Chapter 857 The Fisherman's Little Girl! (three more)
"It's the high priest, the high priest asked me to find it!" Robert shouted all of them.

"Who is the high priest?" Tang Chong asked coldly.

"Let go of me first, I'll tell you, I hurt!" Robert roared.

"Who asked you to negotiate terms with me?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

I saw that the reaction on Robert was even stronger.

At this moment, Robert felt even more painful.

The person in front of him is not a person at all, but a real devil.

He didn't dare to mess with this devil.

"I said, I said everything, the high priest is the high priest of our state religion in the Philippines!" Robert shouted quickly.

"National religion?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

"That's why our religion in the Philippines is called Bishop Witch, and the high priest is Bishop Witch's number one figure!" Robert said.

"What stone are you looking for here? It's the stone on the paper." Tang Zhong continued to ask.

"The high priest asked me to find me, and I didn't know, but you let me go, and I really don't know anything!" Robert said.

"When I am talking to you in a friendly manner, don't ask me to change it!" Tang Zhong's eyes narrowed into a line.

When Robert heard this, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. The person next to him, there was a person there, and this person was simply a demon.

Robert had never experienced such a scene before, and his face was extremely ugly.

"I said... I said everything. What kind of power does that stone have? That's what the high priest told me. Let me go to China to find it. The high priest is a god. He knows everything. If you don't understand anything, go find it. High Priest, he must know everything."

"That's all I know, please let me go!" Robert shouted.

He was really scared.

It's really strange who this high priest is, and he can guess so many things.

It seems that I have to go to the Philippines to see it.

"I said everything, you let me go!" Robert was about to cry.

"Hehe!" Tang Zhong sneered, and then stepped on it suddenly.

Letting the enemy go was something Tang Zhong would never be able to do.

Just looking at Tang Zhong's feet, Robert was instantly shaken into flesh and blood.

It seems that no news can be obtained from this Robert, and the high priest must be found.

The high priest asked Robert to come to find the stone, so he must know what the stone is?

Immediately Tang Zhong's destination was the Philippines, a country with an extremely large number of Filipino servants.

There is a North Sea between China and China!
Tang mainly takes a boat from here before he can go to the Philippines.

After boarding an ordinary passenger ship, it is a passenger ship from the Philippines, as long as it travels between China and the Philippines, along the Beihai route.

Tang Zhong just found a place, closed his eyes and got up.

For Tang Zhong, as long as the eight stones are not completely found, then the cultivation must not stop.

Now the blood transformation has been achieved, but the soul transformation is still not enough, the dragon soul transformation is divided into nine transformations, this is the second transformation!

The soul changes, and the soul is strong enough to detect kilometers around the body.

But for Tang Zhong now, it is even more difficult to detect a hundred meters around, let alone other things.

So now Tang Zhong needs to practice, so that he can become stronger.

On this boat, there are all kinds of people, some are traveling to and from the border of Huafei, some are preparing to go fishing, and some are studying abroad.

In short, whether poor or rich, there is everything on this boat.

Tang Zhong could feel where they were, they were all weak souls, if Tang Zhong was suppressed by one soul now, the people around them might really go crazy.

He was practicing in Tang Zhong.

At this time, beside Tang Zhong, a small voice suddenly came: "Brother...are you hungry?"

Tang Zhong quickly withdrew his soul, turned around and looked, and saw a little girl standing beside him, with Chinese skin, about nine years old, and although the clothes on her body were not luxurious, they were very She's clean, with a tender face, and two braids in the back.

At this moment, the little girl smiled at Tang Zhong, and at the same time stretched out her palm, on it was a cornbread!

A clean and flawless smile, like a blowing breeze.

Tang Zhong laughed and blurted out: "Only this little bit hungry!"

"Brother, you're lying, you were clearly thundering in your stomach just now!" the little girl said.


The next second, Tang Zhong's stomach growled and he smiled awkwardly. It was really a bit like thunder. To be honest, he was really hungry.

"This is for you to eat, as long as you don't dislike it!" The little girl handed Tang Zhong a bun: "This is our steamed bun!"

"Okay!" Tang Zhong laughed, reaching out to take the steamed bread, he hadn't eaten this stuff for a long time.

"It's a bit sweet!" Tang Zhong said after taking a bite.

"Of course, my grandma knew that I like sweet food, so she put more sugar in the bun!" said the little girl.

"Well, your grandma treats you very well, by the way, why don't you sit down?" Tang Zhong asked in surprise.

Because he saw the little girl standing there all the time, with so many empty seats behind her.

The ship is sailing on the sea, and everyone around is watching the sea from the deck.

"Don't sit, I'm afraid it will get dirty!" The little girl said with a smile.

"This..." Tang Zhong was speechless: "Who told you this!"

"My grandpa..." the little girl said proudly.

"Who is your grandfather?" Tang Zhong asked.

"We are from a small island in the North Sea. We are fishermen. We often go to sea, and we smell fishy. This is a passenger ship. If it brings fishy smell to others, it is not good. Some crew members often scold us not to do it. !” said the little girl.

This reason...

Why does Tang Zhong feel a little pricked!

"What's your name?" Tang Zhong asked.

"My name is Xiaojiu, brother, are you full? You're not full, I still have some here. Grandpa and I went out this time, and grandma brought us a lot of steamed buns!" the little girl said with a smile.

Like little angels.


"Come here, you sit here!" Tang Zhong pointed to the seat next to him to the little girl.

"No, those Filipino sailors will scold me, it's terrible!" Xiao Jiu seemed to remember the past, and his face was slightly ugly.

"Don't be afraid!" Tang Zhong said with a smile, "I'll see who dares to scold you!"

Xiao Jiu didn't want to sit, she kept standing, she was exhausted long ago, when she heard Tang Zhong's words, her eyes widened: "Really?"

"Of course it's true!" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

When Xiao Jiu heard Tang Zhong's words, she was not polite anymore, and sat directly on the seat, almost paralyzed, which was a comfortable feeling.

When she was sitting in the seat, she almost fell asleep.

Tang Zhong looked at Xiao Jiu, feeling extremely bitter, he would rather stand, for fear of dirtying the boat, thinking that as a fisherman, would he be treated so badly?

But at this time, a sloppy old man walked in from the outer deck, saw Xiao Jiu sitting on the seat at a glance, stepped forward and said in a panic: "Xiao Jiu, wake up, those Filipino sailors will come to trouble you in a while Already!"

Look at this sloppy old man, although his hair is disheveled, he wears straw sandals, and although his clothes are shabby, they have no smell at all.

Tang Zhong immediately said: "Old man, no need, let Xiao Jiu rest here for a while, she is a bit tired!"

(End of this chapter)

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