Chapter 827 You Are Dead! (one more)
At this moment, Tang Zhong, who was originally lying on the ground, slowly began to float.

The whole body is shining with golden light!

He was still asleep, not knowing what happened?
On the side, Hu Ge and Jiger frowned tightly.

Tang Zhong's sudden appearance really shocked the two of them. You must know that the Thunder Python attack just now was a very powerful attack, but it has not killed the other party. Hu Ge couldn't believe it.

"I'll continue to kill!" Hu Ge roared, and then he released the attack again, and saw his hand slowly raised up. This time, the expression on his face was not as ferocious as before, but rather dignified. He could have killed him with one blow. Tang Zhong killed him, but he didn't, which made him very annoyed.

Soon, he saw that Leimang on the palm of his hand began to condense, and then he slapped Tang Zhong out. He didn't believe that he couldn't kill him this time.

The thunder mang on the palm turned into a thunder python and devoured it again, and the momentum was even stronger than the first time.

He didn't believe that Tang Zhong couldn't be killed this time.

I saw Lei Mang passing by and ruthlessly bombarding Tang Zhong's body.

But at this moment, the golden light on Tang Zhong's body was shining, protecting his body.

The Thunder Python hit it, as if nothing happened.

After all the fluctuations disappeared, seeing that nothing happened to Tang Zhong, Hu Ge was deeply shocked when he was there: "What's going on? How is it possible?"

He couldn't believe it was real.

He knows how powerful Thunder Python is, its power is not weaker than a missile.

But now he can't beat that person.

"How is this possible? Didn't he just die just now!"

Even Jiger's face changed, and he had to calm down.

If it is said that even the most successful product of the "Life" project can't kill the other party, then this person is definitely a trouble, a very big trouble, no matter what, he must kill the other party.

Now those people with modern weapons must come faster.

Immediately Jiger took out his phone and began to urge him.

After the armored troops a few miles away heard the order, they drove even faster.

At this moment, Tang Zhong's body was shining with golden light.

If one could see through his body, one would find that those melted stones entered his body, flowed through the blood vessels along with the blood, and finally stayed on Tang Zhong's spine.

I saw that the melted liquid had returned to the appearance of the stone before, all fused with Tang Zhong's spine.

Three stones, connected side by side.

Now it has completely become Tang Zhong's spine.

At that moment, an endless force once again circulated in Tang Zhong's body.

At the same time, Tang Zhong, who had been floating in the air with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

The pupils are glittering!

"I... am I alive?" Tang Zhong was floating in the air. At this moment, he was looking up at the sky.

How true all this is.

This is reality, absolutely right, I am still alive.

This is really great.

Tang Zhong went crazy. At this moment, he was extremely happy. He was not dead, but still alive.

At this time, Tang Zhong, who was floating in the air, returned to the ground again.

Although the clothes on his body looked abnormally distressed, his whole body was intact, and all the injuries he had suffered before had now fully recovered.

stand on the ground.

Looking at Hugo and Jiger in front of them.

Hugo and Jiger are completely dumbfounded.

Especially Hu Ge, the whole person has gone crazy, can't believe the scene in front of him, you must know that Tang Zhong's body just now has no vitality, but he suddenly recovered, this is more terrifying than him .

His so-called resurrection from the dead is nothing compared to the current Tang Zhong.

"Be sure to catch him..." Jiger's eyes became crazy: "If you can catch him, it will make the "life" plan more perfect, hahaha!"

The "Life" project is a plan for the purpose of rebirth. Scientists have studied that human life is composed of genes. As long as the genes are reactivated, human life can be extended, but it is impossible to bring a dead person back to life. And this is also a difficult problem that "life" needs to overcome. If all those dead strong men can be resurrected, it will be a very great achievement.

Jiger and the others had no way to do it, but now that Tang Zhong had lost all signs of life, but he came back to life, this has completely attracted Jiger's attention.

If he could know how Tang Zhong was resurrected, then he would be able to revive the powerhouse of his own country just around the corner.

"Catch... Hurry up!" Jiger shouted.

Hu Ge was also angry, he didn't expect Tang Zhong to survive such an attack.

He had to kill Tang Zhong, because Tang Zhong was still alive, which was a challenge for him.

"Go to hell!" Hu Ge started to move again. At this moment, with both palms facing the front, he blasted out the Thunder Python again.

Hu Ge's face became grim once again when he saw the intense light, and then the thunder python soared into the sky, rushing towards the front.

I saw two thunder pythons rushing out, as if they were going to devour Tang Zhong.

As soon as Tang Zhong came back to life, he saw Lei Mang approaching. It was still his previous idea to hide first, but soon, he found something was wrong, the aura on his body seemed to be much stronger than before.

Moreover, a force appeared from nowhere in his body, making him not want to dodge at all.

Immediately clench your fists.

At that moment, Tang Zhong's fist was seen flashing with light.

Facing Lei Mang, he punched him directly.

At that moment, there was a rumbling sound.

This time Tang Zhong's body stood motionless on the spot, but when his fist hit the Thunder Python, that powerful force was released, abruptly smashing the Thunder Python apart.

The invincible Thunder Python just now dissipated completely in the next second, and there was nothing left.

At this moment, Hu Ge's eyes in the distance were completely stunned, and he roared again: " is this possible?"

Jiger also no longer has the aura of a superior, but is about to leave. He must use modern weapons, so he turns around and leaves.

Tang Zhong was also surprised by his own strength, what happened to the strength on the fist just now?
But Tang Zhong didn't want to care about these things. He came back to life and suddenly got such a powerful force. Tang Zhong was happy, but the joy was quickly suppressed.

Since it exists in this force, then when killing Hu Ge, if Hu Ge was not killed before, then he will not be let off this time.

Then he suddenly turned around and looked at the terrified Hu Ge, stretched out his finger, and shouted: "You are dead!"

(End of this chapter)

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