Chapter 851 Come on! (two more)
Then Tang Zhong started betting on stones!
At this moment, after Xiaopingtou opened 8000 million stones, many people went up to gamble on stones, but they all failed on May Day.

There is nothing in the stone that was broken by the boss of the big man.

The faces of all the betting stones showed ugly affection.

You must know that the base price of a stone is different, some are 10,000+, and some are hundreds of thousands.

If there is really jade in it, it will really make a fortune.

Because someone failed in front of him, Ani always said to Tang Zhong: "It's okay, that's the case with betting on stones. It is risky. It doesn't mean that everyone can buy stones directly. This is a matter of luck. Whoever is more lucky, then The chances of success are high!"

"It's okay, I have plenty of money!" Tang Zhong said.

When Ani heard this, her gaze became even hotter. There was money, so she had to search hard, maybe she could get hundreds of thousands of dollars, then today would not be in vain. Even if this person doesn't want to serve at night, she All will be given away for free.

The big man in the distance is still telling the stone gamblers not to be nervous, let them relax, and continue to buy stones. If they win, they will make a fortune.

So there are still a lot of dull-headed greens to buy, and hundreds of thousands and millions of them to throw away.

But it's all in vain.

Those who were hot before their heads were hot will not be selling at this time.

And in just a few minutes, the boss's profit is probably tens of millions.

The bosses of other stone gambling shops around, seeing the booming business here, all felt envious. They knew that they were planning to make such a game and let these fools jump.

At this time, there are many fewer people buying stones.

"Boss, let's go now!" Ani said to Tang Zhong.

"Okay." Tang nodded.

Then he stepped forward.

Immediately, the bosses of the surrounding stone gambling shops couldn't help but said, "Another one has been taken advantage of, how much do you think this person will buy?"

"It's definitely hundreds of thousands. Didn't you see that Ani was with her? This woman's words are a temptation, and she must have fascinated that kid. That kid will buy as much as Ani says to buy!"

"I think so too!"

At this moment, the big man boss smiled excitedly, looked at Tang Zhong, and said, "Little brother, you also come to gamble on stones!"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"You should have seen it just now. Our store has an 8000 million stone. If you want to buy it, you will probably get rich like that. In our place, getting rich overnight is definitely not a problem, as long as you are bold!" The big man boss road.

There are two frames next to him, the big man directly stretched out one frame, and said to Tang Zhong: "Little brother, I don't know which stone you want? You tell me, I will take it out for you, and break it open!"

"I don't want the stone in that frame, I want the one in that frame!" Tang Zhong said.

Then point to the other box next to the big man.

Because Tang Zhong could tell that although the two frames looked the same, there was no jade in one frame, while there were several in the other frame.

The big man was stunned for a moment, and the whole person was stunned, and then he smiled and said: "Are the two frames the same?"

"Since it's the same, then I deserve to be framed like that!" Tang Zhong laughed.

"Okay, okay!" said the big man boss, and then reached out to touch another box: "Brother, you choose a stone, and I will open it for you!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong said, his eyes swept over the stones in the frame, and he, with his strong soul power, quickly noticed something unusual.

"Just that one!" Tang Zhong pointed to the top stone, which looked extremely dilapidated, and there were many moss creatures on it

Except for the green color on the stone, I really can't find any connection with jade.

Surrounded by the owner of the stone gambling shop, they all shook their heads. It seems that this person really doesn't understand anything, and dares to come to gamble with stones. Isn't he afraid that he will lose too badly?

"Sure enough, I was confused by that woman, Ani, that woman can speak!"

"The young man must have thought that something happened with Ani at night!"

And when the big man boss saw that Tang Zhong actually chose this stone, he was stunned again. As the boss, as the owner of the stone gambling shop, he knew exactly what jade was in that stone.

Those jade stones are artificially sewn into stones.

It's what they use to deceive people.

Generally, the stones stitched in this way look very worn out, without any signs of stones inside.

But now this young man wants this stone as soon as he opens his mouth. I'm afraid it's really unusual.

He tried to calm himself down, looked at Tang Zhong, and said, "Little brother, do you really want this stone? To my surprise, there is no way there is anything in this stone. I'm doing it for my birthday, but I won’t cheat you, you should think carefully about it!”

He thought that after he said so, the other party would change.

But who knows, Tang Zhong said directly: "No need, this stone is very good, just him!"

Tang Zhong’s purpose in coming to gamble on stones is very simple, to find that Filipino named Roberta, that person is looking for stones, as long as that person notices him, even though he doesn’t know where that person is now, but he Believe that, as long as you give some trouble, that person will definitely appear.

Ani next to her is just a beautiful shopping guide. As for what the stone is, he doesn't know what it is, but seeing the boss's refusal, there must be something wrong. Stones, there will be no stones!"

"No need!" Tang Zhong said.

Annie had to shut up.

The boss of the big man's face became slightly ugly, and he was holding on to the stone for a long time to break open.

"What's the matter? Is the boss not doing business?" Tang Zhong asked.

"No..." The big man boss was a little angry, but he didn't dare to say anything, there were so many customers around.

Then put the stone on the table, picked up the hammer, and hit it down with one hammer.

With a bang, the stone was so small that it was opened directly.

I saw that among the stones, there was actually a flash of green.

The people around didn't have any hope for any jade, but seeing that Tang Zhong actually opened the jade at this moment, everyone was so excited that it was indescribable.

"How is this possible?"

"That's right!"

"This guy is lucky!"

Ani was dumbfounded, she actually drove it, she was a shopping guide, that is to say, she made money.

The boss of the big man was bleeding, but he still had a smile on his face, looked at Tang Zhong and said: "Brother, you are really lucky, you opened the jade in the first one, and the conservative price of this jade is more than 1000 million. You've made a fortune, you're so lucky, why don't you do it again and continue the good luck, you're really amazing, you became a multi-millionaire in one day!"

"Yes!" Tang nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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