Chapter 842 Let me think about it! (seven more)
Qin Liehuo had never invited Wang Wensheng. Although their Qin family could be compared with Wang Wensheng, he couldn't. He wasn't that powerful yet?
So what is Wang Wensheng here for?

Qin Liehuo really didn't know, but when the other party came, it must be for him. He immediately took a step forward, and then smiled and said to Wang Wensheng: "Hello, Uncle Wang!"

He was not familiar with Wang Wensheng, let alone a nephew or uncle, but he would call him Uncle Wang, and the other party would not feel it. Besides, if the other party did not come for him, who else could he come for?
When the others saw Qin Liehuo stepping forward, they immediately understood everything. Ma Teng and Luo Tongtian had already verified Qin Liehuo's ability, but now the addition of Wang Wensheng is enough to explain the strength of Qin Liehuo. incredible.

This time they really followed the right person. When the Qin family takes control of the capital in the future, their status will definitely be very high.

But the scene that happened soon made the faces of others ugly.

All I saw was that Wang Wensheng walked past Qin Liehuo who greeted him with a smile, as if he didn't see Qin Liehuo.

The expression on Qin Liehuo's face was frozen there, it was hard to believe that this scene was real.

Others are also stupid, what the hell is going on?

Could it be that Wang Wensheng didn't come here for Qin Liehuo?

If he didn't come for Qin Liehuo, who else could he come for?
This direction...isn't it the direction of the Prince Hui and those people?
In an instant, everyone's hearts couldn't help jumping up.

The moment Wang Wensheng saw Tang Zhong, a smile stretched out on his face, as if a younger brother saw his boss, he stretched out his hand to grab Tang Zhong's hand: "President Tang, I finally see you! "

Grab Tang Zhong's hand, and don't let go!

At this moment, everyone was stunned. This Wang Wensheng really came to find Tang Zhong. No one thought of this, and he still had this expression.

What is even more frightening is that the appearance of Wang Wensheng walking next to Tang Zhong is very similar to the appearance of Qin Liehuo walking towards Wang Wensheng just now.

"This...what the hell is going on here?"

"Then He Dehe Neng, the president of the Prince's Association, can be favored by Wang Wensheng!"

Seeing this scene, Qin Liehuo narrowed his eyes slowly, that was deeply jealous.

At this moment, seeing Wang Wensheng's appearance, Tang Zhong smiled and said, "I... don't seem to know him!"

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

They don't even know each other... Then Wang Wensheng must have mistaken him.

Qin Liehuo was about to ask Wang Wensheng whether he had admitted the wrong person, but he hadn't moved forward yet.

He heard a scene that shocked his soul.

Wang Wensheng looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile: "I know President Tang doesn't know me. I came here this time to recommend myself. I heard that the Prince's Society has encountered difficulties recently. I am willing to conduct business cooperation with the Prince's Society!"

I recommend myself!

Oh my god.

At this moment, the businessmen around were dumbfounded.

This is the first time they heard that Wang Wensheng wanted to recommend himself when he cooperated with others. This is too frightening. You must know that in the capital, there are really too many people who want to cooperate with Wang Wensheng. There was never a time when Wang Wensheng took the initiative to cooperate. , This time I saw it for the first time.

If you say that, then this Tang Zhong has the rhythm to fly to the sky.

Qin Liehuo was dumbfounded, this was too outrageous.

In the distance, Ji Ruochen and Ji Lao had been looking at Tang Zhong all the time, looking up and down with his eyes, he felt more and more familiar with this person, he had really seen him there before!
And just when everyone thought that Tang Zhong would be very happy to agree, who knows, at this time, Tang Zhong fell silent and did not speak.

"What's the matter with this guy? Wang Wensheng even said that he would cooperate with him, why don't you agree quickly, what are you waiting for?"

"I'm really envious, this luck is really against the sky to the extreme!"

"Let me think about it!" At this moment, Tang Zhong said.

When everyone heard this, they really wanted to go up and strangle Tang Zhong to death. Wang Wensheng was so active, and the Prince's Association actually thought about it. The Prince's Association is just a small guild hall. How can it compare with Wang Wensheng?
Just when everyone was aggrieved by Wang Wensheng.

What surprised everyone was that Wang Wensheng seemed very happy when he heard Tang Zhong's words: "Okay, no problem, as long as Chairman Tang is willing to cooperate with me, I am willing to contribute [-]% of my ability!"

Others don't know about Tang Zhong, but Wang Wensheng does.

The general of the Huaxia Kingdom, just this one identity, is enough to shock people, let alone the others. According to gossip, this general is only the youngest one in Tang Zhong, so Wang Wensheng heard that someone actually met the prince. After the cooperation was terminated, he came over immediately. He really wanted to see who could be so stupid.

At this moment, Qin Liehuo didn't believe in evil. He firmly believed that Wang Wensheng had made a mistake, so he immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Wang, did you make a mistake!"

Hearing Qin Liehuo's words, Wang Wensheng's expression darkened instantly. He originally had some good feelings for the Qin family, but now, all good feelings are gone.

"Mistake, you'd better see what your Qin family should do first!" Wang Wensheng said coldly.

Qin Liehuo took a blow to shut the door, and his expression changed
He is proud and arrogant, and has never looked down on other people, but at this moment, he has some doubts.

Wang Wensheng must have made a mistake, that's why this happened.

And at this time, several cars stopped at the door. If you look at the license plate numbers of these cars, you will be surprised.

They all belong to the top ten richest people in the capital.

Immediately afterwards, I saw several people trotting in from the door, as if they were arguing for something?
When everyone looked back, they couldn't help being startled. Those were all wealthy people. Usually, these people can only be seen gathered together at some kind of wealth awards ceremony, but why are they all here today?
Did he come here for Qin Liehuo?

But when they saw those rich men walking past Qin Liehuo and then walking towards Tang Zhong, at that moment, everyone couldn't believe what they saw.

I saw those rich men go forward, and when they got to Tang Zhong's side, they looked like younger brothers.

"Tang...President Tang, let me cooperate with your Crown Prince Association!"

"Choose us, we have strength after all!"

Almost all the top ten richest people in Beijing came.

Those normally arrogant people are now begging for cooperation in front of Tang Zhong.

At this moment, everyone was really shocked.

"This... this is too nonsense!"


Everyone couldn't help but looked at Tang Zhong in the distance. Surrounded by so many wealthy people, the expression on his face was extremely indifferent. It was the same as before: "I'll think about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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