Chapter 848 There is a clue! (four more)
The teleportation actually succeeded.

Tang Zhong looked at his palm, watching this scene in disbelief.

How could I have such an ability? I remember that I didn’t have it before. Has there been any change?
Tang Zhong only remembered that it was a few days ago that he discovered that he had the ability to teleport!
If the time is extrapolated further, it would be before the fight with Hugo in Florida. He didn’t remember the time when he fought Hugo. It seemed that after he was knocked down by Hugo, he had a magical power Does strength have a lot to do with my previous fall?
Tang Zhong could only think of this.

He still remembered that when he woke up from the hospital and got off the hospital bed, he stepped on the ground with two footprints.

The strange power was discovered later, but where did this power come from?
Tang Zhong was thinking, and at the same time stretched out his hand to lean against the big tree next to him.

But who knew that as soon as the hand was stretched out, the big tree tilted up, as if it couldn't bear its own strength, the ground shook, and the big tree thicker than several bowls was actually pushed down by him, and its roots They all came out of the ground.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong quickly stretched out his hand to help the big tree. Who knew, the big tree that was about to fall was actually caught by him and held firmly in his hands.

Looking at this big tree, I'm afraid it weighs hundreds of catties.

And looking at Tang Zhong's arm, it looks so thin.

What's more, the current Tang Zhong grasped the big tree as if he had grasped nothing, as if he was grasping a ball of cotton in his hand, it was completely weightless.

"Is this because my strength has grown?" Tang Chong murmured.

He tried to get down the fallen tree, and the moment he let go, it fell directly to the ground. The tree weighed a hundred pounds, and the ground shook with a bang.

There is no problem, it must be that Tang Zhong's own strength has become stronger, that's why this happened.

Not only can I move instantly, but I can also have infinite strength. Where did these abilities come from?
At this time, a flashlight came out from outside, followed by a voice: "Who is it, and where is it?"

Such a large fluctuation must have been discovered by the park patrol, and the person who spoke must be the security guard.

It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Tang Zhong just turned around and left. With a thought, his whole body teleported violently.

If there is no accident, this teleportation can definitely move a long distance, but the current Tang Zhong is not proficient in using it.

Get out of here soon.

And not long after Tang Zhong left, an old man with a flashlight ran in from a distance, wearing a security uniform: "It's strange, I heard a voice from here just now, why is it gone now? This is really strange !"

As soon as he looked down, he saw trees that had fallen to the ground.

"My God, how could this happen!"

But at this moment Tang Zhong had gone far away, he had been teleporting away.

But he didn't go far, and he felt his back was extremely hot, as if he was being scorched by fire, and it hurt hot.

"How is this going?"

Tang Zhong looked back and saw a shocking scene. He only saw the light shining on the spine on his back, and that hot feeling was released from there.

" is this possible?" Tang Zhong could only see a little bit, but not all, and he didn't know what was shining.

In the park, he came to a lake. With the help of the reflection by the lake, he saw the back in the reflection, and his brows were further frowned. He actually saw the light shining on the spine.

Blue, khaki, and red are three colors.

Although there is a protrusion on the spine, but now seeing this protrusion, it is somewhat familiar.

It's like those few stones, for example, the blue place, especially like the stone obtained in the Great Wall. Tang Zhong has obtained that stone for the longest time, so he can see it at a glance.

As for the place where the two colors of khaki and red protrude, it is clearly the Yellow River Stone and the stone obtained from Adam.

Could it be that these stones are all integrated into his body?
Tang Zhong's complexion changed slightly, because it looked like this was indeed the case.

No wonder I couldn't find those stones, and instead of throwing them, they entered his body.

That is to say, are his teleportation and infinite powers given by these stones?

Especially the blue stone, when Tang Zhong moved from the capital to the Middle East, Tang Zhong was very suspicious of this stone, it seems to be true.

The stone from the Yellow River must have given him powerful abilities.

And the stone from Adam.

I remember that when Adam fused with the stone, he was about to turn into a bloody demon in the end. Perhaps, that stone could give people the ability to transform.

What are these stones?
It is really weird that it can fuse with the human body.

Sure enough, these stones are not simple.

I heard Shi Daoyan Longbing say that finding these stones was a test for him, and there must be something hidden in it.

The remaining stones must be found as quickly as possible.

But what makes Tang Zhong even more strange is that these stones are integrated into his spine, and it is already a miracle that he can still survive.

It was so strange, Tang Zhong wanted to understand more and more why this happened!

It is most correct to look for the remaining stones.

And at this moment, Li Linglong suddenly called Tang Zhong.

After Tang Zhong picked it up, he didn't stop, regardless of whether it was night or not, he rushed directly to the dragon group.

Because what Li Linglong was talking about was stone news.

Before Tang Zhong asked Li Linglong to help him find this strange stone, he did not expect that Li Linglong would have news so soon.

Leave the park and go straight to the dragon group.

Tang Zhong used teleportation all the way to drive.

It may be because it is not too fused with the stone, which leads to the burning pain in the back now. These should be sequelae, as long as you bear with it, you will get used to it.

Into the dragon group.

Tang Zhong went directly to Li Linglong's office, kicked the door open without even knocking.

Originally, Li Linglong was busy working in the office, but Tang Zhong came in suddenly, which shocked him greatly.

Tang Zhong really couldn't hide the enthusiasm in his heart. He walked up to Li Linglong and grabbed Li Linglong's collar: "Tell me, what kind of news did you get?"

Li Linglong was frightened: ", let me go first!"

He was strangled almost out of breath.

Only then did Tang Zhong realize that he had lost his composure, and quickly let go.

Li Linglong coughed violently, looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Brother, you are really going to strangle me..."

"Stop talking nonsense, didn't you say you have news about the stone? Tell me!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay, I'll show you right now!" Li Linglong said, and then took out a photo: "I think this person is likely to know what you need!"

Tang Zhong looked quickly, and saw in the photo, a man in a gray suit with a sneaky look, and when he looked carefully, he was holding a blueprint in his hand. On the blueprint, Draw a stone!
(End of this chapter)

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