Chapter 830 Breaking through the bottom line of the soul! (four more)

Tang Zhong reappeared, but it was exactly the same as when he disappeared before, as if nothing had changed.

Just now he was completely gone, but now he disappeared again.

The current Tang Zhong is really weak.

He lay on the ground.

Watch the flames around you.

Now he is in a safe place, the surrounding flames cannot burn him, but this is a dangerous place after all, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Xu Xu got up from the ground, and now he wants to leave from here.

Immediately, he staggered and walked outside.

He wants to survive, although how he survived the bombardment, at least he survives now, as long as he survives, he must be cherished.

At this moment, the old general Peng Yuan has brought people over, he is about to be 90 years old, but now it looks like he is showing his sharpness.

The people behind followed immediately.

And how could Jiger on the side not see Peng Yuan, he was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, if his guess is correct, this old guy must have come because of the dead Tang Zhong, but now Tang Zhong has died.

According to international practice, Jiger had to go to greet him, turned around with a hypocritical smile and said, "It's General Peng, what kind of wind brought you here, don't you know Brother Peng is here for a military exchange?"

Giger said that kind of politeness is the best.

"I won't communicate with you!" Old General Peng Yuan shouted directly.

He is a hot-tempered person. Although it has been smoothed over the years, but now that he has encountered such a thing, he really can't suppress his heart.

You must know that Lian Qiang's death a long time ago may have something to do with M Lijian.

Jiger's face changed when he heard this, but he killed Tang Zhong, and said with some excuses: "Brother Peng, don't you Huaxia often say that it is a pleasure to have friends from afar? Why are you talking like this now? "

"Are you our friend?" Old General Peng Yuan snorted coldly.

"You..." Jiger was really pissed off. You know, this is Florida, where they were established, which means that this is their territory. So who would suffer in their own territory?

Immediately, they said coldly: "I don't know, what's the matter with Brother Peng coming here!"

"Where's Tang Zhong?" Peng Yuan shouted coldly.

Sure enough, it was for Tang Zhong.

Jiger's face turned cold: "Brother Peng, what are you talking about, I don't even know where Tang Zhong is?"

Anyway, no one saw them kill Tang Zhong, so they couldn't beat him to death. Let's see what other people can do to him?
"Tell me, where is Tang Zhong?" Old General Peng Yuan roared.

"Yo, Brother Peng, it's really hard to see you angry!" Jiger sneered and said, "I don't even know Tang Zhong you're talking about. You asked where I am, how do I know? I'm not here anyway. , please go back!"

"Say..." Old General Peng Yuan directly took out his pistol and pointed at Jiger in front of him: "Now I'll ask you one last time, do you want to tell me!"

The cold voice came out, and it also announced the determination of the old general Peng Yuan. The people around saw this scene, and their faces turned paler and paler.

No one expected that old general Peng Yuan would suddenly bring a gun.

"Don't..." Zhang Changgong stopped him.

Jiger's face was also pale. He knew that Peng Yuan was not a person who played cards according to common sense, but he didn't expect that it was. Looking at the black muzzle of the gun, he was really afraid that the guy in front of him would shoot suddenly.

He is not a capable person, and he will definitely not be able to avoid the opponent's attack.

"You...put down the gun, and you can talk about anything else!"

The officers behind Giger didn't have guns, they only brought rockets and the like this time.

But old general Peng Yuan didn't care what Jiger said at all, but said: "I'm asking you now, where is Tang Zhong, if you don't tell me, I will shoot in the next second!"

"Old guy, what the hell are you talking about..." Jiger was terrified.

"Are you afraid? If you are afraid, just say it. If you don't say it, I will shoot you!" Peng Yuan continued.

"Who is Tang Zhong, we really don't know..." Jiger said in fear.

But he endured it and did not release it.

"It seems that you don't want to say it!" Old General Peng Yuan sneered, then stretched out his hand and started to press the trigger.

When the people around saw this scene, their expressions turned ugly.

Zhang Changgong and the others are in a hurry. If the trigger is pressed, everyone here will have to play. You know, this is not Huaxia. They don't understand how meticulous old General Peng is usually, but now But like a fool.

Jiger was really in a hurry, he had no way to escape, because the distance was really too close.

At this moment, the trigger was pulled.

Jiger's eyes were closed, and he shouted: "Peng Yuan, if I die, I will let you come and go!"

Giger thought he was going to die.

Of course other people also thought Giger would die.

But what they thought didn't happen at all.

After old general Peng Yuan pressed the trigger, no bullets came out.

At this moment, the old general Peng Yuan also smiled and said to Ji Ge: "Is this joke fun?"


The people around were stunned for a moment, and soon, everyone found that the gun in the hand of old general Peng Yuan seemed to have no bullets.

They couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, it turned out that this was just a joke.

Jiger's frightened forehead was covered with cold sweat. Chinese people are really monsters.

"Good... fun, fun!" Jiger said with an awkward smile.

"Then why don't you continue playing!" Old General Peng Yuan smiled, then took out the bullets from his pocket and started loading them into the gun.

"You... what are you going to do?" Jiger asked anxiously.

You just came back from the brink of death, and now you feel like you are going to die again?

I saw old general Peng Yuan pointing his gun at Jiger: "Let me ask you, where is Tang Zhong?"

Cold sweat surged on Jiger's forehead. He never expected that Peng Yuanhui would continue to make such a move. He never expected that the old guy in front of him would definitely shoot.

But if he didn't give an explanation, he would be headshot to death immediately, which he didn't want to see at all.

I thought to myself, let's say I'm dead, it's not good to make up a reason.

Anyway, Tang Zhong was dead, and this was M Lijian's territory. As long as this old guy didn't shoot, he could survive.

"Say it!" Old General Peng Yuan roared.

The first time he did it on purpose, in order to break Jiger's bottom line, killing people is not important to him now, the most important thing now is to find Tang Zhong.

"I said..." Jiger started, he was going to say that the person was dead.

But at this moment, a weak voice suddenly came from the side.

"Old General Peng...why are you here?"

(Old General Peng is also a very good character!)
(End of this chapter)

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