Chapter 861 Paving the way with blood! (two more)

On the way to the North Sea valley, there is also a ship, but this ship is a real war ship, which is much better than other ships here.

But at the moment on the ship, all the sailors are working hard to control the ship's route.

And at the bow of the boat, a man in a silver robe stood there, holding a telescope and looking at the picture ahead. Beside him, stood two crooked people with their backs on their backs!

All the thunder and lightning in the distance were seen by the man in the silver robe with a telescope.

"Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and the unworldly stone came out. The prophecy of the sacrifice has been successfully fulfilled!"

As the person in the silver robe spoke, the two hunchbacked people next to him agreed: "Yes, Silver Guardian!"

I saw Guardian Yin put down the binoculars in his hand, then looked at the people beside him and said, "Are those troops ready?"

"Okay!" said the person next to him.

"The priest said that there will definitely be treasures here. It is likely to be that kind of stone, so no matter what, it cannot be snatched away by others, so we must pay attention to everything, you know?" Silver Guardian said.

Speaking of that kind of stone, I saw two hunchbacked people next to each other looking at each other and laughing, obviously they were also yearning for that kind of stone.

And at this moment, there were a few soldiers who looked like soldiers from behind, escorting them out.

It was Xiao Jiu and his grandfather. After they escaped from Lute's boat, they didn't escape very far, and they were caught here.

"What are you going to do?"

"You group of Filipino bandits!"

The two were detained and could not move at all.

After they yelled this, the soldier holding them said directly and coldly: "Old guy, shut up!"

Then he slapped Master Jiu in the face.

Master Jiu is already over 70 years old, after this slap, palm prints appeared on the whole face, and the few remaining teeth fell out.

"Grandpa, grandpa!" Xiao Jiu shouted.

"Grandpa is fine, Xiao Jiu, don't worry!" Master Jiu spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Old man, if you talk to me again, I will kill you!" shouted the soldier who slapped Master Nine just now.

Soon Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu were brought to the side of the silver protector.

The soldier stepped forward and said, "Guardian, we caught two Chinese people, how should we deal with them?"

The Silver Protector hadn't spoken yet, but the two hunchbacked people next to him said directly: "The Huaxia people must be killed, and no one of the Huaxia people must be spared!"

"Wait!" The silver protector turned around and revealed his appearance. It was a man with a silver face. After looking up and down at Master Jiu and Xiao Jiu, he said, "Prison the two of them to prevent unexpected events. use!"

"Good!" said the soldier next to him.

Master Jiu continued to curse: "You bandits, what the hell are you doing hiding from us Huaxia? The North Sea belongs to us Huaxia, not yours. Bandits, you will die!"

But he was dragged away abruptly.

As soon as Lord Jiu and the others were taken away, the two hunchbacked men immediately came up and said, "Guardian, why do you want to spare the lives of these two people, since they are Chinese people, wouldn't it be best to kill them as soon as possible? "The hunchback said.

"No...killing them will make it even more troublesome. The purpose this time is to help the high priest find the treasure that is about to be born, instead of wasting time here!" Silver Guardian said.

"it is good!"

Then Silver Guardian looked forward again, and the speed of the warship was also extremely fast at the same time.

Sailing all the way, the speed is extremely fast.

And in the North Sea Valley.

Tang Zhong hid in the dark, watching the changes ahead.

The people on the boat seemed to have forgotten Tang Zhong's existence, but had already started.

The people on the boat came down one after another, and when they reached the reef, there was fog ahead. They walked forward and quickly disappeared into the fog.

Tang Zhong was shuttling over the reef, closely following these people, looking down from a high altitude, wanting to see what they were doing?
Those Filipino soldiers finally stopped, and in front of them was a cave.

People can be seen walking in from the cave, but there are few people who go in, it should be the vanguard.

"It seems that these people have all entered the cave, I'll go in and have a look too, and investigate everything before them!" Tang Zhong said, and then he was about to leave.

But at this time, screams came from those who had just entered the cave, and then the entrance of the cave vibrated.

"What's going on?" Tang Zhong frowned, stopped, and immediately his pupils widened.

I saw the entrance of the cave, and suddenly a golden light gushed out, like a laser.

At the same time, the corpses of those who were shot out before were swallowed up in the golden light bit by bit.

This kind of light, like a laser, can knock people into nothingness.

It can be seen how powerful it is.

The people next to the hole all ran away one after another, or lay down directly on the ground, for fear of being hit by the light, and seeing their companions die like this, they were deeply terrified in their hearts.

"My God, what the hell is this?"

"Is our mission here to investigate this cave? The high priest never told us that this cave is so dangerous!"


Every soldier is panicking.

And their conversations were all heard by Tang Zhong.

It seems that these soldiers don't know this cave, and it is the high priest who knows everything.

But now that the cave is so weird, there must be some treasure.

Tang Zhong hid behind.

Soon the front became quiet again, and a few high priests walked out from among the soldiers, shot and killed those troublemakers, and then everyone fell silent.

Then continue to walk towards the cave.

But still the same result!

After a while, several beams of light shot out from the cave, and all the people who entered before died.

But the generals still let the soldiers go in.

Finally, after a dozen waves of people went in.

Finally, there was no golden light released from the cave.

In other words, the cave can be entered.

Tang Zhong frowned. The high priest of the Philippines is really ruthless. Now he finally understands why there are treasures here, so many soldiers come here. They are all here to die.

Open the way to the cave with blood.

I'm afraid these soldiers knew that they were here to die, so they had fled long ago.

Now that the cave can be entered, Tang Zhong followed immediately. The high priest of the Philippines is the high priest of the witch bishop. The priest is similar to the fortune teller in China. They can all calculate something. It seems that the high priest discovered this cave. There are treasures inside, that's why I'm so deliberate here, but what exactly is in this cave?This actually made Tang Zhong extremely curious, he had a look first before talking, Tang Zhong immediately followed behind everyone, entered the cave, and was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him.

(Two chapters first, there are three more today)
(End of this chapter)

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