Chapter 855 Show Me! (one more)
"That stone must be in the hands of that guy!" said the tall bearded man in the breakfast restaurant. He was Robert. He quickly dropped the bun in his hand, carried a black bag, and walked out of the breakfast restaurant. People are traveling at high speed like a hurricane.

The waiter at the breakfast shop saw someone running away.He ran out quickly: "You haven't paid the bill yet."

Only to find that the person had disappeared!
"I'm going, what a hell, isn't it just a few buns? As for such a desperate escape?"

As for Tang Zhong, at this moment, he was still walking slowly in Yuncheng. If there were no accidents, he must be seen by the other party when he used teleportation. Then, that Robert would appear soon.

But Tang Zhong will not sit still, for him, there are still many things to do now.

That is, give that Robert the goal.

So Tang Zhong began to say that in several other stone betting markets, all the selected stones were filled with jade, which directly caused a sensation in the whole market, but after Tang Zhong gambled out jade, he didn't want jade. leave under the gaze.

For Tang Zhong now, money is not that important to him.

His purpose is very simple, that is to let that Robert find himself.

Finally, after leaving the fifth quarry.

Tang Zhong found someone following him.

But I pretended not to notice it, and walked straight ahead. In Yuncheng, it is a tropical rainforest climate, so there are many farmlands, but this place has been abandoned. From a distance, I can see dilapidated villages, because of gambling stones The existence of these villages, the former villagers in those villages also began to follow suit. The so-called relying on the mountains to rely on the mountains to rely on the water to drink water, they also made a lot of money by gambling on stones, so the old houses here have been abandoned.

At this moment, Tang Zhong approached the old house, and when he got out, he stopped and turned around.

He said to the air behind him, "Come out!"

"Excellent, it seems that you have already discovered me, but you just didn't show it!" A voice came from the air, and immediately saw a man in a black coat appearing slowly, carrying a black bag, and wearing a mask on his head. Wearing a round hat, you can see the opponent's entire appearance clearly, only the beard on the chin and the slightly raised corners of the mouth can be seen.

"There it is!" Tang Zhong smiled.

"You should also be a capable person!" The adult dressed in black said: "Hi, my name is Robert, nice to meet you!"

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, it seemed that he had found Robert.

At this time, Robert took off his hat, and then revealed his true face. You can see a faint smile on his face. His face looks fierce, and more importantly, his face is completely different from that of a normal person. , but resembles bark, and there is a forked scar on the face.

"You may be curious, why do I want to find you, you don't have to be curious, judging by your age and appearance, you should be a Chinese martial arts master!" Robert said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak.

"I saw you from the video, you can teleport... It seems that you have this kind of treasure on your body!" When talking about the treasure, Robert kept staring at Tang Zhong, as if he wanted to see Tang Zhong. over and over.

After reading it, Robert smiled and said: "You don't need to be too nervous. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago. Besides, I want to kill you easily, because I am an S-level ability user. Facing you Chinese martial arts masters!"

"The reason why I don't kill you right now is because I need something from you, have you ever got some strange stone!"

After Robert finished speaking, his eyes fell on Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong naturally knew what Robert was talking about, but his understanding of those stones still existed in the search that Shi Daoyan Longbing said. As for what the stones were, he didn't know, maybe the person in front of him knew a little bit.

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

"Very well, you are very honest, it seems that my strength has frightened you!" Robert said.

"Now I will give you two choices, one is to give up your Chinese nationality and come to us in the Philippines!" Robert said coldly.

"Is there no other choice?" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, hand over that stone, and then I will kill you, I believe, you know how to choose!" Robert said.

"Is there anything else?" Tang Zhong continued to ask.

This Robert gave him a choice. In other words, whoever gets the stone can use it, otherwise, this Robert will never give him a choice!
It seems that Robert doesn't know how to use the stone, and then he said the second option, which is to make him hand over the stone.

"What else do you want?" Robert's pupils widened suddenly, and the surrounding air suddenly became cold, as if he had fallen into an ice bank.

"Give up your Chinese nationality and join us. We will give you very powerful support. One day, you will become extremely powerful." Robert seduced.

Then I saw his palms clenched tightly together suddenly, and a golden luster appeared on them.

Immediately, he shot out at a dead tree in the distance.

I saw that after the dead wood was covered with golden light, the whole tree seemed to be alive. The tendons of the tree rose straight up to the sky, and the whole earth was shaking. A big hole was smashed into the ground.

"See, this is my power? Is it amazing? Can you, a Chinese martial arts master, have such powerful power?"

But then he controlled the bark to bomb around.

There are big pits everywhere on the ground, and the dust is flying.

Tang Zhong saw in his eyes that this person could actually control such a tree tendon, this must be some kind of special method.

But this method does not seem to be Robert's, but was bestowed by others!
"Why, are you still not moved? What are you still hesitating about? What's so good about this Huaxia?"

"As long as you join us, you will have the same powerful power as me. What are you waiting for?"

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes and saw that the person in front of him should be just an ordinary person, so don't worry about him.

If you want to find out other news, I'm afraid you have to rely on other means.

Immediately Tang Zhong looked at Robert lazily, and said, "Is your strength very strong?"

"What did you say?" Robert's eyes narrowed.

"I said, your strength is really small, and it was bestowed by others. The person who bestowed your strength is nothing!" Tang Zhong laughed.

Robert was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "I didn't expect that your breath is quite loud, so I really want to see what kind of power is a powerful power. Can you... let me see?"

(End of this chapter)

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