Chapter 828 Kill! (two more)

"You are dead!" Tang Zhong said coldly at this moment.

That voice came out, and in an instant, Hu Ge felt his whole body trembling.

The majesty of the God of Death cannot be underestimated by anyone. You must know that those who survived World War I and World War II are not ordinary people.

"It's up to you!" Hu Ge roared wildly, his legs hit the ground, and his whole body flew into the air, standing in the air, and then blasted down towards Tang Zhong with a thunder palm.

The thunder light on the arm turned into a thunder python.

Then Hu Ge swooped down: "Die!"

Blood was shining all over his body.

At a speed like the speed of light.

At that moment, he slammed down on Tang Zhong.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong was also full of strength, and also greeted him with a punch.

It was a golden dragon head attached to the fist.

Banged together with the Thunder Python.


I saw explosive fluctuations like tides appearing.

The air is full of booming and rumbling sounds!

You can see that wave spreading around with the naked eye.

It can be said that Tang Zhong blocked it.

"No... How is this possible? How can you block my attack? I don't believe it!" Hu Ge continued to punch.

The continuous thunder python impacted down, really wanting to bombard Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong's fists continued to greet him.

Boom boom boom.

No matter how much Hu Ge punched, Tang Zhongtong stopped him.

" is it possible?" Hu Ge's face turned ugly.

Just now it was obvious that he punched the other party away, why is this guy so strong now?

Impossible, absolutely impossible!

Hu Ge has gone completely crazy.

"Why is this impossible? After fighting for so long, is it my turn?" Tang Zhong sneered.

He didn't know what happened to him, but this force suddenly appeared and said to him, this is a good thing.

At the same time, Tang Zhong's fist was clenched tightly, and there was a crackling sound, and he could feel his strength continuously coming in from his spine.

Although it is said that human strength comes from blood, blood is produced from the spine.

I saw a dragon's head condensed on Tang Zhong's fist.

This faucet is extremely majestic.

Then facing Hu Ge in front of him, he punched him out.

Although Hu Ge was angry, he could feel the strength of the fist in front of him.

"I can't kill you, and you want to kill me too!"

Hu Ge roared, and then controlled the thunder and lightning with both hands, condensing a thunder cover.

"Break it!" Tang Zhong yelled.

At this moment, the Longtou fist landed directly on the front cover.

Huge pressure, like a mountain.

The fierce light is even more powerful.


"You can't break it, you don't have that ability!" Hu Ge sneered.

But the voice just fell.

I saw that there was a big hole in the cover.

Immediately afterwards, the lightning cover was disintegrated bit by bit.

When this scene appeared, Hu Ge was terrified, with a look of disbelief: " is this possible? How could you shatter my lightning cover?"

"Not only do I want to smash the cover, but I also want to blast you through!" Tang Zhong roared.

At this moment, his goal was getting closer and closer, and he wanted to kill Hu Ge.

The Dragon Head Fist was hitting Hu Ge's abdomen.

"go to hell!"

Hu Ge never thought that his hood would be broken, and the ferocious look on his face hadn't completely dissipated, but at this moment he saw the dragon's head fist in front of him, and his whole body became terrified.

"This is impossible, this is absolutely possible!"

Hu Ge still wanted to resist, but there was no room for resistance.

The Longtou Fist directly hit him, hitting his abdomen with a punch.

This fist combined all Tang Zhong's anger, he wanted this person to die!

must die!
Then I saw the fist hitting Hu Ge's stomach forcibly. Before that strong force approached, I could see that the flesh on Hu Ge's body had been forcibly squeezed.

As if it might break at any moment.

"'s impossible!" An unprecedented panic appeared on Hu Ge's face.

But it is already late.

In the next second, the fist landed on the opponent's stomach, punching through the stomach abruptly.

At this moment, Hu Ge shouted in horror, but to no avail.

Crazy fluctuations stimulated and squeezed his body, and at the same time, the vitality in his body was also constantly disappearing, gradually increasing from 20 years old, 30 years old, 40 years old, until finally Until the age of more than 90, it seems to have experienced a life, old age, illness and death.

"No... I don't want to die!" Hu Ge roared, but there was no way to make up for it.

Until Hu Ge became a gray-haired old man, his skin was already white, and the dragon head directly passed through Hu Ge's stomach, and the heart of the other party was shocked, and it turned into flesh and blood, and then the whole person died. It was thrown away by the shock, and it was thrown out more than ten meters away abruptly. The entire ground was rubbed out with ravines, which were directly installed on a wall, and the wall was also knocked down.

When it stopped, Hu Ge had no human appearance, and fell to the ground with an extremely ugly face.

And Tang Zhong stood on the spot, panting loudly, as if he had been exercising violently. When he threw this punch, he felt like his body was about to collapse.

But now seeing Hu Ge fell to the ground, Tang Zhong grinned.

Very happy.

"Wei Wei, I have avenged you!"

"Wei Wei, I finally killed Hu Ge, did you see that!"

But at this time, Tang Zhong was completely out of his control, and fell directly to the ground.

He is really tired, very tired!

As long as Hu Ge is dead, it will be very good, Wei Wei can feel at ease.

And at this time, around the small town of Wall.

One after another, trucks carrying missiles were driven over, not only that, but also tanks, in addition to that, and bombers in the air, all of which were ready.

They were what Jiger was going to use to deal with Tang Zhong before, and now they are all here.

In the distance, Jiger has already connected with the commanders of these modern weapons. He is holding a binoculars and watching what happened on Tang Zhong's side.

It was found that Hu Ge was killed, but Jiger was not angry at all. Hu Ge died, but Tang Zhong was added, which is very good.

If Tang Zhong, who can die, can be studied in his hands, it will definitely be great.

The commander next to him stepped forward and said, "Master Jiger... Missiles, tanks, and bombers are ready, do you want to fire?"

Jiger sneered when he heard this, and immediately waved his hand: "Fire me, fire at that guy!"

(End of this chapter)

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