Chapter 831 Saved! (five more)

A weak voice came.

Those who were familiar with the voice trembled.

Everyone couldn't help turning their heads.

I saw a figure coming out of the pit in front of the ruins of the small town of Wall. It was so embarrassing, but when everyone saw this person, their eyes lit up.

I saw Tang Zhong crawling out of the pit in a panic.

The pupils of Peng Yuan, Zhang Changgong, and Suzaku all lit up.

They also thought that Tang Zhong was dead, and the reason why he was arguing so much with Jiger was that he was doing unnecessary struggles, just like the old general Peng Yuan just now, he didn't think about getting any information from Jiger at all, he was just scared Scared Jiger, after all, here is M Lijian, killing Hu Ge, this is unrealistic, unexpectedly, Tang Zhong is still alive.

At this time, Jiger and a large group of M Lijian soldiers looked extremely ugly.

You know, they saw so many rockets and shells blasting up with their own eyes.

The small town of Wall Town was completely bombed into slag by such firepower, but it was unexpected that the person in the small town could still survive.

" is this possible?" Jiger couldn't believe it.

Soon, Jiger realized another problem, that is, Tang Zhong was alive, which was fatal to him, because Tang Zhong had met Hu Ge, once Hu Ge's matter was announced, then his "life "The plan was really bad.

No, this is absolutely not possible, Jiger panicked, no matter what, Tang Zhong must die,

Jiger quietly clenched his fists together.

But now that Peng Yuan and the others have appeared, it is really unrealistic to kill Tang Zhong.

At this moment Tang Zhong was very weak: "Old General Peng, why are you here?"

When Peng Yuan saw Tang Zhong, his excitement was indescribable. Seeing that Tang Zhong was still alive, this was already extremely lucky for him.

A senior in his 90s ran to Tang Zhong's side and said, "You...don't move!"

The others also came to Tang Zhong's side, hugging Tang Zhong.

Meng Wuxiang can be said to be a refined person, but when he saw Tang Zhong at this moment, he couldn't calm down and hugged Tang Zhong tightly.

"'s good that I'm not dead!" Zhang Changgong also said excitedly.

Tang Zhong's lips turned white, and his face was extremely ugly. He climbed out of the pit with difficulty, and his heart relaxed when he saw his own people. As long as he was next to his own people, it meant that he could survive. .

Immediately his body went limp and he fell to the ground. He was really tired and wanted to sleep.

Old General Peng Yuan quickly caught Tang Zhong. He didn't know what happened to Tang Zhong, but he knew that Tang Zhong must have been treated inhumanly, otherwise he would definitely not be what he is now.

"Get a good night's sleep!"

Not dying is a good thing.

And Jige in the distance was still thinking about how to kill Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong absolutely couldn't survive.

Suddenly, he stood up, had a solution, and shouted at old general Peng Yuan: "Old man, hand over that young man!"

How could Peng Yuan hand over Tang Zhong, and immediately said coldly: "This young man is mine, why should I hand it over!"

"Just because this is our M Lijian, this small town of Wall is our M Lijian's military base. This young man walked out of our military base. He is probably a spy. He found out about this military base. Secret, now we want to detain him!" Jiger said.

This is his method, he must not let Tang Zhong go, it is best to kill Tang Zhong, if he can't kill him, it is also possible to control it in his own hands.

Although this is not a military base, as long as he says yes, this is it.

As long as the secret of the "Life" plan is not revealed.

"Get out!" Unexpectedly, the old general Peng Yuan directly refused when he heard Jige's words.

"You... what did you say?" Jiger's face was ugly.

"I said get out, can't you hear me? Jiger, I don't care what you did to this little guy before, but now, what are you thinking about doing, now this young man is mine!" Old General Peng Yuan announced directly own sovereignty.

Many years ago, he couldn't save Lian Qiang, but this time, he absolutely can't let Tang Zhong die again.

Jiger's face became even more ugly, which was completely inconsistent with Peng Yuan's character. In the past, Peng Yuan would never have any rebuttals on such matters, but what he did not expect was that Peng Yuan actually rebutted this time.

"Old guy, this is our FBL's military base, do you want to join the dragon team?" Jiger said coldly.

"No matter where the young man is, I will take him away, not to mention that this is your military base, even if it is your White House, I will still take him!" Peng Yuan shouted loudly.

When Jiger heard this, he felt very troublesome, but this is the land of M Lijian: "How dare you..."

"Tell me if I dare!" In an instant, Peng Yuan directly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at Ji Ge: "Now I will ask you again, do I dare!"

Jiger froze in an instant, his brows were furrowed. Huaxia's irascible old man, Peng Yuan, is well-known internationally. This guy can definitely shoot. He dare not bet with this guy.

"Why don't you talk anymore? I'll ask you now. I'll take this person away. Do you have any objections?" Old General Peng Yuan continued.

Warriors like Zhang Changgong didn't say a word, and they all listened to the old general Peng Yuan. One must know that this old general had participated in the Anti-Japanese War.

"No... dare not!" Jiger whispered.

He really didn't dare, whoever controls life and death is the most powerful. Now that Peng Yuan has a gun, he is the most powerful.

"Then let's go!" Peng Yuan suddenly laughed.

Then he yelled, "Let's go!"

Jiger didn't dare to speak, because the gun was still pointed at him. In the Anti-Japanese War, this Peng Yuan was a real marksman.

In the meantime, Peng Yuan and Zhang Changgong took Tang Zhong into a car and prepared to leave.

But old general Peng Yuan's gun was still aimed at Jiger, and suddenly he pulled the trigger.

Jiger and the others were already dumbfounded, and quickly started to dodge.

But when the trigger was pressed, nothing flew out of the muzzle.

In other words, there are no bullets in the gun.

Old General Peng Yuan had already gotten into the car and started the car. He put his head out of the car and smiled at Jiger, "Jiger, this time it's a joke again. Goodbye!"

After speaking, the vehicle sped away.

Jiger, who was on the spot, was already trembling with anger, stomping his feet in anger. He was holding a telescope in his hand. At this moment, he fell to the ground hard, smashing the telescope to pieces. Slag.

He didn't expect to be teased like this. Just now he clearly saw the other party reloading the bullet. Why is the bullet gone? It must be something that old guy did.

"Master Jiger, what should we do?" The person next to him asked, he didn't care to ask anything else, seeing Jiger so angry, he was afraid that the other party would harm him,
"Let's go!" Jiger just said coldly. Now in his heart, there is only one thought, that is, before the "Life" plan is successful, Tang Zhong must die, because this plan is ulterior.

(End of this chapter)

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