Chapter 858 Captain! (four more)

The old man became anxious in an instant, he looked like he was about to cry, and he looked extremely painful. He quickly waved his hand to Tang Zhong and said, "No, no, those crew members don't let us North Sea fishermen sit!"

"I've been on this boat before, and they beat me up. They also said that if I dirty this boat again, they won't let me ride on this boat. This is a Philippine boat!" the old man said anxiously.

"So let Xiao Jiu come down now!"

"But now Xiao Jiu has fallen asleep!" Tang Zhong said.

"Hey!" The old man sighed deeply.

"I just said that's my sister, it's okay!" Tang Zhong said.

The old man was very excited when he heard this: "Thank you... This little girl has been on the boat many times, but she has never sat in this seat. Thank you so much!"

Tang Zhong could tell that the old man was a very good fisherman.

"Sit over here too!" Tang Zhong said, "I'll just say you're my grandfather!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhong smiled brightly.

He couldn't believe it, these Filipino crew members still dared to do this.

"Really?" the old man said excitedly.

He is also tired, standing there, his legs are spinning.

"I'll forget it, look at my rags!" The old man stopped sitting,
"It's okay!" Tang Zhong murmured: "Come here!"

Tang Zhong pointed to the place next to him.

The old man still refused, but Tang Zhong pulled him down to the seat next to him, and finally sat on it.

"It's comfortable!" The old man let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's comfortable, then sit down!" Tang Zhong said.

The North Sea is also China's territory, and the small islands in the North Sea are full of fishermen. When they want to go to Yuncheng from the island, they have to stand all the way there. The people from the Philippines probably did it on purpose.

When did people in the Philippines dare to look down on Huaxia people so much?

At this time, in the distant cabin, several crew members in uniform walked in.

It seems that the employees on this ship began to patrol there.

Just check security.

On the seat, some people got on the boat directly, took off their shoes, and just lay on the seat, they should be Filipinos.

But those crew members didn't even look at it at all, and just went around.

At the same time, the crew also saw Xiao Jiu and Grandpa next to Tang Zhong, and rushed over directly.

The two crew members, one fat and one thin, were wearing Filipino costumes. Looking at Xiao Jiu, they yelled directly: "You fishermen, I warned you, you are not allowed to sit on the seat, you can only stand outside, you guys what's up?
The fat crew member stepped forward, raised his hand, and slapped Xiao Jiu.

Xiao Jiu was still sleeping, but the old man next to him had already woken up. He saw the crew when he opened his eyes, and stood up in shock: "We...we didn't intend to take the seat!"

When he saw that the other party was going to hit his granddaughter, he shouted directly: "You can't hit!"

"I want to fight!" the Fatty Filipino sailor said.

Seeing that the palm was about to fall on Xiao Jiu's face, at this moment, Tang Zhong shot directly.

A slap was thrown out directly, facing the fat crewman's arm.

Ah, with a scream, the fat crew member was sent flying and fell to the ground, his face twitching.

The other crew member didn't think of this scene at all, his face turned ugly instantly, his eyes moved from the old man and the others to Tang Zhong, and immediately pointed at Tang Zhong and shouted: " dare to hit someone, I think you are alive Impatient!"

The old man next to him was frightened, he didn't expect that Tang Zhong would dare to beat someone.

But at this moment, because of the fluctuation here, the people around were also attracted, and they all looked here.

Among them, there are fewer Chinese people, there are not many in total, and more Filipinos!
After surrounding them, they all began to criticize Tang Zhong.

"That person is from Huaxia!"

"Why are you so rude!"

"Yeah, you actually beat us Filipinos. This is our Filipinos' boat. When did Chinese people become so presumptuous!"

At this time, Tang Zhong glanced around, and he found a very big problem, why are the passengers around them so physically fit, this safety is not like ordinary passengers.

But how to deal with this crew now!

The thin crew member stared at Tang Zhong, his eyes were full of anger: "You beat people on the ship, you are Chinese, you are suspected of hurting us Filipinos, I will catch you and hand over to us Filipinos to deal with!"

When the old man next to him heard this, his face turned ugly: "Leave it to the Philippines, that's not good.

"No, absolutely not, sir, we are all fishermen from the North Sea, we will no longer be your seats, please spare us for a while!"

The old man is a fisherman, and he thinks these sailors are very good.

"Shut up, I didn't talk to you!" The thin crew member yelled at the old man directly.

Then the thin crew member looked at Tang Zhong and shouted: "What are you waiting for, don't you surrender yourself!"

"It seems that we haven't reached Beihai yet, but if we haven't reached Beihai, it should be our territory in China. What are you going to use to arrest people?" Tang Zhong said with a smile.

He felt more and more that something was wrong with the people on this boat!

The thin crew member was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Fart, if you beat someone on our Philippine boat, we can catch you!"

"Then you and we all know how to cruise the sea, but you don't let us Chinese people sit on the seats, so what is that?" Tang Zhong said.

The emaciated crew member's face suddenly became ugly: "Your words are really too much!"

Then he directly took out the walkie-talkie: "Captain, there is trouble here!"

Then looking at Tang Zhong, the thin crew member shouted directly: "Boy, you are dead!"

"Come on, I want to see how I'm going to die!" Tang Zhong said lazily, then looked at the anxious old man next to him and said: "Grandpa, it's okay, don't worry!"

Soon, after the thin and weak crew member called people, soon, people came in from all directions, more than 20 crew members came in together, followed by a leader.

The leader was a big man about 1.8 meters tall, with dark skin, and he looked like he was not an ordinary person!

Tang Zhong saw it in his eyes, it was really strange, is such a small captain so strong?
Thinking of the crew around him, Tang Zhong felt that all this was really strange.

The leading captain led the people to the side of the thin crew. Hearing something the thin crew said, his face became gloomy, and then his gaze fell to Tang Zhong's side, and he walked over slowly. With majesty, he said to Tang Zhong: "Who are you, we are from the Philippines here, and the people who hurt us, you have done too much!"

(End of this chapter)

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