Chapter 852 I'm so lucky! (three more)

The reason why the boss of the big man said that was because Tang Zhong won his stone, which made him very upset. If he didn't get some money from Tang Zhong, he would really feel very uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, Tang Zhong actually agreed, which is a good thing for him.

The people in the stone betting shop around were all surprised when they saw this scene, and they had to say that Tang Zhong's luck was really good.

But when they saw that the boss of the big man proposed to come again, the man actually agreed. They all shook their heads helplessly.
If there is no accident, the 1000 million stones that were just released will soon be gone.

This is the experience of stone gamblers. After winning, they immediately withdraw. If they continue to stay there, they will only lose until they lose their pants.

At this moment, the boss of the big man didn't want Tang Zhong to leave immediately with the money, and then said: "Brother, you have taken a fancy to that piece, I will continue to open it for you!"

The boss of the big man was very cunning, and he stretched his hand into the frame where no stone could be opened at all.

"I want another frame!" Tang Zhong said.

The big man's face was slightly ugly, and then he said with a smile: "The two boxes are the same. In business, the most important thing is integrity!"

"I just like the other frame!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay..." The boss of the big man is a little angry. His name is Shan Hao. He is from the border of Yuncheng. He came from Myanmar. He has been doing stone gambling business here for many years, but this is the first time he encountered such a thing. people.

He was puzzled, why did this guy insist on getting the one in the frame?
"Then which stone do you want?" Shan Hao asked.

"I want the big one!" Tang Zhong pointed to one of the big stones.

The stone is far away, the luster is very dark, and the surface is very rough.

When the people around looked at it, they showed contempt again, how could there be jade in such a stone, it seems that the selected stone appeared for the first time, it was really luck.

Almost all the bosses of the stone gambling shops around laughed. The 1000 million yuan that was just opened will soon be gone.

But when they didn't know, cold sweat appeared on Shan Hao's forehead. In his heart, it seemed that there were thousands of grass horses galloping inside, because there was a piece of jade inside the stone, and it was very big.

This stone is the treasure of their town store, and it is impossible for anyone to find it, because there is no picture related to jade on the outside of the stone.

More importantly, this jade is worth [-] million.

He really didn't dare to open this stone.

Once it's opened, it's over.

Then Shan Hao stared at Tang Zhong, the other party probably didn't understand anything, I'm afraid it must be luck to be able to jump to this rock, damn it, but this luck is too good.

"You...Are you sure about this stone? It's so big, its purchase price is worth 1000 million!"

Shan Hao is going to raise the price a bit higher to scare the other party.

"This stone is very good. If there is jade in it, then I'm going to be mad. There are 1000 million in such a small stone just now. This stone must have [-] million!" Tang Zhong said.

Anyone who listens to this can tell that this is completely a layman's utterance. According to experts, it is impossible for such a stone to have jade, and it is absolutely all stones.

The owners of the gambling stone shops around couldn't help shaking their heads. They just made 1000 million yuan, but now they are about to lose all of them. This person is really miserable.

Ani is in a hurry, she doesn't want Tang Zhong to buy this stone, she doesn't know how to bet on stones, but she often hangs around in this place, it can be said that even she knows that such stones can't produce jade at all.

If you buy this stone now, the previous gambling posture just now will be gone, and it will cost tens of thousands.

"Don't buy it, this stone won't exist!" Ani said.

None of the stone gamblers around said anything, they were all waiting to see Tang Zhong's joke, they didn't buy it, and they didn't want Tang Zhong to buy it, and now they hoped to see that the stone was opened, revealing that it was full of stones Inside, Tang Zhong's performance.

At this moment, Shan Hao can hardly believe that this is true, there is jade in it, is it really going to be opened?But if it is not opened, everything will be ruined, but if it is opened, the jade will definitely be taken away by this guy, that is [-] million, he feels distressed.


A shout came out, and at this moment, Tang Zhong shouted.

For a moment, everyone was attracted.

Is this a regret?
The bosses of the stone gambling shops around still need to take a high look at Tang Zhong. On such an occasion, they can still shout to stop. That level of courage is simply extraordinary. The most important thing now is to take the money and leave directly .

A Ni is also relieved, it seems that the tens of thousands of share fees will be available soon.

They didn't know that it was Shan Hao who was sweating for himself. He was so happy. Fortunately, the other party stopped, otherwise the [-] million would be gone after the stone was blasted away.

"That's right, I said earlier that it is impossible for jade to appear in this stone!" Shan Hao said, and quickly put the stone back into the box.

This stone cannot be placed here even if it is killed.

"No... I want that stone. I just feel that knocking one by one is too tiring. I'll buy several at once, so that it will be convenient for you to open the stone!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.


For a moment, everyone in the audience was stunned, never expecting such a scene.

It turned out that this guy didn't want stones anymore, but felt that there were too few of them!


There is no one who does not think Tang Zhong is stupid.

But at this moment, Shan Hao's face turned pale, it was ugly as hell.

"I'm afraid this is not good!" Shan Hao said.

He really didn't want to export this hundreds of millions of jade.

"What's wrong with that, I have money!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he went straight to the stones in the frame and said, "That... and that one, take them all out for me!"

Tang Zhong glanced over the stone frame, and clicked all the jade stones inside.

The people around saw Tang Zhong being so messy, and laughed even more. It's strange that he can buy stones like this. It seems that this person should have just opened a stone, tasted a little bit of sweetness, and now he started to order casually.

But they don't know that the most taboo of betting on stones here is that it doesn't mean that there are jade stones in every stone.

What they didn't know was that at this time, Shan Hao's face was extremely ugly, because the stones that Tang Zhong ordered contained jade in them, and those stones that did not contain jade were one of them. No point, what the hell is going on with this guy?Isn't this luck?This is really against the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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