came straight to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong had no chance to guard against it, and was immediately enveloped by the light. His body was completely out of his control, as if it belonged to someone else.

"This...what the hell is going on?"

When these rays of light entered, Tang Zhong actually felt a thick force shuttle through his body.

Let Tang Zhong get a little hot.

Just when Tang Zhong didn't know what the light was, there was the sound of a dragon whistling in his ear, followed by the sound of an elephant.

"This this…"

The voice circled in Tang Zhong's ears.

At this moment, the sky was shrouded in golden light, and then a golden dragon and a golden elephant were seen standing in the sky.

Golden Dragon Elephant!

What exactly is this?
At this moment, the golden light became even brighter, and Tang Zhong couldn't see anything clearly.

He only felt that his whole body was full of strength, and his bulging body seemed to be about to explode.


Jiger was going to go to Tang Zhong's side to dispose of Tang Zhong's body.

Tang Zhong was still lying on the ground, he didn't know what to do, and he was in a panic. Suddenly, he moved his fingers.

Jiger was taken aback, and said to Hu Ge, "Why isn't that guy dead, why did he move his finger just now!"

"Impossible, under my move, everyone will die!" Hu Ge said, he didn't believe it.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw Tang Zhong who was lying on the ground in front of him, but his body flew into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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