Chapter 832 Sweater! (one more)
Regarding Tang Zhong being rescued, Ji Ge was completely speechless and could only let Peng Yuan take him away.

Five days later, in a hospital, Tang Zhong opened his eyes and found himself lying on a bed, looked around, this is not hell, but let out a long sigh of relief, sure that he is still alive!

He remembered how long ago, when he saw the side of death, countless rockets and bombs bombarded him. At that time, he didn't know how he survived!

Fortunately, he didn't die. For Tang Zhong, fate was really kind.

That is to say, for such a long time, he has been sleeping deeply. In his dream, he heard the sound of slightly jumping for countless times. It should be that she was very happy to see Hu Ge die.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong also laughed.

All that needs to be done now is to revive Wei Wei.

In the hanging coffin of Kunlun, there must be incomparable subtleties, if the ten flame dragon soldiers said they could be resurrected, then they would definitely be able to.

Tang Zhong will never give up, let's find the eight stones in the shortest possible time first.

Now he has three dollars.

Tang Zhong reached out to look for the stone, but found that it was not on his body.

Where are you going?

It was only then that Tang Zhong realized that he had changed into a suit of clothes, it was no longer the shabby one before, but the patient's clothes.

At this time, a female nurse came in from the door.

Seeing Tang Zhong wake up, the whole person was shocked. You must know that this person has been sleeping in their hospital for five full days.

This is the private hospital of the dragon group. It usually accepts people from the dragon group who were injured during missions, but they have never seen anyone who was seriously injured. Who knows what this person has gone through. There is no injury on his body, but he can sleep quickly. Sleep for five days, and more importantly, old general Peng Yuan specifically told him to notify him as soon as he woke up.

"Don't move, you will recover!" the nurse said.

Seeing the nurse, Tang Zhong quickly asked, "Is my clothes gone?"

"Your wait!" The nurse got up, walked to a cabinet, and took out all the clothes that Tang Zhong had changed before.

Tang Zhong carefully flipped through his clothes, but he didn't find the three stones.

Where are the stones?
But the nurse left quickly after taking things for Tang Zhong, and went to find Peng Yuan!

Tang Zhong can only find it by himself, those stones are all his personal belongings, so he probably won't throw them away!

After a while, knowing that Tang Zhong had woken up, General Peng Yuan and others rushed in.

As soon as Zhang Changgong and Suzaku heard that Tang Zhong had woken up, they came over without doing any work.

The ward was suddenly full of people.

They all looked at Tang Zhong affectionately.

"You finally woke up, kid!" Li Linglong was beaten by Hu Ge before with many broken bones and almost died, but now he was rescued and appeared with a cane.

The same goes for the monkey, who cried while hugging Tang Zhong: "Brother Tang, you must be careful!"

Even the little girl Suzaku saw that Tang Zhong was still alive, her heart was not fluttering, she knew why Tang Zhong went to M Lijian, it was for the dead Jiang Weiwei, if nothing happened to Wei Wei, she would definitely be moved now Let's cry, after all, no woman can resist such a man.

Old General Peng Yuan looked at Tang Zhong with a smile, and stretched out his hand: "Little friend Tang, you finally woke up!"

"En!" Tang Zhong smiled, and then continued to ask: "How did I get here!"

"It was General Peng who rescued you from Jige, and you still don't thank General Peng!" Zhang Changgong who was beside him also said with a smile.

Tang Zhong looked at Peng Yuan, he didn't know what the old man did, but the situation at that time was really dangerous, and Jiger, the old general Peng Yuan must have brought him back under great pressure.

Immediately Tang Zhong was about to get up from the bed to thank: "Thank you, General Peng!"

"Come on, why are you being so polite like an old guy like me!" Peng Yuan glared.

Tang Zhong also just smiled, this time, he really owed old General Peng Yuan a life, and he must pay it back in the future.

"By the way, old general, I remember that there are several stones on my body, do you know where they are?" Tang Zhong asked.

If General Peng brought him back, he must know everything.

"Stone? Not at all!" Peng Yuan said in surprise.

"Could it be lost?" Tang Zhong's face was slightly ugly.

Now Shi Dao Yanlong Bing has fallen into a deep sleep, he doesn't know when he will wake up, and told him to find the eight stones, he originally had three, but now he lost them.

This can't be done!
"I'm going to the small town of Wall!" Tang Zhong was in a hurry, thinking it was lost there!
"No, you have to cultivate yourself now, and now the small town of Wall has been completely turned into ruins." Old General Peng Yuan said: "And I still have a few things to ask you!"

As soon as he said this, Zhang Changgong and others around him left in a very sensible way.

Soon there were only Tang Zhong and Peng Yuan left in the ward.

"Xiao Tang, I ask you something, you answer me truthfully!" Old General Peng Yuan asked.

"En!" Tang Zhong nodded heavily.

"Did you really see Hu Ge?" Tang Zhong asked.

"See you!" Tang Zhong said. He has only now figured out the tricks about Hu Ge. You must know that Hu Ge is a dead person, but he is still alive here. How can this not be surprising.

"Then do you know who this Hu Ge is?" Peng Yuan asked again.

"I know!" Tang Zhong said.

"It's really abnormal that a person who should have died has survived!" Old General Peng Yuan frowned.

This is also what makes Tang Zhong feel strange.
Because M Lijian has announced the death of this person, but Hu Ge reappeared, and Hu Ge claimed to be a god, which is even more strange. Hu Ge changed from an old man to the last young man. Really very strange.

You know, that's totally unreasonable.

And the former Adam, after fusing with the bloodstone, turned into a devil-like person, and the former general of the Navy Seals, who turned into a lizardman, all these scenes are strange .

What kind of biological and chemical weapons should the people led by Nagieg be researching, and what plans do they have.

This reminded Tang Zhong of Origin Stone, and of the underground research institute that was destroyed in the capital a long time ago.

Could it be that M Lijian's technology is so advanced?
"Old General Peng, I think all this is really abnormal, really strange!" Tang Zhong said.

"I also feel strange. On that day, Jiger seemed to have to let you die. I think there must be something wrong with it. Forget about it. After your Tang family was destroyed, I have already sent people to the old site It was rebuilt, but there, I found a sweater with a micro-character written on it, I suspect it is your girlfriend's relic, so I will show it to you!" Peng Yuan said.

Then in his hand, a sweater appeared.

(End of this chapter)

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