Chapter 856 Torture! (two more)

"Then I really want to see, what kind of power do you think it is?" Robert smiled coldly.

"I am now an S-level ability user. In your Huaxia, that would be like a martial arts master. In your Hua country, a martial arts master should already be regarded as a powerful person, and I am only 25 years old this year. In your Hua country, you have At the age of 25, have you stepped into the martial arts grandmaster? Even if there are, there are only a handful of them!" Robert looked at Tang Zhong as if he was looking at a fool.

What Robert said is quite right. There are indeed very few people who can become martial arts masters when they are young. Step into the martial arts grandmaster, surpassing no more than a thousand people.

These words are very powerful. If it is someone else, I am afraid that Robert will really convince him, but Tang Zhong is different. To him, he is only 19 years old today, but he has already surpassed the peak of martial arts. Standing in a very high position, will people be shocked by what Robert said?
No... What Robert said was simply farting.

But at this moment, Robert looked at Tang Zhong, continued to smile and said: "Now, I have finished what I should say, then, you can tell me your choice. Of course, you only have ten seconds!"

After speaking, Robert began to count down.

"Ten... your time is running out!"

Tang Zhong smiled, still extremely calm: "Your strength is really weak!"

The word "weak" seemed to hit Robert's heart, and he was about to go crazy: "You say I'm weak, I don't know where you have the courage to dare to speak like that, right here in China, except for Yan who sits in Zhongguanhai Chihuo, Zhang Longbow of the dragon group, Qinglong, and the head of Kunlun Tianshan dare to say me, what do you think you are?"

After Robert finished speaking, he continued to count: "Nine, eight, seven...five, four."

"Is Tang Tiansha enough? I think, since you know who Yan Chihuo and Zhang Changgong are, then you should know who Tang Tiansha is!" Tang Zhong said indifferently.

"What shit, Tang Tiansha..." Robert cursed directly, but soon, his face changed drastically, and his smile froze on his face, as if thinking of something, he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and said in an unbelievable tone : "Tang Tiansha, that Tang Tiansha of Huaguo, the number one on the black list!"

Robert is a Filipino, he still knows Huaguo very well, especially when there are any powerful newcomers in Huaguo, they can always know the first time.

It was rumored that Tang Tiansha was a young man at his peak, very young.

If so, it is really similar to the person in front of him.

At this moment, Robert's heart skipped a beat.

Because Tang Tiansha's reputation is really too loud.

Huaguo Grandmaster ranked first, and later beheaded all kinds of people in the dark world, and also killed Long Aojue, not only that, but even more frightening, according to gossip, this Tang Tiansha also killed God's son Adam, as for the others, It was Robert who didn't know.

But at just such a few points, Robert would have fallen to his knees on the ground in fright.

"Now, do you want me to join your Philippines?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"I..." Robert didn't dare to speak anymore: "I don't believe you are Tang Tianshi!"

Immediately shouted, the golden light on his body was released, and at that moment, the surrounding withered old trees came alive because of the golden light, like a ferocious python, devouring towards Tang Zhong.

But Tang Zhong didn't mess up at all, standing where he was.

I saw those dead trees and tendons slapping Tang Zhong directly.

When Robert saw this, he turned around and ran away. He was afraid. Now he felt more and more that this person was not simple. He could talk to him for so long without any psychological fluctuations. In other words, this person was definitely Tang. God damn it.

Well, Robert now has no choice but to leave.

The farther the better.

At this time, the tree tendons completely slammed at Tang Zhong, which was released by Robert with all his strength. If it was an ordinary person, he might have been oppressed by the powerful momentum and turned into a pile of meat, but Tang Zhong didn't have any When he was about to be hit, he waved his hand suddenly.

A wave of fluctuation was released from the hand.

The berserk tree tendons stopped in an instant, suspended in mid-air and became still.

Immediately afterwards, I saw that the top was cracked, like ceramics, cracking, cracking, all cracked.

Then it all fell to the ground.

All the attacks did not cause any damage to Tang Zhong at all.

While running, Robert turned his head and saw that scene, he became even more panicked, and the speed under his feet increased even more.

Before turning around, I heard a voice in my ear: "So anxious, where do you want to go?"

I saw Tang Chong use the power of teleportation to go directly in front of Robert, with a smile on his face.

"" Robert's mentality has completely collapsed. The move just now was his strongest move, and he suddenly turned around and continued to run.

At this moment, Tang Zhong just stomped on the ground lightly, and his blood force poured into the ground directly, chasing after Robert, the ground where he went was directly broken, and a rumbling sound sounded, which shows how powerful the blood force is.

Everywhere it went was destroyed.

Robert's speed was not comparable to the speed of blood power at all, and he didn't dare to turn his head. At this moment, his forehead was full of shouts, and he only wanted to escape.

But at this time, he suddenly found that there seemed to be no movement behind him. Could it be that he had been thrown away by himself, and immediately turned his head slightly, but his face became even uglier at that moment, because all the blood power had already poured under his feet.

next second.

Boom, the blood force burst out of the ground, turning into a ball of light, and abruptly blasted Robert out, hitting a height of more than ten meters abruptly, and then falling from the sky.

Forcibly smashing the ground into a human-shaped pit.

The pained Robert shivered in the pit, and finally crawled out of the pit. His whole body was in a state of embarrassment, his flesh and blood were blurred, his body was covered in smoke and dust, and his clothes were torn into pieces.

And at this moment, Tang Zhong stepped forward and landed on Robert's back.

The pained Robert screamed again.

"Tell me, who gave you the courage to despise me, Huaxia, and why did you come to look for stones?"

Tang Zhong at this moment was unusually cold.

"I won't tell!" Robert kept silent.

"Don't say?" Tang Zhong sneered.

He has a hundred ways to make the other party talk.

Let's just say, Tang Zhong gathered the blood power under his feet, and then transmitted it to Robert's body.

Blood power is also about respecting the strong.

So when Tang Zhong's blood power entered Robert's body, he began to devour it crazily.

The person has no blood power, just like shrinking, and I saw that Robert's whole skin turned white. He used to be a big man, but now he looks like an old man, and more importantly, his skin exploded directly. , the blood vessels were turned over.

Then the whole person screamed in pain.

That feeling was more painful than being cut with a knife. He had never experienced such torture.

"Now, tell me?" Tang Zhong continued.

"I said... I said everything!" Robert shouted, he really couldn't bear it.

"Then why did you come to look for stones?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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