Chapter 849 Betting on the Stone Market! (five more)

In the photo, it can be clearly seen that this person is holding a piece of paper in his hand, and a stone is drawn on the paper, wearing a gray suit.

Looks sneaky.

Tang Zhong saw the stone at a glance, and he found that the appearance of this stone was similar to the stone in his body.

Maybe this person really has news.

And it seems that that person is not from China, but looks like someone from India or the Philippines.

And it's not just a photo, it's all photos of that person, but every time a photo is taken, the other person will change clothes and dress up specially, but the only thing that remains the same is the piece of paper in his hand.

"Where did this photo come from?" Tang Zhong asked.

"This was accidentally photographed in the domestic jade market. The man in the photo is called Robert, a Filipino. According to the information I got, after he came to Huaguo, he traveled all over the country. All the jade markets seem to be a jade merchant!" Li Linglong said.

"However, judging from the picture seen in the photo, that stone is not jade. I just thought that the stone you asked me to find for you is somewhat similar, so I will tell you the news immediately!"

Tang Zhong looked carefully at the rocks that the man was holding in the photo, they were very similar to those few rocks.

Looking at the appearance of this person, it seems that he is afraid that others will find him, which means that there is something wrong with this person.

"Where is this person now?" Tang Zhong asked.

"In Yuncheng!" Li Linglong said.

"Have you controlled it?" Tang Zhong asked.

"No problem, I have fully grasped it!" Li Linglong said: "By the way, why are you looking for this kind of stone?"

"Useful!" Tang Zhong smiled, and left like the wind: "Remember to send me the location of that person!"

"Okay!" Li Linglong watched Tang Zhong leave, and muttered in a low voice: "I haven't eaten dog food for a long time. I really don't like this feeling. Thinking about it carefully, it's quite good to eat a little dog food once in a while!"

Tang Zhong came out of the dragon group and acted vigorously!
The goal is Cloud City.

There are a lot of jade markets over there.

Tang Zhong quickly found the Dragon Group, was sent a helicopter, and then quickly rushed to Yuncheng.

Before boarding the plane, Tang Zhong already knew all about this person's location and where he went in Yuncheng.

Soon, he got off the plane.

He walked quickly.

Go straight to the Jade Market.

The person named Robert, according to Longzu's understanding of the information, has determined that the person is in a jadeite factory.

In Yuncheng, there are many such jade fields.

Of course, the most famous one is stone gambling, which is to mine stones for a small price and try your luck to see if there will be real jade in them.

Most of them are open-air, and of course there are indoor ones.

But the indoor ones are more advanced than the outdoor ones.

At this moment, I finally arrived at the jadeite field where Robert was.

From a distance, you can see that it is full of people.

All of them are waiting for the stone betting over there after taking the bid for the stone betting. This thing is not like gambling!
Auction stones are everywhere, and after being bought by the person who paid the highest price, the staff will personally break the stone open to see if there is any emerald inside.

If there is, it is tantamount to making a fortune. Sometimes it is possible to sell 500 million stones for 8000 million.

This is the charm of stone gambling, so many people come here to gamble for luck. If they succeed, they will really get rich. It is entirely possible to become rich overnight.

Tang Zhong went through one crowd after another. He was looking for Robert. Robert was already clearly seen in the photo. He had already remembered his appearance clearly. As for the clothes, he didn't need to look at them at all.

At this time, among the group of people next to them, after the staff broke the stone in their hands, they saw jade with a green luster inside.

"Wow, congratulations to this customer. I bought the stone with a principal of 200 million. Now this emerald can be sold for 2000 million."

Immediately, the middle-aged man who successfully gambled with stones could hardly close his mouth from ear to ear.

At that moment, everyone around could be seen looking at the middle-aged man.

It's just that they just glanced at it and immediately looked back. Seeing that someone succeeded, other people also started to buy stones and gamble on stones, thinking of getting rich overnight.

"Come on, rock betting!" A beautiful woman next to her came forward, wearing work clothes, with normal black professional clothes on top, and black stockings on her legs. Tang Zhong said: "Little brother, look at your Yintang Mingguang, today is your auspicious day, why don't you come and try to buy a few stones, what if you make a fortune?"

Here in Gambling Stone, these people are considered shopping guides!
They will help you choose the stone.

"Okay!" Tang Zhong agreed directly.

The reason why he agreed was because when he saw the man throwing out the stone just now, all the people in the audience were looking at him. This place is very big, and it will take some time to find Robert. It is better to let him Robert came to him.

The beautiful shopping guide was originally looking for Tang Zhong to talk about, and she didn't expect Tang Zhong to buy it at all. Now that Tang Zhong tried it, her eyes widened, and she smiled immediately: "Then you come with me!"

"My name is Annie, you can just call me by my name. You look like a newcomer. You may still have a lot of understanding about stone gambling. I can tell you something!" said the beautiful shopping guide.

"you say!"

The beautiful shopping guide named Ani's eyes lit up even more. She was sure that Tang Zhong was a newcomer, and she liked to help these people buy stones the most.

Because they don't understand everything related to gambling stones. They just heard what the shopping guide said. The man in front of him looks younger. Ani has seen this kind of young man a lot, and most of them are from China. Those rich second generations come here to play, they are rich, and they like to be willful.

A Ni has slaughtered several rich second generations like this.

When she led Tang Zhong to the gambling stone table, many beautiful shopping guides around saw this scene, and they felt envious in their hearts.

"See, there's another big fish on Ani's side!"

"That's right, it looks like that person is a stunned young man. He must be the kind who buys and buys. Annie is going to make a fortune this time. If she exploits that person, she can earn 10,000+ today!"

"He must have brought that person to Brother Hao's table. The two of them cooperated inside and out, and it was another terrible deal!"

But envy is useless, they also hope that they can meet such a stunned young man.

At this moment Tang Zhong has been brought to a stone gambling table.

I saw a bearded man standing in the front with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. Beside him, there was a basket. Inside the basket were some stones!
(End of this chapter)

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