Chapter 850 Deception! (one more)
I saw a middle-aged man with a beard on the stone gambling table in front of him. There were two boxes beside him. On the left and right sides, in the box, there were all stones.

Those are mined stones!

This middle-aged man looked very much like a butcher selling meat. He was wearing a vest, and the chest hair on his chest could be seen.

Next to him, there is a sign with a line written on it.

"Our store once sold stones worth hundreds of millions!"

Therefore, there are a lot of people buying stones here now, and the piles there are very crowded, and the business is very hot.

"I'll buy this stone!" A thin-looking person pointed to a medium-sized stone in the frame, and said.

"Okay!" The big man directly took out the stone from the box, and then took out the hammer with his right hand.

When the people around saw this stone, not only their eyes brightened.

"The luster of this stone is pretty good, it's really possible that there is jade in it!"


"Damn it, why didn't I see this stone just now? Damn it!"

All the people around who had been watching were extremely regretful at this moment.

But it's useless to talk too much now, let's take a look at what's inside the stone. The thin man has a crew cut, and his eyes look very bright.

The big man boss took out the stone, and asked the little flat head: "If you want to buy this stone, it will cost two hundred. If you agree, I will open the stone!"

"I agree, there have been hundreds of millions of stones in your store, I think this stone is very good, let's open it!" Xiaopingtou said directly without even thinking about it.

All eyes were on the stone.

At this time, Ani had already walked over with Tang Zhong.

"Sir, it happens that you are here for the first time. Come and see the process of betting on stones. It will be of great help to you betting on stones in the future!" Ani said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, but looked down at the front.

Looking at the stone in the hand of the big man boss, there is jade in it.

Now Tang Zhong's soul has been cultivated very powerfully, he can feel many things with perception, the feeling between jade and real stone is different, Tang Zhong can feel it at a glance.

The scene in front of him looks like Xiao Pingtou bought stones and asked the big guy boss to open them, but if you look carefully, you will find something different.

Because he could see that this little flat head didn't have any fluctuations in his heart before he opened the stone, as if he already knew the result.

Moreover, this little flat head spent 200 million to buy stones, and he didn't react nervously at all. This is not the behavior of a normal person at all. That is to say, this little flat head has already known the result.

So, all of this is probably a hoax.

The boss of the big man and Xiaopingtou joined forces to act, and took out a piece of jade
Sure enough, at this time, the hammer in the hands of the boss of the big man smashed towards the stone that Xiaopingtou took out.

After a few hits, the stone was smashed away.

A green light was released from inside.

Everyone around was stunned.

The big man's boss widened his eyes, his expression was extremely exaggerated, and in the end he went straight to the realm of madness, turned around and looked at Xiaopingtou, and gave a thumbs up: "Brother, do you know that you are rich!"

The hearts of the people around were even hotter.

The little crew cut seemed to be in a daze, and finally said excitedly: "Really? Brother!"

"Of course, look at the top-quality jadeite!" The big man broke the stone and said.

I saw the green inside shining in the eyes of the people around me, and I was deeply envious.

Xiaoping looked even more excited.

" much can this be sold for?"

"More than 8000 million, so you are rich!" said the big man boss.

"My God, more than 8000 million, no, I'm going to pass out!" Xiao Pingtou said excitedly.

"Hurry up and pay the tax, just take it away, don't block other people from getting rich!" said the big man boss.

"Yes!" Xiaopingtou left with the stone in his arms.

The people around watched Xiao Pingtou leave, they were envious.

The boss of the big man said: "Don't be envious. They bought our stones, so they made a fortune. It is the same for you to buy our stones, so there is no need to envy others. The opportunity is in front of you. It's up to you Can you catch it!"

Then he pointed to the sign next to him that sold 8000 million yuan this time and murmured: "It seems that we have to add another sign in the future, which says that our store has released another [-] million stone!"

After speaking, he laughed out loud.

And the people around were really warmed up.

Holding a bank card in his hand, each one is more emotional than the other.

"I'll buy……"

"I'll buy it too!"

Come here to gamble on stones, only some come for fun, others come more for daydreaming.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong witnessed everything, and it can be said that this is a scam. The boss of the big man is Party A, and Xiaopingtou is Party B. When he spent the money just now, his mind did not fluctuate at all. Now that he won the prize, he became excited immediately. In that way, it is obvious that this is pretending. They are a group. They knew that there was jade in the stone, and then let Xiaopingtou buy it in his hands, so that other people can open their eyes and look at it carefully, which inspired those people to buy it. desire.

Fortunately, they succeeded.

I saw many people rushing to buy stones.

At this time, Annie next to him looked at Tang Zhong with a smile, and said, "Sir, did you see that? It was 8000 million stones just now. I didn't lie to you. It's very good to come here to gamble on stones!"

"If it's possible, then I'll help you to line up, sir. When the time comes, sir will make a lot of money, just give me a tip!" Ani smiled, staring at Tang Zhong all the time, saying so many words, Just a word was left unsaid: "Sir, you can also have fun at night!"

These beautiful shopping guides do this kind of business. They gamble with you during the day, accompany you to the hotel at night, and serve you wholeheartedly. Of course, these are all paid, but if you meet a handsome guy, it is completely free.

"Let me try!" Tang Zhong said.

He clearly knew that this was a scam, but Tang Zhong still wanted to give it a try, because there were real jade in those frames.

And he already knew which one it was.

So, it's very simple.

Besides, what he wanted was not money, but to lure Robert out.

The man from the Philippines also came to look for that kind of stone, so he must know something. I just don’t know where this Robert is now, but as long as he is attracted, he should come out, and he can see the guy from the Philippines from the photo , should be an ability user, then there must be a problem.

Then Tang Zhong started betting on stones!
(End of this chapter)

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