Chapter 853 You are cheating! (four more)

At this moment, Shan Hao really didn't dare to move. You must know that among those stones, there are jade stones, but how did this guy find out?

This is too weird.

There are so many stones, just pick the ones with jade inside, how is this done?

But at this moment, Shan Hao was a little panicked, because if the total value of those jades were added together, the total would be more than 2 million.


All of Shan Hao's belongings are here!

But now he is about to be taken away by others!
"Take out all the stones I want!" Tang Zhong said to Shan Hao.

"Forget it, there are so many stones, let's come one by one!" Shan Hao said.

"No, let's break rocks together!" Tang Zhong said.

"Let's forget it!" Shan Hao insisted on refusing.

The people around were dumbfounded, what happened to Shanhao?Why are you like this?

People say they want those stones, why don't they take them out? If the value of those stones is added up, it will be 2000 million.

Such a big deal, why not do it?
"I'll go, is this Shanhao's brain out of his mind? Didn't he enjoy taking the stone just now? Why did he turn off the fire at this critical moment!"

"This Shan Hao doesn't know what he is afraid of. Do you really think that there will be jade in every stone? Obviously, this guy doesn't understand anything. If all those stones can produce jade, it can only be said that this person's luck is really good. It's against the sky, but obviously, that possibility is really too small."

The owners of the stone gambling shops around were talking about it.

They are all envious of Shan Hao, who can have such a bold business!

But they didn't know what Shan Hao was thinking at this time, and they really wanted to scold his father.

"Why, I want all these stones, why don't you open them?" Tang Zhong looked at Shan Hao and said, "Didn't you just say that birthdays are about honesty?"

"I... drive it, I will drive it now!" Shan Hao has nothing to say, this time, I am afraid he can only suffer a loss, and swallow this breath, otherwise there is no way at all.

Move the stone selected by Tang Zhong to the table.

Then he took out the hammer.

He still wanted to struggle a bit: "We give money first when gambling on stones here, and then break the stones, so brother, please abide by the rules!"

The total value of these stones is more than 2000 million. Basically, no one comes to gamble on stones to get so much money.

"Okay, this is the card!" Tang Zhong took out the card directly.

Take out the pos machine and swipe it.

300 million were swiped away.

Na Shanhao was completely speechless.

The person who can take out so much money at will, he really failed this time, and soon, a hint of ferocity flickered in his eyes.

At this moment, everyone's eyes turned to look over, and the entire stone gambling field fell silent.

Because it was the first time for both the boss and the customer to come into contact with such a large order. To be honest, they were a little shocked in their hearts.

But among these stones, if a jade can be knocked out, it would be really good.

Seeing Shan Hao holding a hammer and starting to hit the rock, he really couldn't bear it.

"Knock it down!" Someone next to him said.

"What are you afraid of? It's a problem for you, a gambling boss, to be hesitant!"

Instigated by someone, the hammer in Shan Hao's hand fell with a bang.

With a bang, the first stone was broken.

I saw a green light flickering inside.

The eyes of the people around were all straight: "My God, is that emerald? Why is there another emerald!"

"Yeah, this is really scary!"

Unbelievable one by one.

This is the second piece of emerald, this guy's luck is too bad.

Shan Hao looked at this, and his heart really hurt, like a needle prick.

"Next!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The people around raised their eyes again, wanting to see what would happen.

Shan Hao reluctantly picked up the hammer, and with a bang, the next stone was opened.

Same green light.

"Oh my god!"

"I rub it, it's still emerald!"

The people around have already looked stupid.

Shan Hao's heart ached again, and he laid down a stone. There were five stones in total, and now he has two.

But soon, the people around couldn't even utter words of shock, because the next stone was crushed, but there was still green light, that is to say, there was emerald inside.

Everyone didn't speak anymore, and they were more shocked. You know, it was the first time someone was so good at betting stones to such an extent.

Is this luck?
It's not luck at all, it's mythology.

If the deeds here are spread, it will directly cause a sensation in the entire Yuncheng.

The topic of the news was that a young man was gambling in the stone field, and he broke several stones in a row, which was enough to make everyone in Yuncheng look up.

The people around were shocked.

And Shan Hao's heart is bleeding!

Now there is only one last big rock left.

Almost none of the people present thought that there would be jade in this stone, because it didn't look like jade at all.

But now this scene is seen by other people. It doesn't matter whether the last stone has jade or not, because the others have already made money.

Almost more than 1 million.

The young man's gamble on stones this time was really not in vain.

But at this time, Shan Hao took the hammer and landed on the last big rock, the watch seconds were rough, it didn't look like there was a rock at all.

But it also attracted everyone's attention.

"Go, Boss Shan!"

"That's right!"

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes.

Shan Hao didn't dare, the stone inside was worth [-] million, and the hammer in his hand was already trembling.

This stone cannot be lost.

"I won't sell this stone!" Shan Hao directly threw the hammer in his hand, holding the stone in his arms.

For the sake of money, he started to feel shameless. This is [-] million, how can he just give it to others?

Anyway, the other party is just a young man who came to gamble on stones. Compared with an old fritter like him, how far is it?
Anyway, this is Yuncheng, the big deal is that I dare not bet on stones.

As soon as his words came out, the people around were stunned.

When can stone gamblers be like this?

"Boss Shan, what are you?"

"We don't have this item in our stone gambling business. When a customer buys a stone, we have to help them get that one. This is the rule, and you are breaking the rules!"

Indeed, betting on stones here, customers have the right to choose all the stones worshiped at your stall.

Now that Shan Hao is doing this, he is violating the rules.

Shan Hao frowned, anyway, you don't want him anymore, you might as well become even more shameless, pointing at Tang Zhong and shouting: "Boy, you cheated... come to us to bet on stones, you are looking for death. "

(End of this chapter)

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