Chapter 844 Don't Complain With Our Guan Family! (nine more)
I saw Guan Shenghai walking in from the door.

If you look carefully, you will find that Guan Shenghai is an acquaintance.

After Qin Liehuo saw it, he immediately said, "Brother Hai, you're here!"

Guan Shenghai laughed and said, "Brother Lie Huo!"

"I've heard about Brother Hai's name for a long time, but seeing him today, he really deserves his reputation!" Qin Lie said angrily.

Qin Liehuo's grandfather repeatedly told him that he must have a good relationship with anyone in the Guan family, so that he will be safe when he returns to the capital.

So Qin Liehuo is very obedient, the three generations of the Guan family, only Guan Shenghai is a single pass, if they have a good relationship with Guan Shenghai, plus the relationship between the two families, then the Qin family will return to the capital in the future, it will undoubtedly be a nail in the coffin , It's a good thing!

Guan Shenghai just smiled.

Seeing this, Guan Jiannan laughed immediately: "Okay, the grandfathers of the two of you are close friends. Although I have broken with Liehuo's father, this does not prevent you from becoming friends!"

When Qin Liehuo heard this, he immediately said: "What Uncle Guan said is that I will definitely be like brothers with Brother Hai, please also invite Uncle Guan to stay with me!"

"Good!" Guan Jiannan said.

Qin Liehuo walked in front, he was complacent, and believed that everyone around him had already seen how close his relationship with the Guan family and his son was. If this was the case, he could live in the capital just around the corner!
Especially the members of the Prince's Association. This time, he wanted to see what the members of the Prince's Association had to say.

Guan Shenghai followed behind Qin Liehuo. He originally didn't want to come to this so-called party. If his father hadn't pulled him to come, he wouldn't have wanted to come. The whole person was stunned, standing in place, and soon, the pupils of the whole person widened.

"Tang...Tang Zhong..."

He never thought that he actually saw Tang Zhong.

At this moment, Guan Shenghai wanted to leave, he really wanted to leave, you know, he once provoked Tang Zhong, and he knew what kind of fierce person Tang Zhong was, what happened on Kunlun that day , he is very clear, the man who is against FBL, the general of the dragon group!

But he was even more surprised, why did Tang Zhong appear in this place?
Guan Shenghai really hoped that Tang Zhong would not see him, so he lowered his head, not daring to take a breath.

Seeing Guan Shenghai's appearance, Qin Liehuo immediately became surprised: "Brother Hai, what's wrong with you?"

"Nothing!" Guan Shenghai whispered.

"Oh!" Qin Lie replied without thinking too much.

And since Guan Jiannan and Guan Shenghai, two people from Zhongguanhai, were invited, it was time to stand up.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Tang Zhong.

Qin Liehuo sneered, I am afraid that today Tang Zhong has the ability to reach the sky, and he has no ability to struggle.

Take Tang Zhong for surgery now.

As long as the Prince's Association is acquired, the surrounding businessmen will naturally be recovered.

Then Qin Liehuo walked towards Tang Zhong, taking Guan Jiannan with him at the same time.

Guan Shenghai didn't want to go there anymore, he was afraid when he saw Tang Zhong now.

At this time, Guan Jiannan asked: "Lenghuo, I remember you told me on the phone that you wanted to buy a piece of land, but the other party never sold it? Is this the case?"

Guan Jiannan came to help Qin Liehuo stand out.

"Yes, it's a place called Prince's Club!" Qin Lie said angrily.

What?Prince will!
Guan Shenghai is messed up, he is really messed up, of course he knows where the Prince's Club is, but Qin Liehuo actually wants to buy the Prince's Club?That was Tang Zhong's territory, and hearing this, it seemed that his father wanted to help Qin Lie get ahead, which was absolutely impossible.

"Where is the president of the Prince's Association? I'll go and see!" Guan Jiannan said.

He came to help the Qin family. Before he came, Qin Liehuo had already told him everything, so Guan Jiannan was going to use his prestige to compare the opponent's sale of the land.

"It's right there!" Qin Liehuo wished that the other party would pass by, so he pointed at Tang Zhong and said.

Guan Shenghai was in a hurry, he was really in a hurry, he understood what his father wanted to do, he could use this move to deal with others, but to use this move to deal with Tang Zhong, what difference does it have from courting death.

He can't let his father die!

That's a murderer with bare hands, what are they Guan Jia?

But Guan Shenghai couldn't let Tang Zhong find him, he was so anxious that he was sweating.

Seeing that Guan Jiannan was about to leave, Guan Shenghai yelled directly: "Dad..."

"What's wrong? Xiao Hai?" Guan Jiannan was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and saw Guan Shenghai: "Why are you sweating profusely!"

"I...I'm fine..." Guan Shenghai replied in a low voice, and then continued: "Dad, you can't go there, don't go there!"

"Why don't you go there?" Guan Jiannan: "Okay, Xiao Hai, just leave it alone!"

After finishing speaking, Guan Jiannan followed Qin Liehuo to Tang Zhong.

Guan Shenghai was in a hurry, he hadn't told his father who Tang Zhong was, why did his father leave, and hurriedly followed behind.

At this moment, when the people around saw Qin Liehuo leading Guan Jiannan towards Tang Zhong, they knew what was going to happen. With Guan Jiannan's power, if he wanted to use Guan Jiannan's power to overwhelm the other party, it seemed that the Qin family's trump card was really the right one. Guan Hai's Guan family is gone, no wonder the nine tribes were not exterminated when they joined the Japanese pirates, then if this is the case, what is a mere prince's association?
At this moment, Guan Jiannan had already walked to Tang Zhong's side, and said with a smile, "Are you the president of the Prince's Association?"

"It's me!" Tang Zhong looked at Guan Jiannan and said.

"You should know me!" Guan Jiannan said.

"Sorry, I don't know him!" Tang Zhong said.

When Guan Jiannan heard this, his face suddenly changed, and he was slightly angry.

Guan Shenghai stood at the back, seeing his father's face changed, he knew that his father was angry, he began to panic, he knew his father's temper, he must be angry because Tang Zhong said he didn't know him , He really wanted to tell his father, don't say that the other party doesn't know you, even if he spit on his father today, he can't say anything.

Qin Liehuo secretly laughed, as long as Guan Jiannan is angry, then the prince will definitely belong to him, not only that, the entire prince will be wiped out.

Then Guan Jiannan looked at Tang Zhong and said: "I am Guan Jiannan, you can know me, and you don't need to know me. What I want to say now is that your prince will no longer belong to you in the future. My nephew will spend money to buy it. , sell it!"

it is as expected.

The people around seemed to have seen that Tang Zhong had sold the Prince Society.

But who knew that Tang Zhong would go on to say: "What are you!"

As soon as these words came out, the people around were all dumbfounded, they never thought that such a scene would appear, since they said what Guan Jiannan was.

"You're courting death!" Soon, Guan Jiannan narrowed his eyes.

Qin Lie said coldly: "How dare you insult Uncle Qin, do you really think that others can't cure you?"

"This... I think you should ask the person behind you!" Tang Zhong sneered, and then his eyes fell on Guan Shenghai.

Guan Shenghai, who was hiding behind, suddenly turned ugly. His father scolded the other party. Now that he heard Tang Keyu's name, he knew the strength of the other party. He trembled and knelt down with a plop. On the ground: "Tang...General Tang, I apologize to you on behalf of our Guan family, I hope you don't care about us!"

(End of this chapter)

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