Chapter 859 Falling into the Plan (Fifth Watch)
"Who is your Excellency? If you do this, you don't care about our Philippine country!" The captain said to Tang Zhong as soon as he appeared.

A large group of people surrounded Tang Zhong, including Tang Zhong and the old man Xiao Jiu in the center.

When the old man saw those crew members coming over, his face was very ugly, but now he saw the captain, he was even more frightened: "Master Captain, we didn't do it on purpose, we won't be your seat anymore, just go around us Bar!"

After all, they are fishermen, and they can't raise their courage at all when facing these people.

But the captain didn't even look at them, but kept looking at Tang Zhong.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was lazily ignoring what the other party thought.

He felt more and more that there were problems with everyone on this ship. First of all, the captain was really not like the captain of a passenger ship, but more like a general, and the crew and passengers were even more strange.

"This old man is my uncle, if you scold my uncle, I can't stop beating them!" Tang Zhong said.

The captain was slightly startled when he heard Tang Zhong's words.

The person next to him shouted: "Captain, don't let this guy go away. Those who beat us should be handed over to the state!"

But the captain clapped his hands to the people next to him, and then said to Tang Zhong: "Then we did something wrong this time, and we won't do it again in the future!"

The people around were stunned when they heard what the captain said. They never thought that their own captain would say such a thing.


"Okay, don't disturb the passengers around, let's go, this is a farce, let it end now!" The captain turned and walked away after finishing speaking.

Before following the captain, the fierce man could only stare at Tang Zhong and turn away.

Soon they left the cabin.

Those passengers also sat down, as if nothing happened just now.

And the moment the captain walked out of the cabin, the expression on his face became extremely gloomy.

The person next to him immediately said: "Captain, are you really letting that Huaxia guy go?"

"That person is not simple, so don't mess with him. This time, we have a mission, and the mission is more important. When we get to Beihai, that guy will die!" the captain said.

"Yes, yes, stick to Beihai." The person next to him couldn't help but also laughed.

In the room at the moment.

"Are you okay!" The old man asked Tang Zhong while hugging Xiao Jiu, the expression on his face was unusually worried.

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said.

"It was really hanging just now. These crew members are usually cursing, and one is worse than the other. Today, it seems that they have all changed, and their quality has become higher. This is really strange!" said the old man next to him.

"You mean these people are different from usual!" Tang Zhong asked.

"Yeah, it's just different!" the old man said.

This made Tang Zhong start to ponder. The appearance of those crew members just now should not be normal crew members.

It seems that what these people want to do, let's take a look first.

The boat is getting closer and closer to the North Sea. You can see that there are many islands in the distance, most of which are deserted islands, and there are not many people.

Tang Zhong looked at the scene outside through the window.

The outside is full of fog, a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing can be seen.

"It's really strange, why is there so much fog? I didn't notice such fog when I left in the morning?" The old man couldn't help scratching his head and said.

"Also, the ship's sailing direction is not right!" the old man was surprised again.

"Is there a mistake?" Tang Zhong couldn't help asking.

"It is absolutely impossible to make a mistake. I grew up on the North Sea when I was a child. I have been here for more than 70 years. I know the direction of the North Sea's water flow. This ship is going in the wrong direction!" said the old man.

Tang Zhong frowned, and at this moment, he found that the passengers around him stood up consciously, walked out of the cabin, and went to the deck, as if they were gathering.

This made Tang Zhong even more suspicious.

Suddenly, his ears moved and he heard something different.

It came in from the outside.

He heard someone making a noise, his soul was already very strong, and there was no problem with radiating [-] meters.

The noisy sounds he heard now were not from this ship, but from other ships.

Are there other ships here?

If there are other ships, it is not just one, but many.

Could it be that these Philippine ships gathered here on purpose?
Tang Zhong squinted his eyes. If this is the case, then these Filipino people must be doing something shameful.

Let's take a look first.

There was a rumbling sound, and the huge iron ship vibrated with a bang. It should be that the ship has docked!
When the old man next to him heard the voice, he suddenly said: "I know what this place is? This is the North Sea Valley, how did the boat get here? It's far from the normal route, so it's not 01:30." Ah, how could those Filipino sailors make a mistake, this is definitely not something a sailor can make a mistake!"

"Maybe, they did it on purpose!" Tang Zhong said.

There is definitely something wrong with this Philippine ship.

"What?" The old man's face looked ugly: "Didn't the captain just say that he had let us go, did he mean to kill us now? These bastards are so worthless, didn't we just sit in their seats?" ? As for this look?"

"'s not because of this, I think you have a problem with this, Grandpa, take Xiao Jiu with you in a while, be careful, don't get caught!" Tang Zhong said.

Now he finally realized what the captain he saw just now looked like a general, and the crew members should all be soldiers, as well as the passengers on board, so they all looked the same no matter what they did. It can only be owned by an army, that is to say, on this ship, except for the three of them, everyone else should be from the Philippine army.

And just now he heard a lot of noise, and there should be many ships around, that is to say, there are still many of the same army sailing over.

This must be some unrevealable secret of the Philippines.

Sure enough, at this time, there was a shout outside the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the previous captain, who had changed his outfit and looked like a general, walking in slowly at this moment.

Beside him, there were also soldiers standing, all pretending to be arrogant. ,
The captain and general walked to Tang Zhong's side and said with a sneer, "Boy, we met again, aren't you very surprised!"

"It's really surprising!" Tang Zhong said, so many Filipino soldiers gathered here, there must be some secret, don't expose yourself first, let's see.

(End of this chapter)

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