Chapter 829 Disappears out of thin air! (three more)

"Fire me, this time." Jiger shouted in the distance.

The moment the words were spoken, it was at this very moment.

I saw that the trucks loaded with missiles began to raise the missiles behind them.

At the same time, the tank also began to transmit its aiming direction.

The bombers in the sky are also ready to start dropping bombs.

All firepower is ready.

"Fire." Jiger shouted at this time.

In an instant, everyone started firing.

The truck's missile, which was blazing from behind, soared into the sky in an instant, made a parabola in the air, and then fell towards the town.

And those tanks, all fired, and the bombers in the sky dropped their bombs in an instant.

All the firepower was aimed at Tang Zhong.

Weapons from all directions are now approaching Tang Zhong.

The sky is densely packed, full of flames.

Tang Zhong was lying on the ground, and suddenly saw the bombs in the air, and bombed them together.

His first reaction was to dodge immediately, but he really couldn't move anymore.

Are you going to die again?

Originally, Tang Zhong thought that he had killed Hu Ge and survived, which was a good thing for him, but he didn't expect to encounter such danger again.

If he could move now, he could mobilize his blood power to resist, but now he can't move at all, and all the sequelae of burning blood power before are now showing.

Is this dying again?But I don't want to die at all!

How nice it would be if I could survive now.

And the rockets and shells in the air are infinitely approaching.

"Live, I must live." Tang Zhong murmured.

He clenched his fists tightly, trying to mobilize his blood, but there was no such reaction at all.

Still not working?
What keeps Tang Zhong alive now is his strong will.

And at this moment, in Tang Zhong's spine, the stone that could move instantly from the Great Wall suddenly flickered, because it was fused with the spine, so now the entire spine began to flicker blue light .

At this moment, all the shells fell together.

It depends on when it is about to be completely bombed.The blue light flickering from the spine immediately enveloped Tang Zhong.

A strange scene appeared.

Tang Zhong suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, countless artillery shells crashed down, hundreds of rockets came down, boom boom boom, the sound of bombing continued, and the flames began to radiate from the center towards the surroundings in an instant.

All of a sudden swept around.

The sound of a huge explosion broke through the sky, and the flames were burning.

The town of Wall that existed before, this time, there is nothing left.

The ground was constantly shaking, cracking countless holes, as if it had been hit by a magnitude [-] earthquake.

The entire village was completely destroyed in an instant.

I saw a big hole in the ground.

In the distance, when Jiger saw this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised. With such intensity, the man named Tang Zhong must be dead.

You know, even if he is number one on the black list, he will be blasted into scum in front of these modern weapons. What he has to do now is to mine the soil samples in front after reducing the flames in front. Tang Zhong had already been blasted into slag, and his flesh and blood had melted into the soil. He only needed to study the composition of Tang Zhong's flesh and blood in the soil.

At this time, next to Jiger, a sentry came forward: "Master Jiger, not far away, it seems that some Chinese are coming?"

Jiger's face changed instantly: "Who is it?"

"It's the embassy's car. As for who it is, we don't know." The sentinel said.

"Never mind." Jiger said.

Fortunately, Tang Zhong is dead now, otherwise if the news about Hu Ge gets out, he will be dead. Anyway, they have finished killing them now, and they sneered and looked at the soaring flames in front of them.

At the same time, outside the small town of Wall, vehicles arrived one after another, and stopped immediately after arriving outside.

Then the door opens.

After the old general Peng Yuan got out of the car, he immediately ran towards the small town of Wall.

Zhang Changgong and the others followed behind, not daring to stop.

After they arrived in Florida, they immediately headed towards the small town of Wall.

"Let's go, Tang Zhong must not be in trouble." Old General Peng Yuan shouted.

Recalling a past incident, the speed of the old general Peng Yuan's feet became faster. He had lost a genius once, and this genius must not be lost.

But just arrived at a hillside.

I saw the heavy flames in front of me, and the ground that had completely turned into a pit.

The whole person has been completely dumbfounded.

Old General Peng Yuan was in the same place now, not moving.

The others followed behind, and when they saw this scene, they all frowned.

They also saw flames.

Looking at the small town of Wall ahead, it is gone, and it has completely turned into ruins.

" is this possible?"

"Isn't Tang Zhong in this small town? Now that the town is gone, what about others?"

Everyone didn't see Tang Zhong, but at this moment, everyone saw missile vehicles in the distance, not only that, but also tanks and bombers in the sky.

Reminiscent of the scene I saw now, everyone seemed to understand everything.

Especially when they saw the people over there, their expressions became uglier one by one, because they saw Jiger.

People who often deal with international affairs know what kind of person Hu Ge is.

"Tang Zhong...shouldn't be dead!"


The people around couldn't help trembling.

Especially the old general Peng Yuan, who was completely still.

"How come? Am I a step late again?"


At this moment, old general Peng Yuan blamed himself abnormally.

When Zhang Changgong heard the old general Peng Yuan's words, he knew what the old general Peng Yuan was thinking of now, and immediately stepped forward and said, "This time it's not your fault!"

"No, I'm still to blame this time. Last time I lost Lian Qiang because I took care of it. This time, I lost Tang Zhong because I came late..." Old General Peng Yuan said.

Lian Qiang, when this familiar name was spoken, no one around him spoke.

Because of this name, he was also a legend in the dragon group. He was a genius stronger than Qinglong. He was the favorite student of old general Peng Yuan, and he was also very famous on the black list.

But later, during another mission, he died, and the old general Peng Yuan went to save the other party, but he was one step too late, and now, it is the same to save Tang Zhong.

Zhang Changgong knew this, and he was also heartbroken. You know, Tang Zhong is the only heir of his brother Tang Zongyao!
"I... I'm going to settle accounts with Jige..." General Peng Yuan suddenly clenched his fists angrily and said.

This time Tang Zhong had an accident under his nose, which he would never allow.

Lian Qiang was killed in the same way in the past, but that time, old general Peng Yuan endured it, and this time, he didn't want to bear it anymore.

Then turned around and walked towards Jiger.

The people around were stunned, and quickly followed behind, not daring to leave an inch. Old General Peng Yuan can't have any accidents, he is the backbone of the Dragon Group.

And at this moment, in the ruins of the small town of Wall ahead.

under the flames.

Tang Zhong, who disappeared before, suddenly reappeared, exactly the same as before disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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