Chapter 843 Guan Jiannan! (eight more)
"Let me think about it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the people around were dumbfounded. If Tang Zhong rejected Wang Wensheng, it would have shocked people, but now, Tang Zhong has rejected so many people.

Qin Liehuo's face turned livid, and it was hard to believe that this was true.

How can a mere Prince's Association be favored by so many bosses? This is really incredible. Could it be that the president of this Prince's Association has other cards.

I misunderstood the other party from the very beginning, no wonder the other party has never sold the prince's meeting, it seems that he has some confidence.

Normally, Qin Liehuo would really not say anything, after all, so many rich people are helping the Prince's Association, but now Qin Liehuo has to care.

Today was Qin Liehuo's brilliant day in the capital, how could he be easily disturbed by others, thinking of the hole cards that the Qin family had always been clinging to, a sinister smile appeared on his face.

Although these so-called rich people are now on Tang Zhong's side, they are only the capital after all. Among the capital, Zhongguanhai is the real core.

In Zhongguanhai, the weakest person can shock these rich people in the capital, just like M Lijian's Silicon Valley.

It can be said that if the capital city and Zhongguanhai are compared with each other, they are equivalent to people from two worlds.

And the person he knew happened to be a big shot in Zhongguanhai. He had invited that big shot before the banquet, and he would come after the banquet was halfway through. If you count the time, he should come soon.

At that time, no matter how many people support the Prince's Association, that one person will be enough to overwhelm everyone. Qin Liehuo has such confidence.

At this time, Tang Zhong didn't care about the wealthy people around him, but walked towards Qin Liehuo.

When Qin Liehuo saw Tang Zhong, he immediately sneered and said, "Boy, I underestimated you after all. There are still so many cards in the hole, and so many rich people are willing to stand by your side!"

"Didn't you say that you and I are people from two worlds? That's right, you and I are really people from two worlds!" Tang Zhong said.

"Haha, it's really good that you have such self-knowledge. I can tell you frankly that I invited you to the banquet tonight, and I didn't give you a chance to consider whether to sell the Prince's Association. Today, you have to sell it. If you don't sell it, you have to sell it!" Qin Lie said angrily.

"Really?" Tang Zhong's eyes narrowed. Those who are familiar with him will know that in the next second, Tang Zhong will transform into a killing god.

Qin Liehuo kept staring at Tang Zhong. Suddenly, he looked into Tang Zhong's eyes, and his whole body trembled, as if he saw a terrible person. Only those who have killed many people under his hands have the same .

Qin Liehuo thought he was wrong.

"Why, you are not convinced again? But I can tell you frankly, in front of me, you can only die!" Qin Lie said in a huff: "If you don't believe me, you can try to move the forces you can invite over. , you will find nothing.!"

As soon as Qin Liehuo said this.

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help booing. The son of Lie Huo of the Qin family was really domineering, and he surpassed too many people with such heroism.

On the other hand, Wang Wensheng and others couldn't help shaking their heads when they heard Qin Liehuo's words. They knew Tang Zhong's strength, not to mention a mere North China Qin family, in the entire capital, there was probably no one who could match this man.

Originally, it was because the son of Lie Huo of the Qin family in North China was a handsome man, but now it seems that he is also an ordinary person.

While Ji Lao stared at Tang Zhong, he felt more and more familiar with Tang Zhong, and he felt that his memory became clearer, which was similar to the strong man he saw on a forum, but he couldn't remember that What kind of forum is it, he is really old, how could he even forget this.

Qin Liehuo sneered, if Tang Zhong could not be brought down today, then he would not be able to gain a foothold in the entire capital in the future.

"No, I'm enough alone!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Haha, one person is enough, this is really a very good joke!" Qin Liehuo raised his head and laughed.

And at this moment, from the outside, a guard rushed in hurriedly, panting and shouted at Qin Liehuo: "Master Liehuo, you... the car you wanted me to watch, it appeared!"

When Qin Liehuo heard the guard's words, his eyes became scorching hot: "Quick... Hurry up and meet Uncle Guan!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Liehuo gave Tang Zhong a fierce look, which meant that you are dead, kid.

Then Qin Liehuo left quickly.

Seeing Qin Liehuo's strong reaction, the people around him might not be ordinary people, but probably the backstage of the Qin family in the capital. From what Qin Liehuo said about Uncle Guan, it seems that the surname of Guan is in this backstage.

For a moment, many people gasped. If you want to say that there is no one with the surname of Guan, there are so many people in Zhongguanhai.

Guan Jiannan!
People in the Zhongguanhai martial arts world!
For the Guan family, it rose during the Anti-Japanese War. When Taizu conquered the world, Guan Jiannan's grandfather was always by Taizu's side. He experienced wars, big and small, rebelled together, and walked the long march together.

Later, after Taizu established New China, the Guan family naturally became prominent figures in the martial arts world.

It's just that the first generation of the Guan family is a character, and the second and third generations of the Guan family are far behind, but because the first generation once followed Taizu, there is no one in the entire Zhongguanhai. shaken.

If it is said that the Guan family is the Qin family that was saved by the Japanese pirates, it is really possible.

And if it's really the Guan family, then the Qin family's return to the capital is definitely just around the corner.

Just when everyone was surprised.

From a distance, Qin Liehuo walked in slowly accompanied by a group of people.

Today's Qin Liehuo no longer has the domineering appearance before, but looks like a junior.

Because they, the Qin family, rely on each other.

And looking at the person next to him, it was a middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses, and it was Guan Jiannan, a man who looked well-mannered.

"Uncle Guan, you're finally here!" Qin Liehuo laughed.

"I'm not late, I have a meeting before, so I'm late!" Guan Jiannan said with a smile.

"It's okay, it's the same whenever Uncle Guan comes!" Qin Lie said angrily, then looked behind Guan Jiannan, and said, "Where's Brother Hai? Why didn't he come?"

"He is right behind and will come in soon!" Guan Jiannan said with a smile.

"That's really great. It's said that the tiger father has no dogs. I want to have a good chat with Brother Hai when I have time!" Qin Liehuo laughed.

He believed that when he was talking to Guan Jiannan, many people around would be surprised when they looked at him, and that was what he wanted. Therefore, tonight, Qin Liehuo was destined to be brilliant.

And at this moment, a young man walked in slowly from the door of the hotel. If you looked carefully, you would find that the other party was Guan Shenghai from before.

(End of this chapter)

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