Chapter 847 Teleportation! (three more)

This capital is really about to change.

Although everyone didn't know how powerful this Tang Zhong was, they knew that the Guan family was forced to kneel down by the other party, and his behavior had already made the entire North China Qin family bow their heads, which shows how powerful this person is.

Tang Zhong, the president of the crown prince, soon spread the word throughout the capital.

When the capital is said to be big, it is really big, and when it is said to be small, because once it is famous, it is really small.

Tang Zhong is like this now.

What happened in the Hongdu Hotel has spread like wind and clouds.

"What, Tang Zhong? Are you so powerful? Guan Shenghai and Guan Jiannan are lucky, so what is Tang Zhong's background?"

"I don't know what it is, but it's amazing!"

"Then I'm going to pay a visit to this person!"

"Kill people out of thin air, because this is the world of martial arts!"

The things in the Hongdu Hotel were indeed spread out, but even if someone told the truth about what happened here, few people would believe it.

Everyone only knows that this man named Tang Zhong is very powerful.

As for how powerful it is, I really don't know.

Next, the prince will really become famous.

Sweeping the previous downturn, various orders and business cooperation came one after another.

Because the prince will be powerful, everyone is willing to cooperate with the prince.

Not only domestic businessmen, but also masters abroad.

Soon the Prince's Society will have a more powerful prosperity than before.

The crown prince will be strong, for Tang Zhong, it is just to make Jiang Weiwei feel at ease.

For Tang Zhong now, the most important thing is to find the so-called eight stones, although now Tang Zhong has three.

But I don't know where the three pieces are now?
As long as he finds those eight stones, Shi Dao Yan Long Bing will definitely tell him how to revive Wei Wei.

This is the most important thing for Tang Zhong.

The reason for revitalizing the Prince's Association is because the Prince's Association was Wei Wei's hard work, and he will not let Wei Wei's hard work be destroyed.

At night again, Tang Zhong wanted to go out for a walk.

He has not walked on the roads of the capital for a long time.

Thinking of the road he and Wei Wei walked, a strange smile appeared on his face.

To him, any great strength is not important, what is important is Wei Wei.

The capital city is still so prosperous.

Looking from a distance, there is a lot of traffic and people coming and going.

Tang Zhong has lost Tang Tiansha's appearance, just like a child!
Dress in casual attire that only students have.

But before Tang Zhong could relax, a huge problem lingered in Tang Zhong's mind.

Where did the three stones go?

If the stone was in the ruins of the small town of Wall in Florida, it should have been destroyed. You must know that so many shells were bombed down at that time, no matter what, it would be destroyed directly.

But it shouldn't be destroyed, right? From what Shidao Yanlongbing said, that stone is not an ordinary thing at all, so it shouldn't be destroyed so easily.

No longer on my own body, it should be in the ruins.

Tang Zhongxin wanted to visit Florida another day.

But at this time, he suddenly frowned, because he felt a breath of death, and turned his head suddenly, and saw the roadside in the distance.

A commercial vehicle is galloping on the road!
Because this is a park, there is a lot of traffic. In front, there is a little girl holding a balloon and running.

Not far behind is the little girl's mother.

At this moment, a rickety vehicle approached and faced the little girl. The speed of the vehicle did not intend to stop at all, and it was about to hit her.

At that moment, everyone was watching this scene.

"not good!"

The little girl's mother cried out.

And the yellow car light has completely enveloped the little girl, and the balloons in her hand have already flown away.

Tang Zhong saw this scene.

"not good……"

He wanted to save the little girl.

But there are still more than 20 meters away.

At this moment, something strange happened.


Tang Zhong's whole body began to teleport. Originally, he was still more than 20 meters away from the little girl, but the next second, he was next to the little girl. He couldn't believe it was real, but now he didn't come to think about this At that time, he grabbed the little girl, and then reached out to aim at the rickety car in front of him.

You can see through the front that the people inside are staring wide-eyed, as if they bumped into it on purpose.

In an instant, Tang Zhong stamped his foot on the ground, his blood sank into the ground, and then rushed forward.

Just after the car was only three meters away from Tang Zhong, there was a bang, the ground exploded, the whole car was overturned abruptly, fell to the ground and began to smoke.

Then Tang Zhong didn't dare to stay here, and left with a whoosh.

He wanted to leave with all his heart, but the power of teleportation appeared again, and within a second, he was 20 meters away.

The onlookers around them didn't find anything clear.

He saw that the car was about to hit the little girl, but now he saw that the little girl was still alive, but the car flew out backwards.

"This...what's the matter?"

"Why did that car fly out? I shouldn't be dazzled!"

At this time, the little girl's mother hugged the little girl and cried: "Baby, are you okay!"

The little girl was also very frightened. At this time, she hugged her mother and burst into tears: "Mom!"

"It's good that you're fine, God is blessing you!" The young mother said excitedly.

"No, it's a big brother, he appeared next to me, he is amazing, just like Superman!" said the little girl.

"Then what's the big brother?" The young mother hugged the little girl and smiled. She thought it was because the child was too scared, and then said nonsense.

Then I saw several people climbed out of the commercial vehicle that fell on the ground, covered in blood. They didn't wear seat belts when the car rolled over just now, that's why this happened.

People around immediately went up to condemn each other.

At this time, the sound of buzzing sounded, and from a distance, several police cars drove over, parked next to the overturned business, and a few policemen came out and took the other party away.

These people were criminals, they were being chased by the police, and they went on a rampage all the way, and they didn't know how many people they killed.

In the distance, Tang Zhong saw this scene, and after confirming that it was all right.

He just looked at his own situation, went to the park, and hid in a place where no one was there.

Looking down at his hands, he felt that he had really teleported just now.

That feeling is like flying.

is that true?

Tang Zhong sat cross-legged and began to study what was going on?

At this time, he looked forward, he wanted to see if he could teleport, but he found that he was not moving at all, but he clearly teleported just now.

Tang Zhong began to recall what happened when he teleported just now. He remembered that he saw that the little girl was about to be hit by a car, and he was anxious to save the little girl. After saving the little girl, he was afraid When others found out, they were impatient and wanted to leave there, so they teleported.

Does it mean that as long as you think in your heart, you can teleport.

Try it!
Tang Zhong turned around and looked at a tree not far away, he began to think about touching the tree.

At this moment, something he didn't know, the blue stone on the spine in his body suddenly flashed.

At that moment, the whole person disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already beside the tree.

Teleportation, success!

(End of this chapter)

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