Chapter 854 Discovered! (five more)
"You cheat!" Shan Hao roared.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was shocked.

Where did this cheat come from.

I often hear people say that playing cards, whether it is mahjong or poker, is cheating. I never thought that there would be cheating in stone gambling. This is simply too unrealistic!

The people around stopped talking.

Everyone already knew what Shan Hao was going to do.

And those customers were all stunned. Is there still time for this thing to cheat?Isn't this the same as cheating people?
Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

Shan Hao didn't care what the people around him said, when he came to set up the gambling table, he didn't plan to pay a penny for it, he was the only one who made money.

Anyway, he decided that this person was cheating, so what could he do?

"Boy, you cheated. Here, if you cheat, you will get your finger stamped!" Shan Hao shouted at Tang Zhong.

"Crap? Are you sure?" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

"What? Are you cheating, and you still threaten me? I, Shan Hao, never arrange for anyone to threaten me!" Shan Hao said coldly.

Then shouted.

A few people walked out from the crowd of customers around, came to Shan Hao's side, and shouted: "Brother Hao!"

Unexpectedly, there would be such a result, and there were still entrusted customers among them.

The customers around saw this scene and felt cheated.

It is a completely deceitful organization to treat one's own people as customers.

"Losing money, losing money!"

Those who bought stones suddenly felt that something was wrong before. Why can others buy stones worth tens of millions, but what they can't buy is because of this particularity.

"Losing money, stay with your old mother!" Now that Shan Hao's whole body has gone berserk, they are shameless. Or what, when you get here, you have to get down.

When the customers saw this scene, they all became terrified, so scared that they didn't even dare to fart.

Can only endure.

And at this time, Shan Hao approached Tang Zhong, looked him up and down, wearing a vest, his chest hair looked very lush.

"Boy, do you know that if you cheat with me, you will die!"

Then he continued to shout: "Others, go up now, grab his hand, don't let him run away!"

The people behind went up to catch Tang Zhong: "Damn it!"

Tang Zhong raised his head. He originally planned to lure Robert out with the help of gambling stones, but now, it seems that he doesn't need it much.

Someone rushed towards Tang Zhong, only to see Tang Zhong standing there motionless.

Just glanced at each other.

The little brother who rushed over stopped moving, stood on the spot, his pupils were wide open, and he didn't know what happened, he fell to the ground directly, and his seven orifices began to bleed.

The sudden appearance made everyone dumbfounded.

Shan Hao froze in place: "Why... why did he fall down!"

When he saw the blood on his younger brother, he was even more frightened: "Why is there blood?"

"What do you think?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

" did it?" Shan Hao was dumbfounded, and sat down on the ground.

"I didn't do it, your man got epilepsy, that's why he became like that!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

" must have done it!" Shan Hao roared, "Killed, killed!"

"Didn't I say that I was cheating? Then, it's normal for them to have epilepsy!" Tang Zhong laughed.

The strong pressure made Shan Hao unable to move his whole body, his face was extremely pale and extremely terrifying, he felt that the person in front of him was like a demon.

"What do you want to do!" Shan Hao said.

"Of course it's chopping off your fingers!" Tang Zhong laughed.

At this moment, he teleported all over, and then his fingers turned into knives, and he slashed towards Shan Hao's fingers.

Killing with one finger, Shan Hao's five fingers were cut off directly, and fell to the ground bloody.

The whole person lay on the ground and twitched in pain.

" is this possible?" Shan Hao covered his hands.

No one expected this scene to happen. To be precise, none of them saw clearly what was going on, and Shan Hao's finger was chopped off.

After all, they saw that the young man was very far away from Shanhao one second ago, and they were together in the next second. The speed of the young man is not ordinary fast, it is simply outrageously fast.

More importantly, how did Shan Hao's fingers get stamped off?

Tang Zhong chopped off Shan Hao's finger, and the whole person teleported away again.

He didn't want any jade at all. Originally, he wanted to use his ability to find jade to make Robert notice him and approach him. But since Shanhao repented, it would be easy. Stone, that must be a person with the ability, and the ability of the blue stone is teleportation, and now he can just show it directly, then Robert must know about the stone, if let him know that he has teleportation, then he will definitely come Looking for Tang Zhong.

Everyone was looking ahead, but they found that Tang Zhong had disappeared, and everyone seemed to have seen a ghost.

"My God, how could it be like this, what about that person just now? How could his speed be so fast, his running speed is like the wind!"

"Yeah, I didn't see what it was?"

"Could it be that person is a special soldier from Huaxia? This is Yuncheng, which is relatively close to Myanmar!"


Then everyone looked at Shan Hao, his fingers were all broken, and they directly chose to call the police.

But who knew, when the police arrived, they took Shan Hao away directly, on the charge of defrauding more than ten million yuan!
At this moment, the people present were even more convinced that Tang Zhong was an international special soldier, otherwise the police wouldn't catch him if he broke his finger.

But more importantly, Shan Hao has been arrested by the police for deceiving people like this, and he has notified the quarry!

What happened here was quickly spread, spreading throughout Yuncheng, and almost everyone knew about it.

And at this moment, in a breakfast restaurant, a tall bearded man was staring at the TV while eating porridge and buns.

What happened in the stone casino was broadcast on TV, but it was all official words.

But a flashing image suddenly made the bearded man focus his eyes.

I saw a picture of Tang Zhong's teleportation flashing on the TV, but it was a mosaic, it was just a fragment, and then the TV broadcasted other pictures.

But all of them were seen by the bearded man, he let go of the bun in his hand, and his eyes darkened.

"Teleportation, isn't that the kind of stone needed for sacrifice? Yuncheng really exists. If that person can teleport, the stone must be in the other party's hands."

(I decided to update together every day, so the fifth update came together)
(End of this chapter)

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