Chapter 862 Shrimp Soldiers and Crab Generals! (three more)

Tang Zhong was stunned by the scene in front of him, and now he is at the entrance of the cave.

I saw water bubbles coming out of it.

These blisters are colorful, looking from a distance, giving people a warm feeling.

Not only that, but also the surrounding walls shocked Tang Zhong even more.

Covered with a layer of shells, it looks like a dragon palace described in a book!
Tang Zhong was really stunned by the sight, he was wondering what kind of place this is, it's so amazing.

This doesn't seem like a dangerous place at all, but so many soldiers from the Philippines were directly purified by those light beams after they came in, Tang Zhong must be serious, in case something happens and dies here, it is really too much Lost.

Ahead, Philippine soldiers are still moving forward.

Root and other generals were also among them, and they were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

"Oh my god, what is this place?"

"In this Beihai valley, there are such strange places?"

"The high priest said that there are treasures here, and it really is true!" Lute secretly said in his heart.

Here, it is like the Dragon Palace recorded in the book.

At this time, a huge statue appeared in front of it. This statue was like a giant crab, a full 20 meters high, and looked lifelike. From the outside, it was carved out of stone.

All the Filipino soldiers were stunned.

"This...thing seems to be real!"

"Yeah, I'll go. Who built this place? This is the first time I've seen such a vivid crab!"

"Me too!"

Then they approached the crabs one by one, wanting to see them clearly.

Tang Zhong was also immersed in all these miraculous scenes, but his soul power was strong, and he felt a surge of vitality around him. He hurriedly looked for where this vitality was, and when he found it, his expression changed drastically.

Because the source of this vitality is above the stone crab.

At this moment, a bloody light flickered on the stone crab, and then saw many cracks appearing on the stone skin, and the claws of the crab also moved. The stone crab is actually alive now.

The Filipino soldiers nearby were all circling around, and some of them took out their mobile phones to take selfies.

The stone crab started to move, and everyone's faces turned ugly.

"This...what's the matter?"

"The stone... is alive!"

The stone crab really moved, its pincers were like blades, and it pinched towards the Philippine soldier next to it.

Clamping a soldier, forcibly clamping the opponent's body in half, the man's screams have not yet come out.

Those Filipino soldiers who were scared started to flee.

Now the stone crab has completely turned into a murderous creature. It is like a guard, guarding the palace.

All intruders will be killed without mercy.

One kick directly crushed the person from the head.

Some people even took out guns, but they couldn't even hurt the stone crab's hair. When they hit it with a bang bang bang, none of the bullets rebounded, and they turned into powder directly.

The Filipino soldiers fled in fright.

They can no longer run towards the outside of the cave, now they can only run into the cave.

But there are many stone sculptures like this in front, and there are many shrimp soldiers and crab generals, densely packed.

And at the place where humans walked past, those sculptures all came alive, with red light in their pupils.

"Kill...kill, kill any intruders!"

Looking at this scene in the distance, Tang Zhong was stunned. The sculptures were actually alive. He could almost tell now that these sculptures were the guards here. They guarded the land and prevented intruders from entering, but these How does sculpture live?

Then Tang Zhong looked deep into the cave, and the answer must be inside.

Immediately, the speed of the feet increased.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals around have already come to life, and they have started to kill, holding stone knives in their hands, slaughtering at will. Those Philippine soldiers are not opponents at all.

The generals in the crowd are all martial arts masters, and at this time they are fighting shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

General Root looked ahead with a gloomy expression.

Holding the saber in his hand, he confronted the shrimp soldiers.

He jumped up suddenly, and struck down with a knife, blood and blood colliding.

It can block, but it can't destroy the opponent.

His confidants followed him, and they became even more frightened when they saw that General Root had actually lost.

"What should I do? General, what is this place? How can these statues live!"

"I don't know either. The high priest just said that we should mine this cave, but he didn't say anything else!" Root said.

All the people on the warship received orders to occupy the North Sea and not allow anyone to enter, and then to find a cave. This is the right thing, but the high priest didn't tell him that the cave was like this.

"Run, don't die!" Root shouted.

A large group ran wildly.

And at this time, Tang Zhong passed through the crowd at an extremely fast speed, and now he was also facing the shrimp soldier. He had been far away just now, but now he was in close contact.

Tang Zhong saw the hostility on Xia Bing's body at a glance!

He could feel the vitality swimming in Xia Bing's body. It seemed that something gave these sculptures life force, so they could live.

Let's see what's inside these shrimp soldiers?
Immediately, Tang Zhong grabbed the Tang Dao and slashed at the shrimp soldier in front of him. The scorching Tang Dao was so sharp that the sculpture was cut off directly like tofu, and a hole was split on its body. It was huge. of stone carvings are cut.

Tang Zhong saw that the sculpture was full of water at first glance, and now it is all gushing out of the sculpture.

With a bang, the severed shrimp soldier stone sculpture fell to the ground, and all the water inside flowed out, almost covering it up.

How could it be water?
Tang Zhong frowned slightly, obviously the vitality was in this sculpture just now, why is it gone now?
But now it's not a place to stay for a long time, Tang Zhong wanted to go to the front as soon as possible to see, the speed under his feet suddenly accelerated, and he reached the distance with a swipe.

As for the surrounding sculptures, he was no longer ready to kill.

And those Filipino soldiers didn't see Tang Zhong's appearance clearly at all. They saw someone suddenly appearing and killed a shrimp soldier.

"General Root, who is that person? Is it one of our own?"

"I don't know!" Lute didn't see Tang Zhong's face clearly: "But it should be that the North Sea has been occupied by our Philippines, and that person should be sent by the high priest. As long as the high priest comes, Then we will be saved!"

A confidant suddenly thought of something else: "General, could that person be the Chinese who ran away before?"

"How could it be? The Huaxia people weren't so powerful before, otherwise they wouldn't be scared away by us. If they were really as powerful as before, they wouldn't have had to run before!" Lute laughed.

The people around also nodded, thinking that it made some sense.

They thought it was their Philippine country who came to save their lives, and they all became happy.

"As long as the task is completed this time, it will definitely be a great credit!"


Just when they were happy, another black shadow suddenly flew over above their heads.

"Then... who is that person?" Someone asked immediately after seeing the black shadow.

"I don't know, are they still from the Philippines?"

"Who was that person before that?"

Soon, the shadow disappeared into the dark.

(One update was blocked because I wrote a gunfight, and I am now contacting the editor to unravel it!)
(End of this chapter)

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